【西港島綫通車倒數 Countdown to WIL】
一日-地鐵西延 回想當年
1 Days - Reviewing the History of West Island Line (English version below)
四十七年前的 1967 年 9 月,當民建聯先輩口中的「反英抗暴」還在進行得如火如荼之際,倫敦的費爾文霍士施偉拔顧問公司正準備將《香港集體運輸研究》(MTS-1967)報告呈交香港工務司。
MTS-1967 是歷史上首份提倡在香港興建地下鐵路集體運輸的報告,當中提議的港島綫西端總站正是設於堅尼地城。該報告建議港島綫在西區沿域多利道、卑路乍街及皇后大道西而行,設堅尼地(Kennedy,近堅尼地城巴士總站)、卑路乍(Belcher,在卑路乍街近山市街、李寶龍路一帶)及西營盤(Sai Ying Pun,在介乎西邊街及正街一段皇后大道西)。值得一提的是,當年的規劃是將堅尼地站建構成海陸交通中轉站,設渡輪前往澳門與青山,猶如將港澳碼頭西移。
我們姑且相信禮義廉党的確爭取地鐵「西移」二十年,但西區居民期盼地鐵西延,肯定是該党的兩倍有多 — 順帶一提,當年暫時擱置興建西港島綫,也是出於部份建制派議員的「功勞」。
DAB claims that they have be fighting for a Western District MTR Extension for 20 years. But history tells us that the first ever proposal of such extension was first put forward 47 years ago.
Back in September 1967, while the leftists (that established DAB some years later) were still engaging themselves in the riots, the London-based Freeman, Fox, Wilbur Smith and Associates consultancy firm completed the final report of the Hong Kong Mass Transport Study (MTS-1967), which was commissioned by the Public Works Department of Hong Kong a few years ago. The report carries the first ever suggestion of building a Mass Transit Railway network in Hong Kong.
The Island Line railway proposed in MTS-1967 call for the construction of 3 rapid transit stations in Western District - Kennedy (near the current Kennedy Town Bus Terminus), Belcher (Belcher's St near Sands St) and Sai Ying Pun (Queen's Rd W near Western St and Centre St), and the tracks generally follow the alignment of Victoria Road, Belcher's St and Queen's Rd W. One point worth noting is that the report suggests the construction of a new pier at Kennedy Town for ferries to Macau and Castle Peak (now Tuen Mun), effectively moving the marine transport hub westward from Sheung Wan.
DAB's claim may be true, but hey, 20 years does not even constitute a half of 47.
(配圖為 MTS-1967 建議方案,由某 admin 早前所畫)
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過134萬的網紅Point of View,也在其Youtube影片中提到,อ้างอิง • Hubs, Greensleeves“Days of the Week—Origin of Their Names”. [ออนไลน์] เข้าถึงได้จาก: https://owlcation.com/humanities/Days-Origin-Names-Gre...
the point wil 在 Firdaus Wong Wai Hung Facebook 的精選貼文
[Bagaiman Kahwin Kerana Allah]
Bagaimana untuk kita berkahwin kerana Allah? Cakap senang tetapi bagaimana? Perkongsian ini ditulis oleh seorang Muslimah bergelar muallaf;-
"Bukan kahwin dgn niat nak cari kebahagiaan dunia (dgn pelbagai top criteria yg dunia look at nowadays, cth: kena ada rmh br boleh kahwin mcm org cina non muslim) ttp ia tidak menafikan yg bakal suami mesti mampu utk jaga diri sendri @ keluarga( bg calon yg dah berkahwin sebelumnya) sebelum langkah ke alam perkahwinan baru. At the same time usaha n put trust in Allah that He will provides and He knows best in everything He do.
Perkahwinan yg boleh membawa anda lebih dekat dgn Allah despite he or she is not ur criteria(kalau dr pandangan dunia) Kalau dlu kan kita nak lelaki ada ni ada tu muka mcm Andy Lau & sebagainya. Put aside all that insha Allah and let our marriage be based not on the material worldly things, meaning to put all that as our guidance/ penentu in our marriage. Kalau takde ni maka tak happy contoh.
