貓兒好愛這間在茵斯布魯克城市裡的『伯吉瑟爾 - 天空景觀餐廳Bergisel Sky Restaurant』它就在奧林匹克運動會指定跳雪台上。從這個餐廳可以360度環看整個茵斯布魯克城,美麗山景雄偉壯麗映入眼簾眼簾😍而且餐點的價錢跟平日山腳下的餐廳收費差不多。無論是早午餐&下午茶都很棒,而且服務生的態度好親切啊!到奧地利茵斯布魯克玩,貓兒很推薦來這個餐廳看看風景、吃早午餐🍞☕️&喝下午🍰🍵。
我們去的時候剛好遇到教練正在指導學生練習『跳台滑雪ski jumping』與他們聊天得知夏季雖然沒有雪但仍是可以模擬練習,但是一日僅能練4-5次矯正姿態,超過練習次數除了耗太多體力更會造成反效果。好棒的難得經驗,能夠聽到專業人士講解他們練習的經驗分享!
Bergisel Sky Restaurant is very famous for being on the top of Innsbruck Bergisel ski jump tower. This restaurant has big glass walls, which offer a wonderful panorama view. The food isn't that expensive, and almost the same as in normal restaurants.
We went on a nice sunny August day! From the big window we were able to see Nordkette mountain just in front of us. We stayed for about 3 hours and enjoyed our lunch and ice coffee.
Visiting this international Olympic ski jump tower and its sky restaurant was a great experience. If you are planning to go to Innsbruck, I would suggest you to visit it too! #奧地利 #茵斯布魯克 #旅遊日記 #生活日記 #開動with貓 #Austria #Innsbruck #KaidongWithKat #trip
ski austria 在 開動with貓-奧地利生活札記-Kaidong With Kat Facebook 的最佳貼文
Recently, many cities in Austria and Bavaria (southeastern Germany) are experiencing heavy snow! Many mountain roads and ski resorts are closed, because of avalanche danger. If right now you are traveling or planning to visit this area, please keep yourself warm and prepare suitable shoes for snowy days! #奧地利 #薩爾斯堡 #生活日記 #開動with貓 #Österreich #Austria #Salzburg #KaidongWithKat
ski austria 在 開動with貓-奧地利生活札記-Kaidong With Kat Facebook 的最佳解答
[22. Mar. 2018 貓貓的微日記 Kat's mini diary]
Werfenweng town is a famous ski area outside of Salzburg city! The Alps not only offer a clear view of the landscape but also mountain climbing, skiing, sledding, and paragliding. I really enjoy sledding on soft new snow! When you take a closer look, each snowflake is uniquely beautiful and easily fragile! #奧地利 #薩爾斯堡 #蓬高 #韋爾芬翁 #生活日記 #開動with貓 #餐桌日記 #Austria #Salzburg #Pongau #Werfenweng #KaidongWithKat #snow #Ski #Österreich