#1. Understanding Inbreeding Depression, Purging, and Genetic ...
Overall, purging has the potential to reduce the negative effects of inbreeding depression but it requires relatively slow inbreeding, and ...
#2. Genomic evidence for inbreeding depression and ... - PNAS
Population genetic theory (20–22) predicts that purifying selection can reduce inbreeding depression by purging deleterious alleles from inbred populations in ...
#3. Purging of inbreeding depression within the Irish Holstein ...
Purging of inbreeding depression is a process whereby inbred animals with good performance have been selected from the population as parents ...
#4. Understanding Inbreeding Depression, Purging ... - PubMed
In natural populations, purging and genetic rescue mitigate fitness decline during inbreeding periods, and might be critical to population survival, thus, both ...
#5. Detecting purging of inbreeding depression by a slow rate of ...
Here we test assumptions of the efficiency of purging in relation to the inbreeding rate and the experimental conditions for four traits in D.
#6. purgeR: inbreeding and purging in pedigreed populations
Inbreeding depression and genetic purging are important processes shaping the survivability and evolution of small populations.
#7. Inbreeding depression is difficult to purge in self‐incompatible ...
Studies of inbreeding depression purging have not been conducted in self-incompatible plants before. An experimental ('ancestral') treatment was ...
#8. Purging the Genetic Load - JSTOR
Key words.-Deleterious alleles, fitness, inbreeding depression, mating system, overdominance, purging. Received February 25, 2002. Accepted September 3, ...
#9. Do Plant Populations Purge Their Genetic Load? Effects of ...
Abstract Inbreeding depression critically influences both mating system evolution and the persistence of small populations prone to accumulate mutations.
#10. Understanding Inbreeding Depression ... - ResearchGate
Download Citation | Understanding Inbreeding Depression, Purging, and Genetic Rescue | Inbreeding depression, the reduction of fitness caused by inbreeding, ...
#11. Why do Inbreeding Depression and Load Resist Both Purging ...
In contrast, purging appears to be limited in that inbred populations often retain substantial inbreeding depression. In addition we have the ...
#12. Detecting purging of inbreeding depression by a slow rate of ...
Inbreeding depression (ID) has since long been recognized as a significant factor in evolutionary biology. It is mainly the consequence of (partially) ...
#13. A simulation study on detecting purging of inbreeding ...
Inbreeding depression threatens the survival of small populations of both captive and wild outbreeding species. In order to fully understand this threat, ...
#14. Inbreeding and Purging Estimates
Where B is the inbreeding depression rate, F is the inbreeding coefficient, and A and X represent additional regression coefficient and ...
#15. Comparison of breeding strategies for purging inbreeding ...
Comparison of breeding strategies for purging inbreeding depression via simulation. Yong B.I. Fu, Gene Namkoong, John E. Carlson.
#16. Inbreeding Depression and Purging in a Haplodiploid
Compared with diploid species, haplodiploids suffer less inbreeding depression because male haploidy imposes purifying selection on recessive deleterious ...
#17. Purging of inbreeding depression within the Irish ... - T-Stór
The objective of this study was to investigate whether inbreeding depression in milk production or fertility performance has been partially purged due to ...
#18. Analysis of Inbreeding Effects on Survival at Birth of ... - MDPI
Keywords: inbreeding-purging model; purging coefficient; ... inbreeding depression have been studied extensively for more than a century, ...
#19. Impact of purging, genetic drift and inbreeding depression on ...
Inbreeding depression can be mitigated by genetic purging, caused by an increased efficiency of natural selection against deleterious mutations promoted by ...
#20. [PDF] Role of inbreeding depression and purging in captive ...
Using inbreeding-purging theory, early survival in four pedigreed captive breeding programs of endangered ungulates where population growth ...
#21. Does Haplodiploidy Purge Inbreeding Depression in Rotifer ...
Then, inbreeding depression by drift could favour the establishment of ... and could purge deleterious recessive alleles, thereby decreasing inbreeding ...
#22. Can Genetic Mutations Be Purged from Genome?
To the Rescue? ... Purging is accomplished by intensified inbreeding. Essentially, inbreeding creates homozygous organisms for deleterious alleles ...
#23. Inbreeding depression is purged in the invasive insect ...
Inbreeding depression is purged in the invasive insect. Harmonia axyridis. Benoit Facon, Ruth A. Hufbauer, Ashraf Tayeh, Anne Loiseau, Eric.
#24. Analysis of Inbreeding Effects on Survival at Birth of ... - MDPI
Keywords: inbreeding-purging model; purging coefficient; ... inbreeding depression have been studied extensively for more than a century, ...
#25. Inbreeding and extinction: Effects of purging | SpringerLink
Byers DL,Waller DM (1999) Do plant populations purge their genetic load? Effects of population size and mating history on inbreeding depression. Annu. Rev. Ecol ...
#26. Genomic evidence for inbreeding depression and ... - bioRxiv
But are small and isolated populations at risk of extinction from inbreeding depression, or does inbreeding and purging of deleterious alleles ...
#27. Understanding Inbreeding Depression, Purging ... - Europe PMC
Inbreeding depression, the reduction of fitness caused by inbreeding, is a nearly universal phenomenon that depends on past mutation, selection, ...
