▪rapidly growing human populations: dân số tăng trưởng nhanh chóng
▪a population bomb = a population explosion: sự bùng nổ dân số
▪to increase at an alarming rate: tăng ở một mức độ đáng báo động
▪an increase in global birth rates: 1 sự tăng trong tỷ lệ sinh toàn cầu
▪to exceed the carrying capacity of the earth: vượt quá sức chứa của trái đất
▪to put an end to human survival: đặt dấu chấm hết cho sự tồn tại của con người
▪increased demands for water/ food/ fossil fuels/ natural resouces/…: nhu cầu tăng đối với nước/ thực phẩm/ nhiên liệu hóa thạch/ các nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên
▪to lead to the depletion of natural resources: dẫn tới sự cạn kiệt các nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên
▪to put heavy pressure on water/food supplies: đặt áp lực nặng nề lên nguồn cung cấp nước/ thực phẩm
▪to pose a serious threat to the well-being of planet Earth: gây ra mối đe dọa nghiêm trọng cho sức khỏe của trái đất
▪advances in science, technology, medicine, food production/ better medical services/ technological breakthroughs → a increase in life expectancy/ a decline in mortality rates: các tiến bộ trong khoa học, công nghệ, y tế, sản xuất thực phẩm/ dịch vụ y tế tốt hơn/ các đột phá trong lĩnh vực công nghệ → sự tăng trong tuổi thọ/ giảm tỷ lệ tỷ vong
▪to lead to environmental degradation/ air, water pollution/ soil contamination/ global warming/ deforestation/ desertification/ widespread famine/ conflicts and wars/ higher unemployment rates/ higher levels of crime/ other serious social problems: dẫn tới sự suy thoái môi trường/ ô nhiễm không khí, nước/ ô nhiễm đất/ nóng lên toàn cầu/ tàn phá rừng/ hoang mạc hóa/ đói nghèo trên diện rộng/ mâu thuẫn và chiến tranh/ tỷ lệ thất nghiệp cao hơn/ mức độ tội phạm cao hơn/ các vấn đề xã hội khác
▪population control methods: các phương pháp kiểm soát dân số
family planning/ limit family sizes: kế hoạch hóa gia đình/ giới hạn kích cỡ gia đình
▪to raise public awareness of … : nâng cao ý thức cộng đồng về …
▪to provide sex education in schools: cung cấp giáo dục giới tính trong các trường học
PHẦN Ý TƯỞNG --> Page mình xem tại đây nhé: https://ielts-nguyenhuyen.com/tu-vung-ielts-chu-de-overpopulation/
Chúc page mình học tốt <3
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「social services」的推薦目錄:
social services 在 Sabrina 英文小教室 Facebook 的最讚貼文
1️⃣Food and beverage, retail, tourism, transport, electronics and appliances are expected to benefit from beefed-up Quintuple Stimulus Vouchers.
📎beef up 加強/擴大生產
e.g. The company has plans to beef up its production in response to the current change.
2️⃣The government issued / launched the vouchers to boost / revive / stimulate the economy in the aftermath of the pandemic.
📎aftermath (不愉快事件)結束後的一個時期;(不愉快事件的)後果
In both countries, the war and its aftermath led to new dimensions in social conflict.
3️⃣When the citizens tried to register for/apply for their vouchers, the website crashed immediately.
4️⃣Taiwanese citizens, foreign spouses, Alien Permanent Resident Certificate (APRC) holders, and diplomats are eligible for the Quintuple Stimulus Vouchers.
5️⃣The NT$200, NT$500, and NT$1,000 denomination vouchers, are available in either print or electronic format.
新台幣 200 元、500 元和 1,000 元面額代金券有印刷版或電子版。
6️⃣Citizens can choose digital vouchers or physical vouchers (paper vouchers). If they want digital ones, they should bind the vouchers to their bank accounts.
7️⃣The vouchers cannot be used to pay taxes, utility bills, fines, and other administrative fees. In addition, they cannot be used to purchase stocks, make investments, and cross-border e-commerce services.
