南韓將在3年內斥資9億美元推動綠能 扶持太陽能及風電!! (02/29/2020 經濟日報、BusinessKorea)
(經濟日報 本報訊)南韓政府已決定,未來三年將斥資11兆韓元(約9.097億美元)推動再生能源計畫,分別用4.7兆和6.3兆韓元投資太陽能和風力發電,國營能源事業今年再生能源發電占比將須從6%提高至7%。
Korean Government to Invest 11 Tril. Won in Renewable Energy Projects for 3 Years(02/28/2020 BusinessKorea)
The Korean government has decided to invest a total of 11 trillion won in new and renewable energy projects for three years. The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy announced an implementation plan for the development, use and diffusion of renewable energy technology on Feb. 27.
The government plans to invest 4.7 trillion won for three years to complete 28 solar power generation complexes (1,130 MW) including the Yeongam Solar Power Generation Complex and to build 17 complexes (1,640 MW) including the Saemangeum Solar Power Generation Complex.
In connection with wind power projects, the government will invest 6.3 trillion won to complete nine complexes (220 MW) including the Jangheung Wind Power Generation Complex, and build 15 complexes (640 MW) including the Hallim Offshore Wind Power Generation Complex on Juju Island.
It will invest 1.9 trillion won this year to launch construction of new solar and wind power generation projects.
Public energy corporations such as KEPCO will be required to increase the share of renewable energy in power generation from the current 6 percent to 7 percent this year, and demand for renewable energy certificates (RECs) will be greatly scaled up.
In addition, beginning this year, solar modules will be subject to the lowest efficiency rule that requires solar modules to exceed 17.5 percent in the efficiency of converting sunlight to electricity. The Carbon Certification System will be applied to renewable energy facilities with low carbon emissions.
At the same time, the government has decided to invest 20.3 billion won in solar and wind technology development and 41.3 billion won in hydrogen technology development this year. The funds will go to developing the world's highest efficiency solar cell which exceeds the marginal efficiency of 30 percent (2025 target: 35 percent), a floating offshore wind power generator (up to 8MW), and core parts for hydrogen generation.
saemangeum 在 懂能源 Facebook 的最讚貼文
此計劃將投入10兆韓元(約88億美元;2750億台幣),用於開發具有4 GW發電能力的「超大規模(mega-scale)」太陽能和風能綜合設施,其中包括3 GW的太陽能園區。
南韓政府規劃再生能源發電量占比,將於2030年時達到20%,其中太陽光電的估計裝置容量將達30.8 GW...
林韋廷(2018),「南韓將於新萬金打造再生能源中心、亦將持續推動建設大型水上太陽能農場」 ,能源知識庫電子報,第67期,https://km.twenergy.org.tw/Content/Epaper/2019128114939.html (瀏覽於2019年2月15日)
saemangeum 在 張嘉哲Chia-Che Chang Facebook 的最讚貼文
2015 Gunasn Saemangeum International Marathon
2015 群山新萬金馬拉松
感謝Howon University的學生,連續四天來為中華民國田徑協會,指派的李銘勝選手做運動按摩服務。平時這些學生都是為 Howon Univ. 的足球隊做訓練後恢復按摩的團隊👍