【《沙丘》: 視覺創新完美、角色移植完美、如果你先看完小說……那就超絕完美】
這不會是一篇「公正」的《沙丘》影評,當然,寫出作者個人心聲的影評,本質上就不可能真的完全公正。但是,要評論電影《沙丘》,對所有看過小說的讀者來說,連「盡可能公正」都很難達到。因為考量到這套小說映像化的悲慘歷史,到這部 2021 年電影被武漢肺炎疫情整個搞事的過程,似乎改編《沙丘》,註定踏上悲慘的命運……
但是,我儘管已先在 IMAX 特別片段試映裡,見識過導演丹尼維勒納夫的視野,可是當我真的看到《沙丘》的完整面貌時,我確定,自己完全無法站在一個「非小說讀者觀眾」的立場評論。
如今台灣的新版小說《沙丘》已經上市,我能說的就是,在 16 日《沙丘》正式於台灣全國上映前,你還有時間把這本大堆頭小說讀完。
可以說,這是丹尼為了讓故事更流暢所做出的選擇,也是讓小說第一集大約 6 成內容(約 24 萬字),塞進 2 個半小時電影長度的唯一方法。而對已經熟讀小說的讀者來說,這種改編更會給他們帶來驚喜。
我們在《沙丘》裡看到的沙漠星球厄拉科斯,跟各位資深讀者的想像應該有很大的不同。你能看到丹尼極簡化的風格,從《銀翼殺手 2049》慢慢爬進了《沙丘》──厄拉科斯的主建築區設計,非常有《銀翼殺手 2049》裡戴克獨居的沙漠廢棄基地風味。還有橢圓柱狀的巨型星艦、倒梯形體的亞崔迪家族船艦、乃至潔西嘉寵妃身上的首飾、古樸卻有超強殺傷力的晶刃匕等等,你在《沙丘》裡見到的萬事萬物,全充滿著丹尼的冷冽疏離個人品味。
諸君發現我貼的海報不太一樣了嗎?這是IMAX的海報,看起來是不是比大頭照海報更震撼呢?確實如此,《沙丘》就是要看IMAX,越大越震撼,導演都以又吵又大的IMAX攝影機拍攝了,諸君一定要到IMAX銀幕去保養眼睛才行。有外媒(The Hindu)的《沙丘》評論標題直接寫:「去看IMAX版」,那一點都不誇張。
同時也有46部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅DJ Yin 盈盈 ,也在其Youtube影片中提到,雖說我們是馬來西亞人,對大寶森節(Thaipusam)好像不陌生,大概是: ☑️ 大家有份放假 ☑️ 知道是屬於興都教徒還願的節日 ☑️ 有遊行黑風洞很熱鬧(檳城是植物園一帶) ☑️ 信徒會在身上穿勾穿針還願 然後呢?應該都沒什麼信心對這個節日侃侃而談吧!? 實不相瞞我自己也是,正是因為知道...
「the hindu」的推薦目錄:
the hindu 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的最讚貼文
🖐🏽 五分鐘,Ken帶您看懂國際大小事— 🇮🇳
📰 Indian-American gay couples find new forms of union amid stigma(恥辱)
🀄 同性戀在印度社會是丟臉的事,印裔美國同志伴侶在當中尋求新的結合方式
When Sameer Samudra and Amit Gokhale decided to marry according to Hindu custom, the couple faced an unexpected(意想不到的) hiccup(麻煩): they couldn't find a priest(神父) to do the ceremony.
📌 當 Sameer Samudra 和 Amit Gokhale 決定按照印度教習俗結婚時,這對新人遇到了意想不到的麻煩:他們找不到牧師來主持婚禮。
"We wanted a Hindu wedding, but so many pandits (印度教士) [priests] said no. I was agonized(極痛苦的) when one of them quoted(報價) an exorbitant(過高的) amount(金額) just because I am gay!" said Sameer, who lives in North Carolina.
📌 “我們想要一場印度教婚禮,但有很多教士 [牧師] 說不。當他們中的一個人僅僅因為我是同性戀而提出過高金額時,我感到非常痛苦!” 住在北卡羅來納州的薩米爾說。
Unwilling to have "the energy of a reluctant(不情願的) priest" at their wedding, the couple improvised(即興發揮).
"One of our friends learnt the basics of being a priest and we chose Hindu rituals(儀式) that made sense for a same-sex wedding," Sameer said.
📌 這對新人不願意在他們的婚禮上擁有“不情願的神父的能量”,他們即興發揮。
So many Indian-American couples dream of a big fat Bollywood-style wedding, complete with traditional rituals. But that's easier said than done for gay couples - even in the US where same-sex unions were legalized(合法化) in 2015.
📌 很多的印度裔美國夫婦都夢想著舉行一場盛大的寶萊塢式婚禮,並配有傳統儀式,但對於同性戀伴侶來說,說起來容易,做起來難——即使在 2015 年同性結合合法化的美國也是如此。
More than 300,000 gay couples have wed in the country since then. But Indian-Americans say that they are often ostracized(排斥) by those who have the holy(神聖的) task of solemnizing(隆重慶祝) their unions.
