They conquered Mount Kinabalu. And this is their story.
*Influencers from the Philippines.
Every step, every sigh, every mountain has a story. This is our #MtKinabaluReady story – of ordinary people bonded by passion, drive and dreams.
Truly, it’s not just the mountains that we triumph during a hike, but also ourselves. Together, we’ve stood strong during the long hours of summiting the 4,095 masl, the chilling 2 degrees of temperature and the wind that came along the rain.
But the beauty that welcomed us after all the struggle and hard work was so worth it! Add the fulfillment and realization that will kick in – ‘I MADE IT.’
Now, it’s time for you to make your own #MtKinabaluReady story! So tag your hike mates and start planning for your next climb ‘coz we’re born to fly anyway, right? Go wander and explore after watching this adventure film submitted by Patrick Martin! This one's for you, our fellow dreamer!
#AirAsiainKotaKinabalu #AirAsiaPH
Music: This One’s For You by David Guetta featuring Zara Larsson
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Ác giả, ác báo = As the call, so the echo
Ai làm, nấy chịu = Who breaks, pays.
Ăn cháo đái bát/ăn cháo đá bát. = Bite the hand that feeds you.
Ăn miếng trả miếng. = A taste of your own Medicine.
Ăn mày mà đòi ăn xôi gấc = beggars can't be choosers
Ăn quả nhớ kẻ trồng cây; Uống nước nhớ nguồn. = Let every man praise the bridge that carries him over
Bần cùng sinh đạo tặc. = Necessity knows no laws.
Bất quá tam. = Third time is the charm.
Biết người biết ta, trăm trận trăm thắng = He who sees through life and death will meet with most success.
Bụng làm dạ chịu.= Make one's bed and lie in it.
Bắt cá hai tay. = two-time somebody. To run with the hare and hold with the hound.
Bần cư náo thị vô nhân vấn. Phú tại sơn lâm hữu viễn thân = An empty purse frightens away friends; In times of prosperity friends are plentiful.
Cá mè một lứa. = Dogs of the same street bark alike.
Cái khó ló cái khôn. = Necessity is the mother of invention.
Càng đông càng vui. = The more, the merrier.
Cây ngay không sợ chết đứng; Vàng thật không sợ lữa. = A clear conscience laughs at false accusation.
Cân nhắc lợi hại. = Weigh the pros and cons.
Cha nào con nấy. = Like father like son
Cháy túi = Lose one's shirt
Cháy nhà lòi mặt chuột. = Rats desert a sinking ship.
Chết vinh hơn sống nhục. = Better a glorious death than a shameful life.
Chết vinh hơn sống quỳ. = Better die standing than live kneeling.
Chí lớn gặp nhau. = Great minds think alike.
Chín người, mười ý. = So many men, so many minds.
Chim thấy ná. = A burnt child dreads the fire.
Chơi dao có ngày đứt tay. = He who plays with fire gets burnt.
Chó sủa là chó không cắn. = great barkers are no biters.
Chứng nào tật đó, ngựa quen đường cũ. = Old habits die hard.
Có chí thì nên. = Where there is a will, there is a way.
Có tật giật mình. = A guilty conscience never feels secure.
Có qua có lại mới toại lòng nhau. = You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.
Con sâu làm rầu nồi canh. = Rotten apple spoils the barrel.
Con hoang. = Born on the other side of the blanket.
Cưa sừng làm nghé. = mutton dressed as lamb.
Cùng lắm. = Worse comes to worst. Đánh ghen. = To confront one's romantic rival.
Cùi không sợ lở. = A beggar can never be bankrupt.
Cười người hôm trước, hôm sau người cười. = He laughs best who laughs last.
Cướp công cách mạng. = To steal someone's thunder.
Dân mù tôn chột làm vua. = In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Dục tốc bất đạt. = Haste makes waste.
Dễ như trở bàn tay. = Be like taking candy from a baby
Dùng cán bút làm đòn xoay chế độ (Sóng Hồng). = The pen is mightier than the sword.
Đàn ông xây nhà, đàn bà xây tổ ấm = Men make houses, women make homes.
Đắt như tôm tươi = Sell like hot cakes.
Đứng núi này trông núi nọ. = The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
Đổ thêm dầu vào lửa. = Add fuel to the fire. Pour oil on the flames
Đèn nhà ai nấy tỏ. = Let every man mind his own business.
Đi với Phật mặc áo cà sa, đi với ma mặc áo giấy. = He who goes with wolves learns to howl.
Được đằng chân lân đằng đầu. = Give him an inch and he'll take a yard.
Được cái nọ mất cái kia. = You cannot eat your cake and have it.