#28. Inbreeding, purging and inbreeding depression in a small and ...
But what is really happening in small and isolated populations of endangered species? Inbreeding depression, or purging? Well, in endangered ...
#29. Predictive Model and Software for Inbreeding ... - ScienceOpen
ABSTRACT The inbreeding depression of fitness traits can be a major threat to the survival of populations experiencing inbreeding.
Inbreeding depression affecting larval survival of S. limbatus is largely due to recessive deleterious alleles of large effect that can be rapidly purged from a ...
#31. Reviewing the consequences of genetic purging on the ...
Genetic rescue is increasingly considered a promising and underused conservation strategy to reduce inbreeding depression and restore genetic ...
#32. Genomic evidence for inbreeding depression and ... - NCBS
Genomic evidence for inbreeding depression and purging of deleterious genetic variation in Indian tigers. Publication Type, Journal Article.
#33. Predictive Model and Software for Inbreeding ... - UCL Discovery
ABSTRACT The inbreeding depression of fitness traits can be a major threat to the survival of populations experiencing inbreeding.
#35. Inbreeding depression due to recent and ancient inbreeding ...
was evidence of purging. Across all traits, long and short ROH contributed to inbreeding depression. In future work, inbreeding depression and purging ...
#36. Garcia-Dorado.2015.pdf
only considers purging upon the fraction of inbreeding depression ascribed to truly lethal alleles (BL =2.5, extrapolated from Droso- phila), ...
#37. Inbreeding depression for kit survival at birth in a rabbit ... - HAL
To evaluate ID purging, Ballou [3] proposed the ancestral inbreeding coefficient (FA-B), which is defined as the probability that any allele in ...
#38. Award # 0212582 - Inbreeding Depression in Metapopulations
Over many generations, inbreeding depression can be mitigated or "purged" as natural selection removes deleterious genes and gene combinations from inbreeding ...
#39. Reduction in the cumulative effect of stress-induced ...
All of the above inbred and outbred lines were reared at 25 °C. Stress and purging reduce inbreeding depression. LS Enders and L Nunney. 305.
#40. Do Plant Populations Purge Their Genetic Load? Effects of ...
Key Words mating system, genetic load, purging, self-fertilization ... deleterious recessive mutations to reduce inbreeding depression (ID).
#41. purgeR: Inbreeding and purging in pedigreed populations
Inbreeding depression and genetic purging are important processes shaping the survivability and evolution of small populations. However, detecting purging ...
However, if deleterious recessive alleles are selectively purged from populations during inbreeding, then inbreeding depression may differ among populations in ...
#43. Inbreeding and Inbreeding Depression - Evolutionary Biology
Inbreeding also increases selection by exposing deleterious recessive mutations, a process called purging that can deplete genetic variation.
#44. Understanding Inbreeding Depression ... - WCM-Q SEARCH
Inbreeding depression, purging and genetic rescue are recognized as essential elements to be considered in conservation programs, and genomic monitoring of ...
#45. An investigation of inbreeding depression and purging ... - ebsco
show that inbreeding depression for neonatal survival was ... Keywords: inbreeding depression; purging; zoo population; pedigree analysis; genetic diversity.
#46. Genomic evidence for inbreeding depression ... - NASA/ADS
Are small and isolated populations at risk for extinction from inbreeding depression? Or does inbreeding and purging of deleterious alleles reduce such ...
#47. Genetic Purging - Academic Accelerator
Here we discuss on the light of theory the role of inbreeding depression arising from partially recessive deleterious mutations and of genetic purging as main ...
#48. Staff Publications - WUR Library
Title, Inbreeding depression due to recent and ancient inbreeding in Dutch ... In future work, inbreeding depression and purging should be assessed in more ...
#49. Analysis of inbreeding depression in mixed-mating plants ...
Lower average ID reported for selfing than for outcrossing populations is consistent with purging and suggests that mixed-mating taxa in ...
#50. The Effects of a Bottleneck on Inbreeding Depression and the ...
Highly recessive mutations experience a purging process that causes inbreeding depression to decline for a number of additional generations.
#51. Nature Plants on Twitter: "New Article: "The genome-wide ...
New Article: "The genome-wide dynamics of purging during selfing in maize" Selfing can lead to inbreeding depression, ...
#52. An investigation of inbreeding depression and purging in ...
An investigation of inbreeding depression and purging in captive pedigreed populations Check holdings WongAvery Library WongAvery Floor2, Journals (W1 HI424).
#53. haplodiploidy purge inbreeding: Topics by
These results suggest that haplodiploidy does not purge efficiently deleterious recessive alleles. The inbreeding depression detected here has important ...
Key Words endangered species, extinction, fitness, genetic restoration, purging s Abstract Inbreeding depression is of major concern in the management and ...
#55. a) What is inbreeding depression? b) Explain the ... - YouTube
a) What is inbreeding depression ? b) Explain the importance of \"selection\" during inbreeding in cattle.
purging of inbreeding depression 在 a) What is inbreeding depression? b) Explain the ... - YouTube 的推薦與評價
a) What is inbreeding depression ? b) Explain the importance of \"selection\" during inbreeding in cattle. ... <看更多>