📌 從那時起,該國已有超過 300,000 對同性戀伴侶結婚,但印度裔美國人說,他們經常被那些肩負著舉行結合儀式的神聖任務的人排斥。
Temples refusing to host same-sex weddings, priests hanging up on their phone calls or unwilling to tweak(稍稍調整) the ceremony to suit them and, in some cases, not even showing up on the day of the wedding - these experiences have driven Indian-American gay couples to fall back on friends and well-wishers to create unique ceremonies rooted in their culture.
📌 寺廟拒絕舉辦同性婚禮、神父掛斷電話或稍稍調整儀式以適應他們,在某些情況下,甚至在婚禮當天都不露面——這些經歷推動了這些新人依靠的朋友和祝福者,創造植根於他們文化的獨特儀式。
Sapna Pandya, for instance, became a priest herself although female priests are virtually(實際上) unheard of in Hinduism.
📌 例如,Sapna Pandya 自己成為了一名神父,儘管在印度教中幾乎聞所未聞的女神父。
She did it because of the opposition she and her Pakistani(巴基斯坦的) Muslim wife, Seher, faced when they wanted to get married the traditional way.
📌 她這樣做,是因為她和她的巴基斯坦穆斯林妻子 Seher,在想以傳統方式結婚時面臨反對。
"I didn't feel comfortable going to the temple to see a priest. My wife didn't feel comfortable going to the mosque(清真寺) and asking an imam(伊斯蘭領袖尊稱). So, we wrote our own ceremony," Sapna said.
They chose Hindu mantras(真言) and verses from the Koran(古蘭經) that symbolized companionship.
📌 “我不喜歡去寺廟找一位神父。我的妻子不喜歡去清真寺問伊瑪目,所以,我們編寫了自己的儀式。”Sapna 說。他們選擇了象徵伴侣關係的印度教真言和古蘭經中的經文。
資料來源: https://reurl.cc/4aERyj
the hindu 在 Rolling Grace Facebook 的最佳解答
Brihadishvara Temple or Peruvudaiyār Kōvil is a Hindu temple dedicated to Shiva. Built in 1003 AD, it is the largest South Indian temple located in the city of Thanjavur 🇮🇳
the hindu 在 DJ Yin 盈盈 Youtube 的最讚貼文
☑️ 大家有份放假
☑️ 知道是屬於興都教徒還願的節日
☑️ 有遊行黑風洞很熱鬧(檳城是植物園一帶)
☑️ 信徒會在身上穿勾穿針還願
歡迎大家幫我把影片分享出去,讓友族同胞知道我們對他們充滿興趣~ ?
#KitaLainKitaSama ❤️
✒️ 撰稿 Pengarang::梁國忠 ✨(FB @Jasper Leong)
? 剪接 Editor:張惠晶 ✨(IG @bettyteoh27)
? 剪接助理 Assistant Editor :Erlina ✨ (IG @ererlina313)
✨ 最后谢谢 @斜槓大叔昇杰Seng Kit 提供的畫面素材
? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHRC4UPV3a0&t=2s
?? We're Malaysian and what we know about Thaipusam festival in general will be:
☑️ Public holiday in Malaysia
☑️ A day of Hindu believers paying back their wishes to Lord Murugan
☑️ Thaipusam procession carry out in Batu Caves, Selangor while Penang Botanic Garden in Penang state
☑️ Piercings all around the body as the act of devotion.
And that's all you know about Thaipusam? Perhaps you'll not be so confident to say that you do have absolute understanding on Thaipusam festival.
To be frank, me as well. We've less understanding among our races and cultures. That's why here we are 【Kita Lain Kita Sama】 series.
Hope that you'll have more understanding about Thaipusam festival via this episode.
It's my very first video making for our Indian friends. Share it to your friends and let them know that we're genuinely into them?
? Youtube 訂閱DJ YIN 盈盈 ? https://bit.ly/2UrEWEK ? 記得開啟YouTube?通知唷!
DJ Yin盈盈 x 青青闆娘
?:主持人|配音員|前OneFM 988 DJ
?:@pandanrepublic 闆娘
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the hindu 在 Cherishaaa Youtube 的最讚貼文
#deepavalimakeup2020 #indianfestivemakeup
Deepavali Nal Valtukal to all my Hindu fam! I created this look using 2 tone shades on my eyes and I always believe 'less is more' even though the whole process isn't less HA-HA , but ya'll know what I meant right. I'm always a Tamil girl at heart.
Thank you for watching, as always I appreciate your love & support.
