1) Come to mind(思い浮かぶ)
Come to mindは「思い浮かぶ」や「思い付く」を意味する表現です。「真っ先に思い浮かぶのは〜」は「The first thing that comes to mind is ____.」、「何も思いつきません」は「Nothing comes to mind.」のように表現します。
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of American food?
Don’t worry about making mistakes. Just say whatever comes to mind.
Nothing comes to mind right now. I’ll have to think about it.
2) That’s fair(なるほど)
that’s fairは相手の発言に納得する時に使われる相槌表現で、「なるほどね」や「そっか」を意味します。最初は納得していなかったことに対して、相手の説明や言い分を聞いて納得するニュアンスがあります。ただし、相手の考えに100%納得しているわけではなく、相手の説明を聞いた上で、相手の考えを受け入れる、という意味合いがあります。日常会話では、that’s を省いてシンプルに「Fair.」と言ったり、「Fair enough.」と表すことも一般的です。
That’s fair. I see what you’re saying. That makes sense.
Fair enough. If you’re that passionate about it, then you should do it.
Fair enough. I’ll find someone to cover your shift tomorrow.
3) Get in someone’s face(人の気に障ることを言う)
イラッとして相手に面と向かって不満を言ったり、非難したり、怒鳴ったりすることを get in someone’s face と言います。不満を隠さずストレートに相手に伝える行為や、喧嘩を売るような行為を示します。
An angry customer got in my face today and started yelling at me.
Our boss got in Tony’s face because he was messing around during an important meeting.
Don’t get in her face. She had nothing to do with it.
4) Raise one’s voice(怒鳴る)
raise one’s voice は本来「声を上げる」や「大声を出す」を意味しますが、日常会話では怒ったりイライラして「怒鳴る」ことを意味します。特に、カッとなって怒鳴り始めた相手に「Don’t raise your voice at me.(怒鳴らないで)」と言うような状況でよく使われます。
I know you are upset but don’t raise your voice at me.
When he loses his temper, he always raises his voice.
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to raise my voice.
5) Mess around(ふざける)
mess aroundは状況によって様々な意味を持つ表現ですが、今日の会話では「ふざける」を意味します。授業中に勉強をせずにふざけたり、仕事をサボってお喋りをしたり、真面目な話をしているのにふざけた態度をとるような状況で使われます。
✔ちなみに、「I’m just messing around.」は「冗談だよ」を意味します。
Stop messing around and do your homework.
Can you stop messing around? We’re having a serious conversation.
I’m just messing around. Don’t take it seriously.
本日ご紹介したフレーズは、iTunes Japanの「ベストポッドキャスト」に2017から4年連続選出されたHapa英会話の人気コンテンツPodcast第332回「失礼な行為」の内容の一部です。Podcastの全内容をご覧になりたい方は、Hapa英会話のブログをチェック!会話の全文、会話の要約、ピックアップしたフレーズ、ポッドキャストでは説明できなかった表現や言い回しが掲載されています。
同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅Franck,也在其Youtube影片中提到,這倆遊戲其實串通好了對吧(誤 然後說實在的以這遊戲的按鍵配置+咱的一些操作習慣 對於飛升+向左移動的狀況會是超級不利(shift+空白鍵+A/W鍵 不過最後還是登頂了 至少這裡的景色稍微給了一點慰藉-w- ) 希望下集沒這麼苦痛了 希望(不確定意味 『關鍵字』 風珀 跑酷 劇情 動作 O...
the shift 意味 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
『Husbands and wives had a special obligation beyond the rest of the family.』
『For so many years throughout my son's childhood, I had taken his temperature, I had given him his medicine, I had nursed him back to health. It was me he came to when he broke his arm or cut his leg. The doctors turned to me to ask if I wanted him to have stitches, a splint, and antibiotic. And now, in the greatest struggle of his life, I wanted to sit the doctors down and demand to know our options. Who else could know better what he needed? Who else could make those decisions other than someone who had watched him grow up? But there was only on answer: Hallie. She was his wife.
It wasn't my job anymore-it wasn't my place. It hurt like hell, but that's the way of it. Our roles within our families change and shift and evolve, and we have to learn to let go.』
雖然父母在孩子生命中曾經是主要角色,卻不是永遠。放手讓孩子為自己做決策,你沒有權責干涉,只能祈禱祝福 。這處境再心酸難過,都得保持冷靜、沉穩;並要懂得適時遞上一則智慧的建議或是給予一個適時地擁抱。
『A part of us wants our children to always need us, always be around, always prefer our sock-folding, or always think we are the most important people in their lives. But we know that would mean they weren't growing or living their fullest lives. Success in parenthood means preparing your children to go out into the world and leave you behind. You try to give your kids everything so that one day they will give their kids everything. I think it's a little bit heartbreaking for parents when they realize they have to take a back seat in the life of someone they love so much, but in the end, it's a small price to pay for their happiness.』
(❤️我們有時會希望孩子永遠需要我們,永遠在身邊,永遠比較喜歡我們折的襪子,一直視我們為一生中最重要的人。 但是那意味著孩子並沒有長大或是生活過得並不圓滿。 成功父母的真義是確保孩子能全副武裝做好準備去面對外面的世界,他能完全與妳脫離。 而當妳嘗試將一切給孩子,他們有一天也會毫無保留地為他們孩子付出。 我承認當父母意識到自己必須在摯愛的生活中退居次位時,這有點令人心碎,但是為了他們全然的幸福,妳必須付出小小的犧牲。)
十. 永遠相互扶持的家人
『In hell, we starve alone. In heaven, we feed each other.』
『We are broken and bruised, but we are not alone. We rejoice together. We preserve together. We walk hand in hand through the twists and turns, and when we can't walk, we let ourselves be carried. It is the gift we give; our strength, our vulnerability, our faith in each other. We know we cannot heal ourselves, but we can lean on each other; we can lift each other up.
