2015年,MindMaze發布全球首款靠意念控制的虛擬實境(VR)遊戲系統—MindLeap,其新穎的概念及技術備受各界矚目,因此吸引來自世界各國的企業及投資機構爭相投資;2016年,Mindmaze獲得印度家族集團設在瑞士的私人銀行Hinduja Group投資1億美元(約28億新台幣),使其公司估值達到10億美元(約280億新台幣),正式加入新創獨角獸的行列。
Mindmaze是由神經科學家泰吉·塔迪(Tej Tadi)於2012年成立,總部位於瑞士洛桑,是一間醫療神經修復的科技公司,專注於利用AR和VR技術結合本身神經專業知識,推出一系列VR和AR的神經治療相關系統;此外,團隊亦利用AR和VR技術完成治療性的遊戲,希望幫助像是中風患者等人員訓練身體運動,讓他們自行測量相關資料,並就如何提高運動技能和認知功能的恢復提供建議。
之所以能做到這點,Mindmaze執行長泰吉.塔迪(Tej Tadi)表示,他們的VR科技同時運用動態捕捉感應器與軟體來接收電子脈衝,藉此偵測人體的運動,而這項技術可以利用上述獲得的訊息,在VR中創造一個互動角色(即為avatar),並即時模擬現實中人的動作,在歐洲的醫院裡,主要用於幫助中風患者、截肢者,以及身體衰弱的病患們,協助他們重拾肢體的運動力。
2017年,美國知名演員李奧納多·狄卡皮歐也投資Mindmaze,李奧納多在聲明中說道: 「我對Mindmaze技術發展的可能性感到相當興奮,尤其在未來幾年可能作為推動媒體與娛樂產業的潛能。」
截至目前,Mindmaze已在神經科學、生物傳感、工程學、混合現實和人工智慧的交叉領域進行十幾年的研究和探索,使用VR和AR技術推出的一系列產品皆備受各界肯定,去(2020)年9月,Mindmaze和紐約的西奈山醫療機構(Mount Sinai Hospital)宣布一項可在家進行的遠端神經康復治療研究,以輔助中風患者透過臨床醫生的虛擬支持下,繼續在家中進行康復訓練治療,一推出,即大獲好評,引起許多企業的興趣,並紛紛加入投資的行列,截至今(2021)年,Mindmaze已融資超1.085億美元(約30億新台幣)。
未來,Mindmaze將利用自身擁有的專利和臨床資料瞄准其他疾病,並讓自己成為製藥和醫療器械公司的優秀合作夥伴,對此,泰吉·塔迪表示: 「我們的技術是可擴展的,目前正應用於解決7到8種不同的疾病,包括帕金森氏症、癡呆症、阿爾茨海默氏症、多發性硬化症…等老年人常會出現的疾病,且公司正在構建相關的軟硬體,並希望通過VR和AR來幫助患者與多種疾病奮鬥。」
同時也有34部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過70萬的網紅ESBEYE,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Islam mengajarkan serta senantiasa membimbing kita untuk melaksanakan ibadah. Setiap perkara yang diridhai oleh Allah diangga...
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sinai 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的最讚貼文
本週,全球確診的冠狀病毒病例數達到 2 億,這一驚人數字突顯了病毒的全球影響。
雖然富裕國家已經能夠用疫苗保護許多公民,但較貧窮的國家仍然無法獲得挽救生命的疫苗。世界衛生組織呼籲富裕國家推遲至九月底接種第三劑加強疫苗,直到全球至少有 10%的人口接種了疫苗。
在美國,隨著高度傳染性的 delta 變種的傳播,醫院的 COVID 病房裡擠滿了病人——幾乎所有病人都沒有接種疫苗。
一名確診病患Travis Campbell躺在床上戴著呼吸器,虛弱的呼籲大家,你是想坐下來策畫自己的喪禮,還是去打疫苗呢?
SOT約三分鐘,後段專訪Mount Sinai global health center博士,Nils Henning
sinai 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的精選貼文
How to Avoid Being Dragged Off Like a Slave
“Tell me, you that desire to be under the law, don’t you listen to the law? For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the servant, and one by the free woman. However, the son by the servant was born according to the flesh, but the son by the free woman was born through promise. These things contain an allegory, for these are two covenants. One is from Mount Sinai, bearing children to bondage, which is Hagar. For this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and answers to the Jerusalem that exists now, for she is in bondage with her children. But the Jerusalem that is above is free, which is the mother of us all.” (Galatians 4:21-26 WEB)
Hi dear patron,
Hagar was Sarah’s maidservant. The name “Hagar” has three probable meanings based on its etymology: 1) To flee, 2) To be dragged off, 3) To be forced into service.
None of the three meanings have positive connotations.
The Apostle Paul revealed in his epistle to the Galatians that Hagar is a picture of the Law of Moses, whereas Sarah represents Grace.
When God gave Abraham and Sarah the promise of a son, they tried to ‘help’ God to fulfill that promise according to their own understanding.
Sarah was barren, so she gave Hagar to Abraham for her (Sarah) to obtain a son through Hagar.
This decision which was born of the flesh led to lots of domestic strife between Sarah and Hagar, as well as eventually between Israel and Ishmael.
Whenever you introduce the Law of Moses into your mind and in your actions, you’re subjecting yourself to the three meanings of the name “Hagar”.
Fleeing implies fear. Instead of faith, you’ll be living under fear.
When you try to live by the Law, you’re being dragged off from being established in righteousness by faith.
Lastly, you are forced into service like a slave, because the curse of the Law is upon whoever tries to put themselves under the Law. You have effectively taken the position of a slave instead of a son.
Can you see why the devil wants to deceive people into legalism and religiosity?
If he can trick you into trying performance-based justification, you’ll be fearful, unprofitable and living as one who is accursed.
The Law of Moses is holy, righteous and true, but man is unable to become righteous through it.
If man tries to keep the Law and fails, the Law confers its curse without any mercy. Can you see how the devil has wielded the Law to become his ultimate cloaked weapon?
Man thinks he’s doing the right thing by trying to keep the Law, but actually he is just subjecting himself to death and the curse!
If Hagar never came into the picture, and Abraham just waited for God to fulfill His promise at the right time by His power, there would be no suffering.
God wants us to rest in His promises, have faith in Him and just wait for Him to cause the breakthrough to happen at His appointed time.
Don’t let yourself be dragged off from the Gospel which is righteousness by faith in Christ Jesus. Stand firm in the gift of righteousness and rely on God’s abundant grace which is constantly being supplied to you!
Just like Abraham and Sarah, we need to learn how to flow with God’s system of times and seasons by which He does everything under Heaven. This will break the cycle of disappointment and acting by the flesh. Understand this important revelation from “God’s Appointed Time: Being Fruitful in Every Season of Life”:
sinai 在 ESBEYE Youtube 的精選貼文
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Islam mengajarkan serta senantiasa membimbing kita untuk melaksanakan ibadah. Setiap perkara yang diridhai oleh Allah dianggap sebagai ibadah. Dengan membaca Surah At-tiin akan memberi keutamaan yang begitu besar untuk umat manusia. Terutama manusia tak pernah luput dari dosa hingga ibadah ini bisa menutup kesalahan kita selama hidup sampai tua.
At-tiin yaitu salah satu surah yang ada didalam Al-Qur’an. Surah At-tiin mempunyai 8 ayat dengan makna serta maksud yang mengagumkan. Surah ini dapat mempunyai keutamaan yang akan bermanfaat untuk hidup kita.
Ada juga yang berpendapat bahwa ‘Tin’ adalah nama bukit tempat Nabi Ibrahim a.s. menerima wahyu, sedangkan ‘Zaitun’ adalah nama bukit di dekat Yerusalem tempat Nabi Isa menerima wahyu. Jadi ‘Tin’ dan ‘Zaitun’ adalah dua tempat yang dianggap bersejarah, karena di tempat itulah Nabi Ibrahim a.s. dan Nabi Isa a.s. menerima wahyu.
Dengan ayat-ayat (ayat 1-4) di atas Allah swt. bersumpah dengan empat tempat penting, yaitu Tin, Tursina (bukit Sinai), Zaitun, dan Baladil Amin (kota Mekah), dimana pada empat tempat tersebut Nabi Ibrahim as., Musa as., Isa as., dan Muhammad saw. menerima wahyu untuk memberikan bimbingan dan pencerahan hidup pada umat manusia. Bimbingan yang diberikan para nabi dan rasul ditujukan untuk menjaga agar manusia tetap berada dalam kemuliaannya karena manusia adalah makhluk yang diciptakan Allah swt. dalam bentuk yang terbaik.
Mixing & Mastering : Ekky : https://www.instagram.com/ekky_flute/?hl=id
Video by : ESBEYE : https://www.instagram.com/esbeye_offi...
Vocal : Oday
Follow Instagram Kami
► ESBEYE : https://www.instagram.com/esbeye_offi...
► Oday Akhras : https://www.instagram.com/odayakhras/
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Call / Wa : 081273731989