⬇️來來來!本篇挑戰來了~用英文留言你想用五倍券買什麼 跟蘇蘇分享一下吧😍⬇️
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social services 在 偽學術 Facebook 的最佳貼文
〖認真聽〗教授真心話 😏 | 在家工作(上課)根本就很好 | #用最chill的姿態來上課 | 遠距參與的魔幻時刻 | 在家上班的優缺點 | #遠距有限公司 | WFH的組織傳播爭論 // 李長潔 ft. 阿丹老師、小也老師 💻
今天的節目,與 臺灣通傳智庫 的podcast節目「台灣問事」聯播,和世新大學的黃采瑛教授、文化大學的徐也翔教授,一起討論「#遠距課程」、「#在家上班」的可能與不可能。透過Robert C. Pozen與Alexandra Samuel在《遠距有限公司》(Remote, Inc)一書,提供了四個遠距工作時應該注意的組織溝通策略給大家~
📌 #今天的內容有
▶ 史上最長暑假,終於開學了
▶ 遠距課程超好玩~
▶ 數位溝通的(不)可能性
▶ 遠距授課是一個「魔幻的時刻」
▶ 用最Chill的姿態來參與
▶ 在家工作的神奇時刻
▶ 紙本公文遞送應該要數位化了吧~
▶ WFH到底有沒有效率
▶ 在家上班的「組織傳播」爭論
▶ 遠距有限公司
▶ 在家工作根本就很好
▶ 工作時最重要的是「八卦」
📣 #KKbox 聽這裡:https://podcast.kkbox.com/episode/OsPXXbf_70BynlpB4_
📣 #Firtory 聽這裡:https://open.firstory.me/story/cktxytj3y7jx80939n4q7egeg?ref=android
📣 #Spotify 聽這裡:https://open.spotify.com/episode/75pLp2muay5h0V9h4CwI5v?si=CpzanfvHQi6rT_zpo-N0pA&utm_source=copy-link&dl_branch=1
📣 #Apple 聽這裡:https://reurl.cc/KrpKpp
📲 #FB 完整論述:https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1862370957283854&id=208541192666847
/// 完整論述 ///
▓ #全世界最大的在家上班實驗
在人手一機的時代,傳播學者José van Dijck(2013)在《連結的文化》中寫到,從Web1.0到Web2.0,就是2001到2012年之間的巨大數位轉型,傳播機器運作下的虛擬交流協作,成為一種重要的社會文化形式。勞動的場景亦無法自外,從電子郵件、互聯網站到同步視訊,組織的內部與外部運作,一直以來其實都被傳播技術與機器介入著(García-Orosa, 2019)。只是當前情景更加促使我們去思考,組織與個人的工作關係裡,技術介入所產生的意想不到的可能與不可能。
連TIME雜誌都指出:「這是世界上最大的在家上班實驗。」越來越多的工作者與組織因為益情的關係,嘗試了遠距工作的可能性。從組織溝通(organizational communication)的角度來看,隨著組織轉向遠距協作,組織溝通也變得越顯重要。
▓ #遠距工作時,組織溝通更重要!
