#StoryTeller與你看電影:【情迷電影節 Rifkin's Festival】
我翹著腿,坐在工作檯前,瞄了瞄男人那副咬牙切齒、試圖說服所有人自己就是受害者的嘴臉,視線又重新回到電腦螢幕上,打了個病症的名稱 —— Hypochondriasis,然後木無表情地問:「你為甚麼這麼確認呢?」
「怎麼可能不知道? 我親眼看到她坐那男人的車回來!他啊,一副玩世不恭的富二代模樣,很明顯是鬧著玩,但女人就是喜歡這些,一見到有錢有地位的男人就巴不得投懷送抱!她一定早就嫌我又窮又老,沒車沒樓,當初肯嫁給我也只是一時被迷惑⋯⋯枉我對她一往情深。我真是命苦,一次又一次被這些膚淺的女人們欺騙、傷害,三段婚姻也鬧得支離破碎,早知道我就⋯⋯」
「放屁!是那些女人的不幸吧?以為自己心甘情願地跟一個窮小子努力,付出青春和真誠,就可以收穫細水長流的愛情,白頭到老,到頭來被男人可悲的自尊擊敗,無辜地遭拋棄。你說女人膚淺,可不都是你們男人造成的嗎? 難道你們就不膚淺嗎?有錢的誰不想要年輕貌美的女人?不有錢的就自怨自艾,整天疑神疑鬼,說女人會為錢拋棄自己,直到她們終於受不了,真得走了,還得被貼上拜金的罪名。」
人生如戲,有時是喜劇,有時是悲劇 ⋯⋯ 但我們都不是導演或編劇,卻有太多人過早定型了它的類別,結果皆以鬧劇收場。
Movie:《情迷電影節》Rifkin's Festival
Text by StoryTeller Team @everyone.is.storyteller
🎬 StoryTeller 請你看電影《情迷電影節》
由即日起至6月27日(星期日)23:59,在此貼文下留言:「我想與 @(標記一位朋友) 一起看《情迷電影節》!」即有機會獲得換票證兩張,名額總共有十位。
*換票證需親身前往 Cabinet of Stories (中環士丹頓街15號一樓)領取*
導演:活地亞倫 Woody Allen
主演:艾蓮娜安娜雅 Elena Anaya、路易斯加爾 Louis Garrel、珍娜姬遜 Gina Gershon、沙治路柏斯 Sergi López、華萊士尚恩 Wallace Shawn 、基斯杜化華茲 Christoph Waltz
過氣電影講師莫德(華萊士尚恩 飾)與任職電影公關的妻子舒(珍娜姬遜 飾)一起來到西班牙參加聖塞巴斯蒂安影展,但電影加上陽光與海灘都未能讓莫德享受其中,皆因他此行只是為了牢牢看緊與法國型男導演菲烈(路易斯加爾 飾)過從甚密的妻子,以防她紅杏出牆。
菲烈的新作在影展中大獲好評,莫德只覺俗不可耐,他懷緬昔日電影經典,沉醉於褒曼、費里尼、高達、杜魯福、布紐爾等大師之作。他對菲烈的非議,進一步加劇了夫妻間的磨擦,意興闌珊之際竟遇上天涯淪落人—心臟科醫生祖安娜(艾蓮娜安娜雅 飾)跟他志趣相投,亦因婚姻不美滿而深明莫德的苦況。當舒終日與菲烈形影不離,莫德亦與祖安娜成了忘年之交,更讓他重拾了對經典電影的熱情,在光影之中找回對未來的希望。
@GoldenSceneHK #StoryTellerTicketGiveaway #TicketGiveaway #活地亞倫 #情迷電影節 #電影故事 #沒有你的故事也是你的故事
ad-lib & StoryTeller presents : 【#WeWearStories】
展期 Date : 05/06/2021 (Sat)- 26/06/2021 (Sat)
場地 Venue : K11 Art Mall 地下 G01
開放時間 Time:上午 11 時至下午 9 時
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同時也有52部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅pennyccw,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Rasheed Wallace could not miss for three quarters and his teammates could not miss in the fourth. Wallace scored 30 points and the Portland Trail Bla...