Đỏ bạc đen tình. = Lucky at cards unlucky in love.
Đường nào cũng dẫn đến La mã. = All roads lead to Rome.
Đừng vạch áo cho người ta xem lưng. = Do not wash your dirty linen in public.
Đừng dạy đĩ vén váy. = Don't teach fish swim.
Được voi đòi tiên. = If you give a mouse a cookie he's going to ask for a glass of milk.
Gieo gió gặt bão. Gieo nhân nào thì gặt quả nấy = You reap what you sow
Giết gà bằng dao mổ trâu. = Use a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
Giết người bịt miêng. = Dead men tell no tales.
Giảng tuồng. = Elvis has left the building.
Già dịch. = Dirty old man
Giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã. = Blood is thicker than water.
Hên xui. = Luck of the draw.
Họa vô đơn chí, (phước bất trùng lai). = Misfortunes never come alone. It never rains but it pours.
Hết xí quách. = out of gas
Hoạ trung hữu phúc (trong cái rủi có cái may) = Every dark cloud has a silver lining.
Kén cá chọn canh = To pick and choose.
Không thầy đố mày làm nên = No guide, no realization
Không ai giàu ba họ, (không ai khó ba đời) = From shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations.
Không có lửa sao có khói. = where there's smoke, there's fire; There's no fire without smoke.
Khôn ba năm dại một giờ. = No man is wise at all time.
Lấy độc trị độc. = Fight fire with fire.
Lấy thúng úp voi = To put a quart into a pint pot
Lưới trời lồng lộng nhưng khó thoát. = The mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small.
Mạt cưa mướp đắng, vỏ quít dày móng tay nhọn, kẻ cắp bà già gặp nhau= Diamond cuts diamond.
Mắt to hơn bụng. = His eyes are bigger that his stomach.
Mặt nhân từ mà ruột hiểm sâu. = A fair face may hide a foul heart.
Mèo khen mèo dài đuôi. = Every bird thinks his own nest best; Every cook praises his own broth.
Mèo mù vớ cá rán. = Fortune favors the fools.
Một mũi tên trúng hai đích. Một đá chọi hai chim; Môt công hai chuyện. = Kill two birds with one stone.
Một điều nhịn bằng chín điều lành. = If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will avoid 100 days of sorrow.
Mới có ván đã bán thuyền.. = Dont count your chickens before they hatch
Muốn ăn thì lăn vào bếp. = He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.
Mưu sự tai nhân, thành sự tai thiên. = Man proposes, God disposes.
Năm thì mười họa. = Once in a blue moon.
Ngưu tầm ngưu mã tầm mã. = Birds of a feather flock together.
Nhàn cư vi bất thiện. = An idle mind is the devil's workshop; Idle hands are the devil's tools.
Nhân nào, quả nấy. = What goes around comes around.
Nhân duyên tiền định. = Marriages are made in heaven.
Nhân vô thập toàn. = To err is human
Nhắc Tào Tháo thì Tào Tháo đến. = Speak of devil and he will appear.
Nhập gia tùy tục. = When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Nói có sách mách có chứng = To speak by the book
Nồi nào úp vung nấy. = Every Jack has his Jill.
Nỗi da gà. = Have goose pimples.
Nước đổ lá môn; Nước đổ đầu vịt. = Water off a duck's back; Fallen on deaf ears.
Nước đục thả câu. = To fish in troubled waters
Nụ cười bằng mười thang thuốc bổ. = laughter is the best medicine.
Phòng bệnh hơn chữa bệnh. = An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure; Prevention is better than cure.
Rượu ngon phải có bạn hiền.= Old friends and old wine are best.
Sinh nghề tử nghiệp. = He who lives by the sword dies by the sword
Suy bụng ta ra bụng người = A wool seller knows a wool buyer
Sư nói sư phải, vãi nói vãi hay. = There are two sides to every story
Tại anh tại ả, tại cả đôi bên = It takes two to do something
Tai vách mạch rừng. = Hedges have eyes and walls have ears.
Tay làm hàm nhai. = Living hand to mouth.
Tắc đèn nhà ngói cũng như nhà tranh. = All cats are grey in the dark.
Thánh nhân đãi kẻ khù khờ. = God sends fortune to fools.
Thả tép bắt tôm. = A sprat to catch a mackerel.
Thả con săn sắt, bắt con cá rô. = To throw out a sprat to catch a mackere.
Thao thao bất tuyệt = A flood of words
Thắc lưng buộc bụng. = Tighten your belt
Thắng làm vua, thua làm giặc = Make or mar. Sink or swim. Neek or nothing
Thế thiên hành đạo. = Take the law into one's own hands
Thùng rổng kêu to. = Empty Vessels Make The Most Noise.