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#西奈山 #埃及必做 #摩西
《讓世界改變你》線上購書 https://goo.gl/tmjnfk (有特別想要我們簽名或是希望我們寫一句話給你,請在訂購完後拍照私訊FB粉專)
★訂閱超旅頻道:https://goo.gl/PLjnVa (記得開鈴鐺喔!)
旅遊作家 x 影音導演 x 百場演講講師 x 自媒體經營 = 跨領域創意人
著作《讓世界改變你,讓你改變世界:旅人必備的心靈雞湯》https://goo.gl/wosQEH 《開著家,去旅行 : 紐西蘭露營車旅遊聖經》https://goo.gl/yVdSDC

sinai 在 The girl Summer Youtube 的精選貼文
Filmed by Gopro Hero 4 and Panasonic LUMIX GF9
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thegirlsummerr
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thegirlsummer
E-mai合作 ✉ summeryaz@gmail.com

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Experience healthcare made easy with Mount Sinai's digital patient tools and resources. Find doctors, schedule appointments, and make medication requests ... ... <看更多>
sinai 在 DCS: SINAI MAP | LAUNCH TRAILER - YouTube 的推薦與評價
It is with great pleasure that we introduce DCS: Sinai by OnReTech. An incredible landscape splitting the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, ... ... <看更多>