#EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
#flu #influenza #流感
🤧 Colds and Flus
最近天氣忽冷忽熱,除了小心新冠病毒,也要注意流感呦 💪
The common cold, usually just called the cold, is an infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract that mostly affects the nose, throat and sinuses. Typical symptoms include coughing, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, and sneezing. Many different strains of viruses cause the cold, but rhinoviruses are the most common. The cold can also be caused by coronaviruses—the same family of viruses responsible for Wuhan pneumonia, SARS and MERS.
And then there’s the flu, which is short for influenza. The flu is caused by the influenza virus, a family of viruses that also includes H1N1—the virus responsible for both the Spanish flu (which killed around 50 million people!) and the swine flu. The flu produces the same symptoms as the cold, plus high fever, chills, headaches and muscle and joint pain. While colds usually don’t result in serious health problems, the flu can cause complications like pneumonia and bacterial infections.
When talking about colds and flus, we can use the verbs “have” and “catch.” Ex: Don’t come too close to me—I have a cold. I caught the flu last week and missed two days of work. We can also use the phrase “come down with.” Ex: I think I’m coming down with the flu. Brian came down with a cold and stayed home all weekend. And sometimes a cold or flu is referred to colloquially as a “bug.” Ex: My throat feels scratchy—I think I may have caught a bug.
談到感冒或流感,我們通常會用動詞have跟catch來表達,如Don’t come too close to me—I have a cold.(別靠近我,我感冒了。)或是I caught the flu last week and missed two days of work.(我上個禮拜得了流感,請了兩天假。)也可以用片語come down with表達,如:I think I’m coming down with the flu. (我猜我得流感了。)或:Brian came down with a cold and stayed home all weekend.(布萊恩感冒了,整個週末都待在家。)有時候我們也可以用口語一點的bug來指感冒或流感。如:My throat feels scratchy—I think I may have caught a bug.(我的喉嚨癢癢的,我猜我可能感冒了。)
1. symptom「症狀」
2. stuffy nose「鼻塞」
3. strains of viruses「病毒株」:strain指「種類、類型」
4. complication「併發症」
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