This is what makes us family. This is where the light enters.』
(❤️雖然我們曾如此破碎且身負傷痕,但我們並不孤單。 只要我們聚在一起便感到歡樂且珍惜。 我們攜手走過人生的曲折,直到無力行走時,我們會扛著彼此。我們給出的力量、脆弱及信仰,那皆是美好的饋贈。縱使傷痕無法自行癒合,但我們可以彼此依偎,相互打氣。
the shift 意味 在 無國界·旅行·故事Travel Savvy Facebook 的最讚貼文
【哈瓦那·古巴】English after Mandarin
義大利藝術評論家Philippe Daverio說「真正藝術包括不同方位的解讀」,需要具有「模擬兩可性或是不可捉摸性」。我覺得哈瓦那就是這樣一個獨特的城市。作為一個真正的藝術城市,哈瓦那真實體現了那種不可捉摸的面向。
Philippe Daverio, an Italian art critic, says real art includes interpretations from different perspectives and should be ambiguous or unpredictable. I think Havana, as a true city of art, genuinely reflects that unpredictability.
對於古巴的第一印象來自於社會主義風格的哈瓦那機場。外觀有棱有角,活像是隨時會翻身戰鬥的變形金剛。這點又跟注重建築與環境與人文呼應的新未來主義建築不謀而合,就像Zaha Hadid在廣州建造的那兩隻蟾蜍劇院一樣。這麽多的想像與那種所謂的藝術的模擬兩可性恰恰重合。
My first impression of Cuba came from the Havana airport with that strong socialistic flavor. The angular exterior of the terminal looks exactly like one of those Transformer robots who might spring to life and battle at any second. This coincides with the concept of neo-futurism buildings which stresses the link between buildings and their surroundings. A great example is the angular toad-like Guangzhou Opera House. All that imagination accords with the so-called ambiguity of art.
Inside the terminal is the red immigration cubicles with that yellow tint, which gives a sense of incongruity combining passion with seemingly cold communism. That reminds me of the Cuban guy next to me on the plane who was humming songs all the time. Music can also be found on the boarding gate shuttle as well as the taxi I rode to downtown Havana. I was perplexed.
I asked the cab driver where he learned his English. He replied that English was one of the foreign language options in school, but English was not considered important. He then started to talked about how Obama helped boost Cuba’s economy with the loosened US-Cuban tension. It was unfortunate since Trump swore in and everything had been beaten down including the travel and real estate industries. I could still spot the change from young people’s fashionable outfits. It felt like Cuba was not the old Cuba that I learned from the travel guide. Everything about Cuba was yet to be explored.
By all means, Havana is no heaven for English speakers. From the moment I decided to find a casa/guest house on my own, my puny Spanish vocabulary was forced to work hard. (Yeah, I only know about a couple of hundred words. Shame on me!) The good thing is that I downloaded Spanish on my Google Translate in advance. Plus I hired a private tutor to learn Spanish phonics. I somehow managed to communicate with the locals. Sometimes, I doubted how I was going to open up this mysterious nation with my lousy Spanish.
入住後第一件事情就是憑著以往旅行經驗慣例出門找超市。哪知那樣的作法在這特立獨行的國度完全不適用。在哈瓦那舊城區(Habana Vieja)的民宅區裡沒有所謂的招牌。這意味著一個社區中大多數人彼此相互認識,才能知道誰家在哪裡提供什麼樣的服務。可憐如我,為了找瓶裝水,在附近用破爛的西文「Donde esta el agua」問路。經過三個人指了不同的方向後,終於找到一位熱心的先生直接帶我去一個不起眼的窗口買水。饒是這樣我也花了將近30分鐘才順利取得珍貴的飲用水資源。
The first thing I did after I checked into a casa was to follow my routine as a traveler and find a supermarket. Who would have known that this idea completely did not work here. In some residential areas of Old Havana, shop signs simply do not exist. This probably means most people in the community know each other, and thus are aware of where to go to find services they need without shop signs. That translated into my predicament as I tried to find some bottled water in the neighborhood. I literally asked for directions with my broken Spanish, Donde esta el agua? Following three kind passersby’s help in three different directions, I found a nice guy who took me to an inconspicuous window where I finally obtained two very precious bottles of water, which took me 30 minutes for this entire water-getting process.