遠距工作對生產力的影響,其實早在80年代時,因電信技術的發展而被討論過,當時的結論是:在家工作根本很好啊,其有較低的物理需求、較高的自主性、可以明確地交出成果。當然,能夠成功在家工作的人,通常有高度的自我激勵與自律能力(Olson, 1983)。不過,還是有研究者認為,工作需要有一個足以提供完全溝通的實體場所,才能促成對話與消減誤解(Kraut et al., 2002)。
正如我們所經歷的,許多遠距協作的傳播技術已經存在或快速開發中,電子郵件、電子布告欄(bulletin boards)、即時訊息(instant messaging)、共享文件、視訊會議、通報服務(awareness services)等,這些數位技術在很大的程度上,協助了組織成員進行對話溝通,也滿足工作效能(Olson et al., 1997)。
▓ #四個遠距工作時應該注意的溝通策略
Donald Sull、Charles Sull、Josh Bersin(2020)在麻省理工大學商學院的管理期刊上建議進入WFH的組織與人們,如何更快速、無痛地進入這個新的工作時代。他們找了441位人力資源管理者進行調查,結果發現「參與度」、「生產力」、「連結感」,是當前疫情下遠距工作首要的問題。這些問題除了傳播交流、任務協作的硬體與軟體備整外,更好、更適合的組織溝通設計就是關鍵之處。
Robert C. Pozen與Alexandra Samuel(2021)在《遠距有限公司》(Remote, Inc)一書中,提供了四個遠距工作時應該注意的組織溝通策略:
1⃣ #訂好基本規則(ground rules):雖然從前面的討論來看,人們在可以自主控制工作目標時,達到不錯的工作效能。但定立基本的團隊規則,才會幫助組織成員知道自己應該怎麼行動。所以,我們應該確立一套關於工作時間、會議舉辦、電子郵件傳遞、資訊共享的明確指南。人們才不會迷失在居家日常與不斷檢查最新訊息的漫漫長日中。
2⃣ #建立團隊會議(team meetings):每週的例常視訊會議,不但是為了傳遞最新的組織資訊,分享團隊工作成果,促進知識與經驗的交流。同樣重要的是,除了工作會議,我們應該擁有一段產生社會關係的友誼時光,像是虛擬的「茶水間閒聊」(water cooler),每天早上與同事一起喝一杯咖啡,讓組織成員在遙遠的距離中,仍然可以感受到同理心。此外,在視訊會議時打開鏡頭也是一個重要的溝通策略,其可以展現非語言溝通的暗示,表現許多無法言明的事情。
3⃣ #善用一對一的交流(one on one):當我們身處在實體辦公室時,一對一的溝通無時無刻都可能會發生。但進入到遠距工作後,一對一溝通的機會便要主動規劃與創造,以確保每一個人都沒有「脫隊」。這種較密切的互動並非用來進行嚴密細微的工作檢查,其目的是在發現組織成員需要支持與幫助的地方,讓每個人都可以獲得足夠的關注。
4⃣ #確實地評估表現(performance reviews):遠距工作的情況下,我們時常無法獲得足夠的工作反饋與激勵,有時候根本就被埋沒在螢幕背後。所以,清晰明確、容易上手的績效表現評估方式,可以讓組織成員彼此了解工作的成果,知道自己應該維持哪些優秀的做法,以及需要改進哪些盲點,或進一步地微調工作流程。這也是一個不錯的組織學習與個人成長的途徑。
▓ #數位時代中的組織溝通素養
🗂 #參考文獻
1. Van Dijck, J. (2013). The Culture of Connectivity: A Critical History of Social Media. Oxford University Press.
2. García-Orosa, B. (2019). 25 years of research in online organizational communication. Review article. El profesional de la información (EPI), 28(5).
3. 秦琍琍(2011)。《重返實踐:組織傳播理論與研究》。台北:威仕曼。
4. 李長潔(2012)。組織傳播研究中的論述取徑:一個領域的探索。《傳播與管理研究》,11(2),3-38。
5. Margrethe H. Olson. 1983. Remote Office Work: Changing Work Patterns in Space and Time. Commun. ACM 26, 3 (March 1983), 182–187.
6. Kraut, R. E., Fussell, S. R., Brennan, S. E., & Siegel, J. (2002). Understanding effects of proximity on collaboration: Implications for technologies to support remote collaborative work. Distributed work, 137-162.
7. Olson, J. S., Olson, G. M., & Meader, D. (1997). Face-to-face group work compared to remote group work with and without video. In K. E. Finn, A. J. Sellen, & S. B. Wilbur (Eds.), Video-mediated communication (pp. 157–172). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
8. Kang, R., Zhu, H., & Konstan, J. (2020). Organizational Bulk Email Systems: Their Role and Performance in Remote Work. In microsoft.com.
9. Sull, D., Sull, C., & Bersin, J. (2020). Five ways leaders can support remote work. MIT Sloan Management Review, 61(4), 1-10.
10. Pozen, R. C., and Samuel A. (2021). Remote, Inc.. Harper Business.
social services 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的最佳貼文
✔︎ 成為七七會員(幫助我們繼續日更,並享有會員專屬福利):http://bit.ly/shasha77_member
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#味精 #MSG
00:00 前導
01:46 味精是怎麼被「發明」的?
02:56 味精好吃的秘訣是什麼?
