Ray's Music World Episode 180 (#RMW180) – Ray Shen & Toxic Wraith
🎧 Listen on mixcloud ▶️ https://www.mixcloud.com/ray-shen/rays-music-world-episode-180-rmw180-ray-shen-toxic-wraith/
001 - DVBBS - Fool For Ya
002 - DallasK - I Know (Club Mix)
003 - Habstrakt feat. Karra - Ice Cold
004 - Dog Blood feat. josh pan & X&G - 4 MIND
005 - Saint Punk - Guttah
006 - VINNE - McLovin
007 - Laidback Luke & TWOLOUD - Fcukin Beats
008 - Dua Lipa - We're Good (Dillon Francis Remix)
009 - Laidback Luke & Shiah Maisel - Good Again
010 - Sultan + Shepard x Showtek - We Found Love
011 - Chester Young - Get Down
012 - Cleez - Heartbreaker (Twoloud Remix)
013 - Bauti Tesei - In My Hands
014 - Laidback Luke & Gregor Salto feat. Mavis Acquah - Step By Step (DANNIC Remix)
015 - Sam Feldt feat. Kesha - Stronger (Club Mix)
016 - Robin Aristo x Mr Sid & March Forward - Like It
017 - Zoopreme - Can't Stop
018 - TONY JUNIOR & Ez Quew & Caneschi - Stamina
019 - Mike Candys - Selecta
020 - Julian Jordan & WILL K - The Box
021 - REGGIO - Revelation
022 - Hardwell & KAAZE feat. Loren Allred - This Is Love (BLK RSE Remix)
023 - *Classic Of The Week* Dannic & Sick Individuals - Feel Your Love (DBSTF Remix)
*Toxic Wraith Guestmix*
024 - Toxic Wraith & Dominik Kowalski - Looking At Me
025 - Alex Heart - Talk About This (Dominik Kowalski & Toxic Wraith Remix)
026 - Tom & Jame - Get Up Get Down (Exinct Remix)
027 - ARYUE & Sammy Boyle - Fight For Me
028 - Almero & Heero - Hustle
029 - Snavs & Kage - Trippy
030 - Snavs & Kage - Trippy (Kage VIP)
031 - Axiver - Acid Line
032 - NEVERGLOW & CASHEW & FineRefined - Pumpin’
033 - Martin Garrix & Jay Hardway - Error 404 (Whats Gud Remix)
034 - Sikdope & ALRT - Fly With You (MNKS Remix)
035 - Krunk! & Restricted feat. Kelly Matejcic - With You (yuma. & SFRNG Remix)
036 - GODAMN & Makla - Chicago
037 - Seth Hills & Vluarr feat. Lucas Ariel - Calling Out
038 - Dyro x R3hab & Conor Maynard x Tommy Jayden - Bombai x Hold On Tight (Toxic Wraith Mashup)
039 - Sam Feldt & VIZE feat. Leony - Far Away From Home (FineRefined Remix)
040 - R3hab & Jolin Tsai - Stars Align (Castion Remix)
041 - R4BYT - Dectrl
042 - MAB - Death Trap
043 - NAEMS & BonRen - Escape
044 - Sebastian Mateo & DJ St3v3 - Hypnotized
045 - Matisse & Sadko feat. Hanne Mjøen - Into You (Antione Delvig Remix)
046 - Brohug feat. Born I - Gold On My Crown
047 - Tommy Jayden & Castion - Untouchable
048 - Lost Frequencies & Mathieu Koss - Don't Leave Me Now (Brooks Remix)
049 - Toxic Wraith & Ricky Birotti - Voices
050 - AJ Tracey & Mabel - West Ten (JJL Remix)
051 - Toxic Wraith - Heartless
052 - Ricky Birotti - ID
053 - Toxic Wraith - Holy Grail
054 - Toxic Wraith - Believe In Me
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#RMW180 #RayShenAndFriends #ToxicWraith #Guestmix #BassHouse #Electro #Trap #FutureBounce #TechHouse
同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,210的網紅DJ Macky Suson,也在其Youtube影片中提到,If your target audience is millennials and Gen Zers, TikTok should be the social media platform you choose to promote yourself and your brand. With 80...