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《婚姻故事》(Marriage Story)Noah Baumbach 2019導演
對一個本身也有個婚姻故事的人來說,我有點小失望,主要是編導可能太糾結於「既要強調兩人對彼此都仍有感情,又要強調離婚過程的種種法律細節造成兩人的撕裂而非離不可」,可能導演認為這樣的矛盾拉扯最有張力,但我覺得結果是兩個部份都呈現得不夠(不是不好);但它至少是這個世代的《克拉瑪對克拉瑪》(Kramer vs. Kramer),雖然我認為它未能超越。
就男女主角而言,Scarlett Johansson吃虧在她的聲音不夠高亢,就女性而言她的聲音偏向低沉,在和Adam Driver爭執的那場關鍵戲中,音量上本就無法抗衡,聲音又太低沉,導致那場爭執戲的看點幾乎全在Adam Driver身上,雖然我很喜歡Scarlett Johansson,但她其實不適合和Adam Driver搭檔演這片,那短髮也不適合她。
眾所皆知Noah Baumbach拍這片的藍本就是他與前妻Jennifer Jason Leigh的婚姻故事,我覺得若是年輕20歲的的Jennifer Jason Leigh來演就太完美了,當然這是癡人說夢,不過有看過她1995主演的《落翅天使》(Georgia)的人或可體會,當年看到此片時簡直驚為天人,不只是美貌,而是演技(演技比美貌還更出色,黑寡婦演技還差著一點兒);後來在昆汀《八惡人》裡演個老醜婆子,又沒啥關鍵戲份,簡直是被糟蹋,這一節我永遠不原諒昆汀!
另就離婚的法律過程部份,亮點無疑是Laura Dern,天哪!侏儸紀公園後還能有如此身材不說,表現也是可圈可點,本片的選角在SJ上有失,卻在LD上扳回來,有點匪夷所思,Ray Liotta和Alan Alda各稱其職,Ray Liotta沒能在馬蒂《愛爾蘭人》軋得一角,在此片也算露了臉!
但片子一開場令我眼睛一亮的卻是老演員Wallace Shawn,此翁在百老匯、好萊塢縱橫超過五十年,又是配音師,又是劇作家,最早曾在伍迪艾倫的《Manhattan》裡演Diane Keaton的前夫,1994年他在路易馬盧的遺作《汎雅在42街》(Vanya on 42nd Street)演 Uncle Vanya,路易馬盧把一個劇團排演契柯夫的劇本《凡尼亞舅舅》的過程,拍成一部真正的舞台劇電影,這些年他多以配音為主,又在螢幕(or銀幕?)上看到他真叫人懷念。
最後要說的是其實是小兒子對爸媽任何一人的對手戲都沒有化學效應,可能導演心思已經難以兼顧了吧?史上其他同樣題材的經典名片就不再一一列舉了,但還是要恭喜本片入圍六項金球獎,僅僅為了Laura Dern就值得一看了!
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-Kobe Bryant -
去年例行賽他可以說是枯坐板凳,並在季後賽裡接受猶他爵士震撼教育與無數羞辱,當時流下不甘心眼淚的天才高中生Kobe Bryant早已經按奈不住生涯第二個球季快點到來。
看到自家球隊的年輕小子才放假第一天就勤奮練球,當時湖人總教練Del Harris可以說是喜憂參半,喜的是很少有這樣肯努力不懈自我要求到這境界的年輕人,憂的是他似乎將自己逼得太緊,已經到了瘋狂的境界,Harris當時曾說過:
然而另一方面,球隊總管Jerry West則是對這小子的態度感到欣喜若狂,他不像總教練Harris那樣杞人憂天,他從這孩子身上看到了一名成為傳奇球員裡需要的驕傲自信以及渴望進化的決心,這也讓他更確信這年輕人將成為這支歷史悠久紫金大軍未來的核心要角,他說:
就在1997年夏天的季前熱身賽,在一場湖人出戰巫師的比賽中,Kobe在三分線外施展華麗的Crossover晃過對手,馬上箭步如飛毫無畏懼的直搗黃龍切入禁區挑戰巫師隊身穿30號球衣的禁區硬漢,他的名字叫做Ben Wallace。
🎥Kobe在1998年季前賽Crossover撕裂防線硬扣Ben Wallace⬇
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這一灌,也成為Kobe Bryant職業生涯第一次騎在別人身上的狂妄暴扣,並奠定他的話題性與鎂光燈的壟罩,同時開啟職業生涯第二年的明星之路。
而在看過那記引起聯盟騷動的暴扣後,當時貴為聯盟野獸灌籃王的Shawn Kemp就很肯定這年輕小子說道:
✏️ HBK
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Rasheed Wallace could not miss for three quarters and his teammates could not miss in the fourth.
Wallace scored 30 points and the Portland Trail Blazers scored on their first 10 possessions of the final period, snapping a season-high six-game losing streak with a 96-88 victory over the Philadelphia 76ers.
Wallace made 13-of-20 shots, including 4-of-4 3-pointers. The two-time All-Star flashed his inside-outside game and helped the Trail Blazers open an 11-point lead early in the third quarter.