En route to finding water, I saw a bakery producing only toast and rolls in batch, a shop selling only cigarettes and liquors, a restaurant with simple tables and chairs, and a barbershop that you can see it all at a glance. Everything here ran basically without the packaging of capitalistic shop signs. Because of my ignorance of Cuba, I started to shift my attention to the sounds made between the mottled streets and faded buildings. Deep frying noises from a pan, music from the radio, a rooster’s crowing, pounding bass from a car stereo, hola from a passerby, smackers from a husband to his wife, a chihuahua’s barking, and someone talking on a public phone—I was walking in the middle of a small street listening to the heart beats of Old Havana. Where I was standing is surely not the tourist-flooded Obispo pedestrian zone. Regardless, my perception about what a city ought to be was totally overthrown by the things I experienced initially.
My first impression about Cuba was novel yet hard to understand with the common sense. I felt I needed to let go of my expectations for the country. Perhaps, that way I could grasp a touch of the unpredictable art that only belongs to Cuba.
#Cuba #Havana #travel #photo #古巴 #哈瓦那 #旅行 #照片
the shift 意味 在 Franck Youtube 的最讚貼文
不過最後還是登頂了 至少這裡的景色稍微給了一點慰藉-w- )
希望下集沒這麼苦痛了 希望(不確定意味
風珀 跑酷 劇情 動作
Ori And The Blind Forest 2D
#風珀 #Ori And The Blind Forest
the shift 意味 在 CashLab卓倫 Youtube 的最讚貼文
?卓倫的創業直播間?未來3年的創業風口 刷新認知和收入?
?直播間報名地址:https://bit.ly/3dpPfR7 (直播間福利)(名額有限)?
♦美股 | 6個月股票賬戶翻近40倍 | 但我越來越不懂是怎麼回事♦
我不認為是自己多牛逼 多屌 賺到了這些賬面利潤
免责声明: 高波动性投资产品, 您的交易存在风险.。过往表现不能作为未来业绩指标, 视频中谈及的内容仅作为教学目的, 而非是一种投资建议。
the shift 意味 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳貼文
友人のまま ねこが、テックルの友人と美人ライダーの彼女と来てくれました、
1/1 laboratory
ヤマハ・フォーゲル (VOGEL, QB50)は、ヤマハ発動機が製造していた原動機付自転車の車種名称。
* 本田技研工業のゴリラの対抗車種として開発が行われた車種である。
* 同車輌の生産は、1980年から1983年まで製造された。
* ペットネームのフォーゲル (VOGEL) は、ドイツ語で鳥を意味する言葉。
* 兄弟車種にヤマハ・ポッケがある。
* 空冷2ストローク、単気筒、ピストンリードバルブ49cc。GT50やMR50等と同系統のエンジンを使用している。
* 4速リターンミッションで、一番下がニュートラルのボトムニュートラルシフトとなっている。
* ハンドルが折り畳め、ガソリンタンクのキャップも漏れ防止のコックが付いている為、乗用車等のトランクに搭載可能となっている。
* タンクは10リッターの容量が有る為、無給油での長距離移動が可能となっている。
* 前後8インチ、合わせホイールのチューブタイヤを装備している。
* 着座位置はほぼ後輪の上となる為、ラフなクラッチワークにて、すぐにウイリーしてしまう。
4U71:1980年発売 車体色:深緑、橙、白
A cat came with the girlfriend of a friend and the beautiful woman rider of テックル as a friend,
I do motorcycle person,
1/1 laboratory
Mobile HP
The car model name of the motor bike that Yamaha Motor produced Yamaha Fogel (VOGEL, QB50).
* It is the car model that development was performed as an opposition car model of the gorillas of Honda Motor.
* The production of rolling stocks was produced from 1980 to 1983.
* Fogel of the pet name(VOGEL) Words to mean a bird in は, German.
* Brothers car model has Yamaha ポッケ.
* Two air-cooling strokes, single cylinder, piston lead valve 49cc. I use GT50 or MR50 and the engine of the system.
* In four speed return missions, a bottom becomes the bottom neutral shift of neutral tints.
* Because a steering wheel fold it, and I leak, and the chief of the gas tank is accompanied by a cook of the prevention, it can be equipped in the trunks such as cars.
* As for the tank, long-distance movement by no refueling is enabled so that there is capacity of 10 liters.
* I am equipped with front and back 8 inches, the tube tire of the laying upon wheel.
* The sitting position does Willy by a rough clutch work immediately to almost become it on a rear wheel.
4U71: I am colored release body for 1980 years: Dark green, bigarade, white
A turnip(1952)
A pet name of bicycle assistance motor (a small engine kit) "F type" that Honda Motor produced from 1952.
It was 1946 that Honda Motor which was a new maker went into the field of the bicycle assistance motor and I started, but I shifted to own company development engine afterwards and helped an advance to the field of normal model motorcycle in afterward from the diversion of an engine for small size dynamos of the former Japan army at first.