稍早友人分享,看到吉田修平轉發了這篇 Forbes 的原神報導並稱:「‘Genshin Impact’ Shows Why The PS5 Will Be Tough To Beat by @Forbes」
看來《原神》儼然也成為了 SONY 陣營的驕傲。
昨天查閱資料才發現,日本版《原神》自 2018 年 12 月就開始預熱行銷,當時就推出了連載漫畫。
在將近 20 個月以前就持續投入預算,佩服。
「Between this and Fall Guys, Sony has rung up some interesting third-party console exclusives in recent months, placing itself at the center of the console conversation for some pretty big phenomena here as we build up to the next generation. While first-party tends to get all the big headlines when it comes to exclusives, games like this show just how strong Sony’s market-leading position is with the PS4, and that’s going to be a major boon with the PS5.」