Stay safe and enjoy the video! ✨️
❍ Let's connect ↓
↝ Follow my personal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/inspiredbycherisha/
↝ Read/Visit My BLOG: https://inspiredbycherisha.de/
√ Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern Renaissance Palette
√ Benefit Goof Proof Brow Pencil (4.5 shade)
√ Sephora coconut water lip balm
√ The Body Shop – drops of youth serum
√ Benefit ‘gimme brow’ (4)
√ Too Faced ‘better than sex’ eyeliner
√ Too Faced ‘better than sex’ mascara
√ Yves Rocher - high coverage 12H cream foundation
√ NYX cosmetics - born to glow concealer ‘ivory’
√ Laura Mercier - honey translucent powder
√ taste - tartest pro glow to go palette
√ Benefit - hoola bronzer
√ NXY cosmetics - land of lollies blusher
√ MAC cosmetics - powder kiss liquid lips color in ‘Make Love To The Camera’
√ The Bombay Collections bindi
√ Hapa Kristin - ‘silly Kristin’
√ Use my code: cherisha_10 to get 10% off your purchase!
↝ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hapakristin_sea/
↝ Website: https://hapakristin.sg/
❍ FAQ's
Are you Malaysian? Proud Malaysian here! ??
❍ Softwares i used
↝ iMovie
↝ InShot App
❍ Camera i use
↝ Canon 80D
↝ Woodwinds - Subin Jerson
↝ Lead guitar & Bass guitar - Jerson Antony
↝ Tabala - Dipin Das
↝ Keys - Sonu Milton
↝ Mix & Mastered - Dil vinu, Sonic Island (kadavanthra)
❍ Business Inquiries
↝ Email: hello@inspiredbycherisha.com
Hope you enjoy it and if you do, give this video a big THUMBS UP & PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!

the hindu 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的最讚貼文
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00:07 前情提要
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→ :Popular online retailer Shein apologizes for selling swastika necklace after backlash:https://cbsn.ws/31nmuSm
→ :賽夏族祖傳「雷女紋」 不是納粹圖騰啦:https://bit.ly/2EzOB7V
→ :《符號的故事》:直到希特勒出現,「卍」才出現廣為人知的邪惡意義:https://bit.ly/32ln0Qb
→ :THINK TANK; A Symbol of Hatred Pleads Not Guilty:https://nyti.ms/3hq5hNW
→ :How the world loved the swastika - until Hitler stole it:https://bbc.in/3j6VFrN
→ :把 卐 字傳入德國的男人:https://bit.ly/2QiN20K
→ :Emile Louis Burnouf | French archaeologist | Britannica:https://bit.ly/3leVQDm
→ :Learn To Love The Swastika? Tattoo Parlours Aim To 'Take Back' Symbol From The Nazis In New Scheme:https://bit.ly/3hsFkNQ
→ :Friends of the swastika' shirts sold on USC campus:https://bit.ly/2YqATLF
→ :Vendor Selling ""Friends Of The Swastika"" Shirts On USC Campus Asked To Leave:https://bit.ly/2EpyXvX
→ :Hindu Swastika Is Not Hitler’s Hakenkreuz, Stupid:https://bit.ly/3gwXmgF
→ :Recognize Swastika as spiritual, not just hateful, to foster mutual respect and tolerance.:https://bit.ly/2QkHXFo
→ :Bill to teach students about symbols of hate passes Senate:https://bit.ly/3hsFGEa
→ :Hindu Student Leader In US Faces Cyber-bullying For Pointing Out That Sacred Dharmic Symbol ‘Swastika’ Is Different From Nazi Hakenkreuz: https://bit.ly/2El13J7
→ :There’s nothing ‘peaceful’ about the swastika:https://bit.ly/32nhNar
→ :Jewish-Hindu relations and a case for greater understanding:https://bit.ly/2CStqxu
→ :Why did Hitler choose the swastika, and how did a Sanskrit symbol become a Nazi emblem?:https://bit.ly/2FVCWRT
【 延伸閱讀 】
→ :空軍悄悄撤下「卐」字標誌 一個遲遲走不出納粹陰影的古老符號:https://bit.ly/3jcYZSn
→ :外國人真的看不懂? 日本政府改地圖拚觀光惹惱民眾:https://bit.ly/3l9ej4h
→ :軍國主義復活? 日極右派高舉卐字旗反中韓:https://bit.ly/2CUswR7
→ :赫見納粹圖騰引爭議 馬公潮音寺新建工程擺烏龍:https://bit.ly/2QgHzro
→ :外媒看光復高中事件:台灣不是特例,亞洲人對二戰、納粹歷史的認知「不太一樣」:https://bit.ly/3jcZcVF
→ :A Thai Singer Wore a Swastika. Was It Prejudice or Ignorance?:https://nyti.ms/3aT7rTN
→ :Thailands Nazi pop culture phenomenon:https://nyti.ms/31nYfnd
→ :Watch: Thailand’s military rulers use Hitler in propaganda video:https://wapo.st/31offdd
→ :Deadly Style: Bauhaus’s Nazi Connection:https://bit.ly/32isvz3
→ :These are the new symbols of hate:https://cnn.it/3lgqV9x

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