04:07 味精如何制霸餐廳?
05:43 中國餐館症候群
06:55 又是「歧視」惹的禍?
08:21 所以,味精真的不健康嗎?
09:48 我們的觀點
10:19 提問
10:35 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→蒼藍鴿的醫學天地:「味精」對人體有害? 世紀大謊言! | 蒼藍鴿聊醫學EP102 :https://bit.ly/3uQ5sso
→The History of Umami (MSG):https://bit.ly/3omK5wv
→Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. 2020. Scientific Report of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee: Advisory Report to the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Health and Human Services. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Washington, DC.
→味精是不好不健康的化學物質、有毒會致癌?可真是誤會大了!【2019最新】| 食品技師張邦妮 | 安心食代:https://bit.ly/3oddDwC
→If MSG is so bad for you, why doesn't everyone in Asia have a headache?:https://bit.ly/3omK7o7
→The Science of Satisfaction:https://bit.ly/3ydXTOC
→Is MSG as bad as it’s made out to be?:https://bbc.in/2RSNGWO
→The History of MSG and Its Journey around the World:https://bit.ly/3uLLWxl
→The discovery of umami: How MSG changed the culinary world:https://bit.ly/3oglVno
→The Cultural Journey of MSG in America:https://f52.co/3hphVQ1
→From the blacklist to the spotlight: How MSG is staging a comeback:https://bit.ly/3hvD4bv
→陳柔縉 (2011). 台灣幸福百事: 你想不到的第一次. Taiwan: 究竟出版社股份有限公司.
→侯巧蕙. (2012). 台灣日治時期漢人飲食文化之變遷: 以在地書寫為探討核心. 臺灣師範大學台灣文化及語言文學研究所學位論文.
→The persistent, racist myth of “Chinese restaurant syndrome” just won’t die:https://bit.ly/3fgeSaj
→Mosby, I. (2009). ‘That Won-Ton Soup Headache’: The Chinese Restaurant Syndrome, MSG and the Making of American Food, 1968–1980. Social History of Medicine, 22(1), 133-151
→Revisiting the ‘Chinese Restaurant Syndrome’ https://bit.ly/3wa5YSx
→Abend, L. (2017). FOOD FIGHTS AND CULTURE WARS A Secret History of Taste.
→The Strange Case of Dr. Ho Man Kwok:https://bit.ly/33GgCUC

social services 在 Pen My Blog Youtube 的最讚貼文
Hi guys! So today I am going to be talking about some of my Top 4 favourite red lip shades (also covered in different textures and formulations as well) so I hope you all will enjoy this video! If you have any questions, you can always leave me a comment down below too, so have a great week you guys!
Products Mentioned:
1. Giorgio Armani Rouge D'Armani Lipstick in Shade 400
(Time Stamp: 1:45 minutes in)
2. MAC Cosmetics Retro Matte Liquid Lipstick in Feels So Grand
(Time Stamp: 3:14 minutes in)
3. The Face Shop VDIVOV Lip Cut Shine Rouge in Red Rising RD301
(Time Stamp: 3:58 minutes in)
4. Marc Jacobs Beauty Enamored Hi-Shine Lip Lacquer Lipgloss in Shade 400 Beauty Atomic
(Time Stamp: 5:05 minutes in)
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social services 在 Pen My Blog Youtube 的精選貼文
Hello everyone! So today I am going to be reviewing Sisley's latest makeup releases and as always, I hope you all will enjoy this video.Also, if you have any questions, you can always leave me a comment down below too, so hope you guys have a wonderful week!
Products Mentioned:
1. Sisley Paris Phyto-Blush | RM270 | Pink Peony & Coral
2. Sisley Paris So Stretch Mascara | RM250 | Deep Black & Deep Brown
More Details: http://bit.ly/SPM-PMB
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3. Jeff Lee: 10% off on all services with mention of the code ‘PENMYBLOG’/ ‘SHIVANI
4. GastonLuga: 15% off on all item with mention of the code ‘PENMYBLOG15’
5. Hariz Halton : ‘HARIZTEN’ for a 10% rebate off your entire purchase.
6. Effortless.my : Rebate off total bill with the code ‘PENMYBLOG’

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