Thương cho roi cho vọt, nghét cho ngọt cho bùi. = Spare the rod, spoil the child; He who withholds his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him diligently
Thương em mấy núi cũng trèo mấy sông cũng lội mấy đèo cũng qua. = There ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no valley low enough, ain't no river wide enough to keep me from you.
Thừa sống thiếu chết (Ngàn cân treo sợi tóc) = More death than alive
Tiệc vui nào mà không tàn. = All good things come to an end.
Tiền trao cháo múc. = if you touch pot you must touch penny.
Tiền nào của nấy. = Pay peanut get monkey.
Tình địch. = Romantic rival.
Tốt gỗ hơn tốt nước sơn = A good name is a rich heritage. A good fame is better than a good face.
Trèo cao té đau. = The higher you climb, the harder you fall. Pride will have a fall
Trứng mà đòi khôn hơn vịt. = Teach one's grandmother to suck eggs
Tránh vỏ dưa, gặp vỏ dừa. = Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Trống đánh xuôi kèn thổi ngược. = The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.
Tự lực cánh sinh. = Every tub must stand on its own bottom.
Uống như hủ chìm. = Drink like a fish.
Việc hôm nay chớ để ngày mai = Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
Vỏ quýt dày có móng tay nhọn = Diamond cut diamond. One nail drives out another.
Vòng vo tam quốc. = To beat around the bush.
Vô độc bất trượng phu. = The end justifies the means.
Vạn sự khở đầu nan. = The first step is the hardest.
Vụng múa chê đất lệch; Vụng hát chê đình tranh. = A bad workman quarrels with his tools.
Xa mặt cách lòng. = Out of sight out of mind.
realization climb 在 江魔的魔界(Kong Keen Yung 江健勇) Facebook 的精選貼文
反對黨中選定候選人楊美盈的一篇介紹自己的英文文章,從這篇文章可以看得出它的架構完全是依魅力故事學的角度來講。(也隱著Joseph Campbell英雄之旅的影子,連這個也講給你們聽,我已經夠慈悲了)。
其餘的,若不是我的學生,可以報名 5 月 25 和· 26 日的 《江魔式毒辣NLP》
Entering into Politics - The Story Behind. By Yeo Bee Yin(杨美盈)
"Why are you involved in politics?" I think this is the question my family members, friends, and many others will ask.
It's a long story. I am writing this story today to make sure that, if ever, I forget what am I in politics for, it will serve as a reminder.
Part I: The Beginning - Seed of Love
It all started in 2001 with my first Fast and Pray for Malaysia. Since then, I started to see Malaysia very differently and began to sow the seed of love for this nation. I remember I was only 18 years old then. Looking back now, I realized, I too, can be a part of the answered prayer. How marvellous.
Part II: Years on Distant Shores
No, I am not a super patriotic person that nothing else matters to me beside Malaysia. Being a 'kampung' girl, I dreamed of going overseas - to study, to work and to see the world.
Part II (a): Eyes Opened
My dream finally came true in my fourth year in UTP. I was offered a 6-month internship placement in BASF world biggest chemical site in Ludwigshafen, Germany. As a chemical engineering student, and being the first student in UTP to get the offer, it was indeed was a great blessing for me.
Internship in Germany was my first taste of international exposure as they take interns from all over the world to Germany. I spent countless of hours with some of these friends here discussing about just about anything under the sun.
In Germany, the church that I attended was Rhein River Baptist Church, which is a church of the American army who are based in Mannheim. I was one of the few non-military church members there. Through my interaction with the American armies, I began to understand what "Democracy", "Liberty" and "Patriotism" really mean.
During my stay in Germany, I also took the opportunity to travel to neighboring countries like France, Italy, Luxembourg and England. It was in these trips that changed my world view about culture, nation, development etc.
Before coming to Europe, as a top student, I thought I knew a lot. After I came here, I realized how little I knew about the world. I began to question why in Malaysia we did not learn a more complete world history, different political systems, different ideologies, arts and culture? Neither have we been taught to think critically and objectively. I began to realize that what we've been taught in the schools have been crafted in such a way that we can be easily manipulated if we are not careful. Our syllabus was (and still is) flawed and politically biased.
I have to admit that before coming to Germany, I was an ardent supporter of Dr Mahathir and his legacy. I read his book, watched his documentary, supported the blind protection of GLCs and race-based affirmative action, thinking that it's true 'patriotism'. (You can see how brain-washed I was then.)
Six months of internship in Germany has completely changed my world view , my eyes began to open, my previous perceptions shattered and I began to see things very differently. There is actually a much BETTER way for Malaysia.