Lebih dekat dgn Allah dr segi ilmu, dpt memupuk diri dgn akhlak2 yg baik, tawakal dan lebih bertaqwa spt disarankan dlm Quran. Utk mengingatkan dri yg suami bukan segala2galanya tetapi hanya salah satu cara utk kita lebih dekat kpd Allah kerana jikalau kita bergantung pd manusia sepenuhnya we will be broken easily cos we are depending on someone name human who is created weak.
Contoh: jikalau suami buat sesuatu dan kita marah sgt, dan tak mkn 1 hari, maksudnya suami yg menjadi penentu hidup kita, padahal we suppose to live for Allah. Kalau tak mkn, takde tenaga utk buat benda2 atau keje yg kita harapkan pahala, atau solat tak kusyuk atau nampak org lain muka nak masam je mcm salah org lain pulak, so it doesn't serve the purpose cos we suppose to sleep eat work etc kerana Allah to gain rewards in our ibadah. Yes we human we have emotion but pray to Allah ask for guidance to let us handle or manage our emotion easier. Tak bermaksud tak mkn so takde tenaga nak solat, just an example to show the consequences.
Having the thought of : yay, after I meet my prince then il be happy forever. That only happens in alam Disney. Reality is new challenges Wil come to test us, again n again. But instead of marrying to think that insha Allah this marriage will make me closer to Islam, be a good wife serving husband as dituntut dlm Islam bla3 is most likely to mean to marry kerana Allah. (I guess)
Do not think that if u don't marry then u can't be a good muslim or be happy, as there are many ways to be a good muslim n to be happy, jus becos u haven't meet ur the other half. U might be only meeting ur the other half in jannah later and not here on earth, who knows. Does that mean ur not gonna be a good muslim till then? Take this opportunity to serve our parents, parents ada 1 je (for those yg single, where u can put more focus on them, it can be a training ground as well..Allah may wana test us b4 we meet our future spouse to make us a better person )
Allah knows best and is the best planner of all. Put ur absolute trust in Him. Again, may look bad in our sight but not in His sight. Let us not focus on the things that we don't have and lari focus to the things we supposed to focus on.
I ni pandai bercakap je and not that im good, just sharing from my point of view yg tak berapa ni."
the point wil 在 Point of View Youtube 的精選貼文
• Hubs, Greensleeves“Days of the Week—Origin of Their Names”. [ออนไลน์] เข้าถึงได้จาก: https://owlcation.com/humanities/Days-Origin-Names-Greensleeves [2558] สืบค้น: 27 มกราคม 2563.
• Pundit Cafe. “How Sunday, Monday & Other Days Got Their Names.”. [ออนไลน์] เข้าถึงได้จาก: https://www.punditcafe.com/history/origin-names-of-the-days-of-the-week/ [2558] สืบค้น: 27 มกราคม 2563.
• Upton, Emily. “Why We Have a Seven Day Week and the Origin of the Names of the Days of the Week.”. [ออนไลน์] เข้าถึงได้จาก: http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2013/04/the-origin-of-the-7-day-week-and-the-names-of-the-days-of-the-week [2556] สืบค้น: 27 มกราคม 2563.
• Wil “The Origins Behind English Weekday Names”. [ออนไลน์] เข้าถึงได้จาก: https://englishlive.ef.com/blog/language-lab/origins-behind-english-weekday-names/ [ม.ป.ป.] สืบค้น: 27 มกราคม 2563.
• นิตยา กาญจนะวรรณ. “ชื่อวันในภาษาไทย”. [ออนไลน์] เข้าถึงได้จาก: http://www.royin.go.th/?knowledges=%E0%B8%8A%E0%B8%B7%E0%B9%88%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%A7%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%99%E0%B9%83%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%A0%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%A9%E0%B8%B2%E0%B9%84%E0%B8%97%E0%B8%A2-%E0%B9%91%E0%B9%94-%E0%B8%A1%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%B2 [2557.] สืบค้น: 27 มกราคม 2563.
• ราชบัณฑิตยสถาน. “อังคาร (๒)”. [ออนไลน์] เข้าถึงได้จาก: http://www.royin.go.th/?knowledges=%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%87%E0%B8%84%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%A3-%E0%B9%92-%E0%B9%91%E0%B9%96-%E0%B8%AA%E0%B8%B4%E0%B8%87%E0%B8%AB%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%84%E0%B8%A1-%E0%B9%92%E0%B9%95%E0%B9%95%E0%B9%92 [2552] สืบค้น: 27 มกราคม 2563.
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