"It was just a good game, everybody out there playing hard," a terse Wallace said. "That's all. Nothing new."
"Rasheed is an All-Star and what he did tonight was no surprise," 76ers guard Eric Snow said. "You've just got to try to limit his shots."
The 76ers fought back within 71-70 early in the final period before Wallace made a 3-pointer to start a 19-5 surge. Working against the stingiest defense in the NBA, the Blazers simply were unstoppable.
Wallace sat for most of the decisive surge but it did not seem to matter. Damon Stoudamire made two straight jumpers and a layup, Shawn Kemp drilled two long jumpers and Derek Anderson made a pair before two free throws by Ruben Patterson gave the Blazers a 90-75 lead with 5:49 remaining.
Stoudamire scored 19 points and Kemp had 10 for Portland, which shot 51 percent (42-of-82) and looked nothing like the team that was mired in its longest losing streak in over six years.
"It depends on how many minutes are available," said Kemp, who has come off the bench and struggled most of the season. "It's up to me to make the most of it."
Stoudamire also had 11 assists as the Blazers did a terrific job of sharing the ball. They had 33 assists and repeatedly passed ahead of Philadelphia's defensive rotations.
"We finally put a win together," Stoudamire said. "We have to play like that every game."
"That's the way we're going to win games," Portland coach Maurice Cheeks said. "It was probably the most heady game we played all year. We made the right decisions. We seemed to play smart. We played under control."
It was a sweet win for Cheeks, who was a player and assistant coach in Philadelphia for nearly 20 years.
"That wasn't easy," Cheeks said. "I was having fun with them. They were having fun with me."
"It was tough," said Sixers coach Larry Brown, who had Cheeks as an assistant for four years. "I thought if we won it wouldn't be something I'd enjoy."
Derrick Coleman scored 21 points and Allen Iverson added 18 for the 76ers, who completed a marathon seven-game, 12-day road trip at 3-4. The Sixers fell to 8-13 on the road but do not travel further west than Milwaukee for the rest of the season.
"We learned a lot about each other as a team and accomplished something as a team, not as individuals," Iverson said. "It's been tough playing on the road, so it will be good playing in our own gym."
Philadelphia has lost nine of its last 11 games in Portland.
The Sixers scored the first 10 points of the game, but Wallace scored 14 points in the opening period as the Blazers stormed back to take a 27-24 lead.
A jumper by Coleman gave Philadelphia a 42-41 lead with 4 1/2 minutes left in the first half before Wallace made two jumpers in a 9-1 burst gave Portland a 50-43 lead. Consecutive jumpers by Stoudamire opened the third quarter.
Iverson's jumper cut the deficit to 67-65 late in the period. A 3-pointer by Aaron McKie opened the final quarter and made it 69-68.
Scottie Pippen had nine points and nine assists and Patterson and Dale Davis scored eight points each for the Blazers, who held a 46-30 rebounding edge.
McKie scored 17 points and Snow added 15 and seven assists for the Sixers, who shot 41.5 percent (34-of-82).
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In his last All-Star Game, Michael Jordan was the main man during all the night.
Before the game began, Vince Carter finally offered him his starting spot. Both T-Mac and Iverson had suggested to Jordan to start in their place.
Michael started the game erratic, missing 8 of his 10 first shots, but the other players did not play better. The first quarter was the lowest scoring opening period in 50 years (18-23), and the first half the lowest since 1976 (55-52).
At halftime Jordan was serenaded by Mariah Carey in a ceremony where the singer performed 3 songs including the theme Hero.
The third quarter was played in a higher pace. McGrady scored 17 points to give the East a 93-86 advantage with 12 minutes left. With 2:04 to go in the period, Jordan sank two free throws to score his 252 point in the All-Star Game and surpass Abdul-Jabbar as the leading scorer at that time.
In the last quarter Iverson & Jordan kept the East leading in the scoreboard, but the West could tie the game in the last minutes (120-120).
The first OT almost finished with another memorable game winning shot by Jordan, who sank a jumper over Shawn Marion with 5 seconds left. But the last play still has a surprise with Jermaine O'Neal fouling Kobe Bryant's 3 pointer attempt. Kobe only scored two free throws, and the game went into a second overtime (138-138).
This extra-time was Kevin Garnett Show. He made 7 points and collected his first All-Star Game MVP with 37 points on 17-24 FG.
Ben Wallace and Brad Miller became the second/third undrafted player to participate in the NBA All-Star Game, John Starks in 1994 was the first.
MVP: Kevin Garnett (West)
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