I was 22 years old then.
Part II (b): A Disheartened Young Malaysian
After the internship, I came back to Malaysia to finish my study in UTP and graduated in 2006. Before I finished my study in UTP, I received offer from my dream university, Cambridge University, for a program called MPhil in `Advanced Chemical Engineering. I was so happy! So I started to apply for funding from various organizations. I didn't get any. Although disappointed, I wasn't blaming anybody as I understood that nobody was obliged to fund me. Despite financial difficulties in his business in 2006, my dad agreed to fund my study in Cambridge.
However, I still had one problem. I was bonded to Petronas for 10 years and was supposed to serve my bond after I finished my study in UTP. So I wrote to Petronas again to ask for deferment of service until after I finished my master degree in Cambridge. A few weeks later, I was called to come to the education unit. I really thought everything was gonna to be ok. There, I saw a nice guy, he told me that the program was great and he really wanted to help, but it was in the policy that they couldn't allow any deferment for the bond or I would have to pay up my bond in lump-sump. My dream crashed.
I did not blame Petronas for that, as they were just following the contract and it would be a havoc if every scholar would come and ask for deferment or for more funding. I understood that. However, it was a small incidence in the education unit that made me utterly disappointed with how things work in Malaysia. While waiting at the lounge, I met two returning scholars from Nottingham University, UK. I started to talk to them. After a while, an education unit guy came and met them, I accidentally saw their results - one of them get second class lower and the another one a third class. That blasted my mind. Here I was, with a CGPA of 3.95/4.00 begging only for 1 year of deferment, not even a scholarship, but was denied. Here they were, spent 4 years in the UK fully sponsored and yet graduated with mediocre results.
Am I not as much a Malaysian as them? Being a 23 years old, I was utterly disheartened and disappointed.
Part II (c): The Only Way out
It was just a few days after I came back from Petronas education unit that I received a call from an American oil and gas company informing me that I was recruited. How did I get the job? While searching for scholarships to Cambridge, I casually attended 5 stages of job interviews with this company as my mom advised me to go for job interview experience. The salary would allow me to pay up my Petronas bond in just a few months! Since the offer was great and there was no way that I could attend Cambridge anyway, I decided to take up the job.The company assigned me to Turkmenistan where I spent most of my next 2 years.
I was 24 years old when I left home for Turkmenistan and never thought I'll be back again. My plan was to climb up the corporate ladder and finally settle down in one of the developed countries.
Part II (c): When Money Rules
Being paid in a salary comparable to many general managers here in Malaysia, I managed to settle my bond with Petronas very quickly and saved some for myself. With the traveling allowances from the company, I traveled to many other countries too during the holidays. Life was great, I worked hard, played hard. Because of the good compensation scheme, I did not really think much about what I really want to do in life, my dream or my passion for the country. What I went after were money, bonus and performance. I became terribly self-centered.
I just didn't care anymore.
It was until 9th Mar 2008, when I opened The Star online and saw the news on the political tsunami that I realized how I still love and care about my country. They were just buried very deeply under my frustration and disappointment. How I wished I would be able to contribute to the change no matter how small the contribution was, instead of just seeing it as an outsider.
I began to question, why am I here? Is this really what I want to pursue? Do I do this because there's no more option? Do I do this just because of money? If I were born in the US with many other opportunities, would I still leave my home and do what I am doing now? How many more Malaysians out there left Malaysia because they went for better opportunities, just like myself and many other Malaysians abroad I've met throughout the years?
After more than half a year of consideration, I quit the job just months before my second promotion (when I still could resist the temptation). I wanted to be back to make a change to my nation, so that our next generation do not need to wander around the world for a better future, because the better future IS in Malaysia. I knew that I am a nobody and of me coming back would not help much, but I thought I should just do my part as a Malaysian, to serve our nation, regardless.
However, before I was back for good, I wanted to fulfill my childhood dream first, that was, to study in Cambridge University. I did not need to worry about my finance anymore now as I could afford to pay for everything. So I re-applied and got the admission offer within a month. A double blessing to me was that Cambridge Gates Scholarship, the most prestigious post-graduate scholarship in Cambridge University, also offered me a full scholarship! Everything was paid for including air tickets, living expenses and school fees! I was and always will be grateful for Bill and Merlinda Gates Foundation.
With that, I went to Cambridge University at the age of 27 years old, a long-delayed dream finally came true.
