#TrendForce expects #Huawei to make 30-40% fewer flagship chips in 2H20 due to U.S. sanctions, but healthy inventory and potential suppliers in #MediaTek / #Qualcomm mean Huawei may still produce the 2nd most smartphones in 2020, more than #Apple’s forecasted 180 million units.
qualcomm inventory 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文
1. "全球最大推土機與挖掘機廠商Caterpillar Inc.、繪圖晶片巨擘Nvidia Corp.的財報示警,令投資人更加憂心,中國經濟趨緩、貿易戰恐讓美國企業利潤大受打擊,美國四大指數週一(1月28日)聞訊全面拉回。"
經濟的反轉也太快了........今天CAT發表財報也大跌, 三個月前的財報它們是這樣說的:
"For the remainder of 2018 we expect normal seasonal trends for China. "
"Asia-Pacific sales were up 19% or $239 million with the most significant increase continuing to be from China. In the quarter our dealers in China were able to restock from very low to more normal levels of inventory. "
"We talked about construction industries and that we continue to see very strong demand in Asia-Pacific particularly in China but also in North America in the EAME." "Based on everything that we see we believe that the China market will continue to be healthy."
"The equipment manufacturer, which is considered a proxy for the global economy, pointed to tariffs and a slowdown in China as a major factor in its fourth-quarter results."
2. "CNBC報導,高盛上週五(1月25日)就曾發布研究報告示警,聲稱國際營收偏高、尤其中國業務龐大的企業,財報恐怕不會好看。高盛列出要投資人戒慎恐懼的名單,除了Nvidia之外,還包括博通(Broadcom)、美光(Micron Technology)、高通(Qualcomm)、Qorvo、Skyworks Solutions及Wynn Resort,這些業者都有超過半數的營收來自大中華地區。
路透社報導,家族投資機構Cherry Lane Investments合夥人Rick Meckler說,上週人們原本因企業的財報數字而略為感到樂觀,如今氣氛完全變調。對於許多企業而言,中國市場是非常重要的一環。"