2016/2/29 閏日溫馨小故事 -
去買蔥油餅的時候,老闆阿姨看著我說 "今天天氣很冷厚!"
我回她 "是啊,而且我超怕冷的!"
她說 "看妳的鼻子那麼紅,妳應該帶一下口罩保暖的!"
"是啊,但今天出門忘了帶~ "
她就對我說 "我這裡還有,給妳一個新的!" 就馬上從旁邊拿一包口罩出來,抽出一張堅持要我收下,也同時叫我記得保重身體。
親切的阿姨,謝謝妳! 天氣冷,但心溫暖的不得了~ <3
2016/2/29 A little leap day story:
I went to a street vender to buy an onion pancake, and while preparing the food, the vendor lady says to me, "Cold day today huh!"
To which I replied, "Totally, and I'm afraid of the cold too!"
She said, "Your nose is all red, you should wear a face mask to keep warm!"
"I know, but I forgot to bring it when I left home today.."
Then she said, "I have extras, here, let me give you a new one!" And immediately took out a bag of masks, pulled one out, and insisted on me keeping it, while reminding me to take good care of my body.
Thank you, nice lady! The weather may have been cold but my heart was definitely warmed. <3