Part II (d): Living Cambridge Dream
My experience in Cambridge continued to make my burden for Malaysia even stronger. Throughout the year, I've met with many brilliant Malaysian students or working adults from top universities in the UK. I usually asked if they will one day be back to Malaysia. For those with JPA or Petronas bond, they said yes because no choice, whereas for those who are not bonded, almost 80% said No or they'll only be back to Malaysia if they can't find a job in UK, Europe or US. Malaysia has become the last resort. For the Gates scholars, it's even more dismal. Out of the 10 who have received the scholarships from 2001 to 2010 (unfortunately none received the scholarship in 2011 and 2012), I am the ONLY 1 who is back.
Where do many of the talented Malaysians go? There are all at the foreign land seeking for better opportunities and a better future. Can we blame them for not coming back? NO, absolutely NOT. Malaysia has just too little to offer them.
Part III: Hello Malaysian Politics
After pursuing my personal dream, as I've promised myself, I was finally back to Malaysia to pursue my dream for the country. Even with a strong burden for the country, it hadn't crossed my mind that I should be in politics, mainly because to me, being a politician was too far-fetch. I had no idea as in where to start, what to do, and which party to join. Also, I had been non-partisan all my life. What I thought I would do to make a change was probably community works and joining NGOs.
Until my company did a project with Democratic Action Party (DAP) in their general election social media campaign that I was exposed to politics first hand. I finally came to realization that if I want to make a good impact in this nation, with the limited things I have, it can only be done effectively through politics.
So joining politics? It was a tough decision, especially this year, only 1 year plus after I started my own business. I am not a person that go after fame and power, why bother to join politics? In addition, I am already 29 years old, isn't that better for me to find a husband and start a family? (God knows, when I was young I wanted to get married at 25!). Why waste time fighting for a job, of which I'll risk losing every 5 years and getting a pay that is not even half of what I used to get? Why bother to play the so called 'dirty politics'? As my mom has so rightly put it, "you can have a decent and comfortable life now, why choose such a hard life?".
However, what my mom did not know, is my love for this nation since I was 18 years old, and my desire to see a better Malaysia.
As I look back my life, by the grace of God, I was blessed with good and free education, MNC job training as well as so many different opportunities of international exposure. What I want to do now is really to be a faithful steward to the gifts of God and use them to bless my fellow Malaysians.
"For everyone to whom much given, of him shall much be required" Luke 12:48
So I've made up my mind to join politics.
Even after I've decided that I should join politics, I wasn't quite sure of which party to join. I was still a non-partisan by then. So I examined through the ideology, history and leadership of different parties, and had finally come to a conclusion that DAP is the best choice for me.
Ideologically, with years of European influences (though a The Economist reader), I have always been a social democrat, so it fits just well. Historically, DAP stood the test of time and never wavered in its principle. Finally, I think I can follow the leadership of DAP without worry because most of the time they make sense to me (unlike the other side) and most importantly, they uphold integrity and righteousness.
One setback of DAP to me was the party ethnicity-mix. It is still made-up of mostly Chinese and I am definitely not very into a race-based party. However, as I was involved in the Roketkini (DAP Malay news portal) Facebook page promotion, I could see the effort of DAP to reach out to Malay population and a genuine intention top down to make DAP a multiracial party. No party is perfect anyway. So I decided to join DAP and believe that through hard-work and time, we can build a true multiracial party together.
Part IV: Hope for the Future
So now, I am in politics and volunteering in DAP. What am I going to do for the next 20-30 years in politics?
Firstly, my heart is to use my gifts to serve the people regardless of income, race and religion. I believe politician is in fact public servant, we should always work towards maximizing the interest of the public.
For the long run, my hope for Malaysia is very simple. I hope that through the hard work of our generation, we'll make sure that Malaysia can be a land of opportunities and equality for our children. I hope that Malaysia can be a land where, no matter how big and what your dreams are, they can be fulfilled here; and no matter what your potential are, they can be reached here. I hope that our children, no matter where they are outside of Malaysia, they will so look forward to come back to Malaysia. I hope for a Malaysia that is free from corruption, united regardless or race and religion as well as competitive in the global economy.
And now, I shall work hard for it. May God bless the works of our hands.
This is one of the articles summary of:
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realization climb 在 A Bio-inspired Cat-Leap Parkour Rolling Mechanism (CPRM) 的推薦與評價
MECHANISMS AND DESIGN FROM INCEPTION TO REALIZATION WORKSHOP IROS 2020 ... the robot can climb and cross unknown obstacles as well as perform locomotion. ... <看更多>
realization climb 在 Chris Sharma, World's First 5.15 - YouTube 的推薦與評價
In July, 2001, Chris Sharma made the first ascent of Realization (AKA Biographie), the world's first confirmed 5.15 (9a+), in Ceuse, France. ... <看更多>