restricted dj 在 陳鈺萍醫師 Facebook 的最佳解答
從住院醫師訓練,到成為母親,再到幫人接生的產科醫師,漸漸體會到產科教科書中的「自然生產」一點兒也不自然,充滿父權體制對產婦的「控制」。2006年,美國婦產科醫學會在生產指引中建議限制使用會陰切開術(restricted use of episiotomy),John Repke醫師說:「我們必需小心,不要誤入讓醫學中的任何一件事變成『常規』的陷阱[5]。」於2016年美國婦產科醫學會再度強調,有許多方法避免陰道生產嚴重裂傷,而非常規會陰切開的臨床指引。2006年至2012年,美國會陰切開的執行率從33%降至12%[6]。威廉產科學教科書也開始建議限制使用會陰切開術。當然,改變的不只這些,還包括生產的姿勢、常規靜脈注射等等,教科書上的臨床技術建議都有改變[7]。2009年,世界衛生組織與聯合國兒童基金(英文全名World Health Organization/the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, 簡稱WHO/UNICEF)提出的母嬰親善醫院倡議(Baby Friendly Hospital Initiatitve,簡稱BFHI英文全名)再版[8],強調生產方式影響日後母乳哺餵順利與否,所以在原本的十大措施之外提出第十一項母親友善(mother-friendly)生產措施,當中強調生產時能由母親選擇的人陪伴、生產時母親可以自由活動並可選擇自己喜歡的姿勢、生產時母親可以自由喝水和進食、避免不必要(常規)的醫療介入,提供非藥物的減痛方法等等。2015年從研究所畢業,思考模式改變之後,決定以「順勢生產」的實作,作為中年婦女二度就業的「逆襲」。2015年10月,協助好友小晨在家生產,是我實作的起點。
Hrdy的《母性:解開母親、嬰兒與天擇之間的歷史糾葛》(Mother Nature: A History of Mothers, Infants and Natural Selection),結合人類學、靈長類研究、演化生理學、昆蟲學、歷史學等龐大的科學研究成果,修正大家「母性天生」的想法。「我們女人並不是用甚麼人的肋骨作成的,而是多種不同演化遺留下來的綜合體,是10億年以上演化過程中留下來的成分組合,我曾靠腦內啡熬過分娩陣痛,就連這種物質也是人類與蚯蚓共有的分子形成的[9]。」我觀察到常常滿月大潮的夜晚,自然生產的產婦幾乎都是以破水為產兆來的。母親身體這個小宇宙裡的羊水,就跟潮汐一樣,與大自然連結著。當代醫學與科技,很多時候是干擾甚至是切斷這樣的連結的。如同Haraway在《猿猴‧賽博格和女人》一書所說的,「如何跨越那些分離我們的科學讓女人緊緊相繫?」,Haraway討論我們該如何設法在生產與再生產我們的生活時,不致全面仰賴控制與敵意的理論範疇和具體做法,提到生物社會的理論(biosocial theories)之所以把焦點放在生產,乃是基於一個根本的前提:以最表面的意思來說,人類是自己創造自己的,而工具中介了人與自然之間的交換。越演越烈的科技支配,讓我們對自然建立起一種異化的關係。如果我們可以去關注勞動過程本身,並重新建構我們對自然、起源與過去的感受,我們可以從工具返回到身體,在生產與再生產的生物社會條件中去認識身體。「我們的身體,我們自己」。女性主義學者重新取用了科學,以便為我們自己去發現,並定義什麼是「自然的」。我們手中握著一個人性的過去與未來。如此抱定特定旨趣對科學進行研究的取向,成若要認真看待科學論述的規則,但並不崇拜科學客觀性的物神[10]。我想,我們需要的是「性別創新」(gendered innovation)。來修正科學知識,讓女人緊緊相繫,也讓人類重新取得與大自然的連結。
「性別創新」這個計畫是由史丹佛大學歷史學教授Londa Schiebinger所提出,科學研究若納入性別,會展現很不一樣的成果。Schiebinger建議我們可以從兩個方向來著手:在科學與工程界發展性別分析的實作方法,以及提供個案展現納入性別分析之後的創新成果。分析歷年來,追求性別平等的策略包括「修補女性人數(fix the numbers of women)」,著眼於提升女性的參與。「修補機構(fix the institutions)」改變研究機構中的結構,增進職場的性別平等。現在提倡「性別創新」著眼於「修補知識(fix the knowledge)」,要激發科技研究納入性別分析[11]。若要在生產技術改革上實踐性別創新,女醫師人數近年已增加;醫學機構中的性別平等,還需要有更多的努力。而「修補知識」這件事情,就需要從更多的實作經驗中去累積了。
5. American College of Obstetricians- Gynecologists. ACOG Practice Bulletin. Episiotomy. Clinical management guidelines for obstetrician-gynecologists. Number 71, April 2006. Obstet Gynecol 2006;107:957-62.
6. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists : Practice Bulletin No. 165: Prevention and management of obstetric lacerations at vaginal delivery. Obstet Gynecol 2016;128:e1-e15.
7. Cunningham FG, Gant FN, Leveno KJ, et al. Williams Obstetrics, 23st Edition, McGRAW-HILL, Medical Publishing Division, 2009.
8. World Health Organization, UNICEF: Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative Revised, updated and expanded for integrated care, 2009.
9. Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer著,薛絢譯:母性:解開母親、嬰兒與天擇之間的歷史糾葛。臺北,新手父母出版,2004。
10. Haraway DJ著,張君玫譯:猿猴‧賽博格和女人。台北,群學,2010。
11. Gendered Innovation http://genderedinnovations. stanford.edu/ Accessed April 11, 2020
台灣醫學Formosan J Med 2020;24:305-13
協辦單位:高雄 芒果咖秋
restricted dj 在 我就是健 Facebook 的最佳解答
List of Banned / Restricted Breed of Dogs
Restricted Breed of Dogs
i. Bull Mastiff ii. Bull Terrier iii. Doberman iv. German Shepard/Alsatian including Belgian Shepard and East European
Shepard v. Perro de Presa Canario (also known as Canary Dog) vi. Rottweiler
6.2 Banned Breed of Dogs
i. Akita ii. American Bulldog iii. Dogo Argentino iv. Fila Braziliero v. Japanese Tosa vi. Neapolitan Mastiff vii. Pit Bull Terrier / Pit Bull (also known as American Pit Bull, American Pit Bull
Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier and Staffordshire Bull Terrier)
988 DJ : May 子
restricted dj 在 DJ Macky Suson Youtube 的最佳解答
If your target audience is millennials and Gen Zers, TikTok should be the social media platform you choose to promote yourself and your brand. With 800 million active users, TikTok has an unmatched reach and penetration in these demographics.
TikTok offers a goldmine of opportunities for marketers and influencers. However, one place that it fell short was live videos, which are offered by competitor platforms like Facebook, Twitch, and Instagram.
In 2019, TikTok launched their Live feature by which content creators can live stream their videos from the platform.
Live video streaming allows TikTokers to connect with their followers in real-time using comments. It can also help you monetize your account if your live stream audience sends you virtual “gifts.” The best part about live videos is that you can cover a lot of content through them since TikTok hasn’t yet restricted their duration.
In this article, we will walk you through the process of creating live streams. Along with that, we will also share tips and tricks that you can leverage to maximize the results of your live videos.
What Can You Do on YouNow?
Watch live videos, browse trending hash tags, categories and broadcasters
Broadcast live videos
Follow, chat and connect with other broadcasters/fans
Like and comment on videos
In-app purchases (Users can purchase gifts for other followers).
Many teens use the app to broadcast their talents for example dancing and singing are very popular broadcasts. In addition, teens use the app for advice and to ask questions, there’s even a #bored hashtag which is very popular among teens. Other strangely popular hashtags include #sleepingsquad where people broadcast themselves sleeping.
One of the things we noticed about the content posted by teens is that many of them broadcast from their bedrooms, we always recommend being careful about sharing personal information online.

restricted dj 在 DJ Macky Suson Youtube 的精選貼文
If your target audience is millennials and Gen Zers, TikTok should be the social media platform you choose to promote yourself and your brand. With 800 million active users, TikTok has an unmatched reach and penetration in these demographics.
TikTok offers a goldmine of opportunities for marketers and influencers. However, one place that it fell short was live videos, which are offered by competitor platforms like Facebook, Twitch, and Instagram.
In 2019, TikTok launched their Live feature by which content creators can live stream their videos from the platform.
Live video streaming allows TikTokers to connect with their followers in real-time using comments. It can also help you monetize your account if your live stream audience sends you virtual “gifts.” The best part about live videos is that you can cover a lot of content through them since TikTok hasn’t yet restricted their duration.
In this article, we will walk you through the process of creating live streams. Along with that, we will also share tips and tricks that you can leverage to maximize the results of your live videos.
What Can You Do on YouNow?
Watch live videos, browse trending hash tags, categories and broadcasters
Broadcast live videos
Follow, chat and connect with other broadcasters/fans
Like and comment on videos
In-app purchases (Users can purchase gifts for other followers).
Many teens use the app to broadcast their talents for example dancing and singing are very popular broadcasts. In addition, teens use the app for advice and to ask questions, there’s even a #bored hashtag which is very popular among teens. Other strangely popular hashtags include #sleepingsquad where people broadcast themselves sleeping.
One of the things we noticed about the content posted by teens is that many of them broadcast from their bedrooms, we always recommend being careful about sharing personal information online.

restricted dj 在 DJ Macky Suson Youtube 的精選貼文
If your target audience is millennials and Gen Zers, TikTok should be the social media platform you choose to promote yourself and your brand. With 800 million active users, TikTok has an unmatched reach and penetration in these demographics.
TikTok offers a goldmine of opportunities for marketers and influencers. However, one place that it fell short was live videos, which are offered by competitor platforms like Facebook, Twitch, and Instagram.
In 2019, TikTok launched their Live feature by which content creators can live stream their videos from the platform.
Live video streaming allows TikTokers to connect with their followers in real-time using comments. It can also help you monetize your account if your live stream audience sends you virtual “gifts.” The best part about live videos is that you can cover a lot of content through them since TikTok hasn’t yet restricted their duration.
In this article, we will walk you through the process of creating live streams. Along with that, we will also share tips and tricks that you can leverage to maximize the results of your live videos.