#練習自然拼音 #好書推薦 #初級
女兒大班後因為學校開始教ㄅ ㄆ ㄇ,才對聲母韻母的拼音開始有些概念,我就順勢開始教她英文拼音(在這之前,女兒會自己唸故事書,但幾乎都是因為我重複唸很多次,她用聽的背起來的,她也是標準的先會聽會講後,才開始認字母和單字)。
最近她瘋狂愛上這本 100 Cats,我發現真的是很好練習自然拼音的一本好書呢!
1. 看大人設計給大人看的初學閱讀文章,但無聊死或很內容依然很難,而且看完後直接放棄看下篇
2. 轉換心態帶著點童心看專為專注度低的小孩設計的內容,雖然有點幼稚但的確很有趣而且好上手
100 cats 這本書就是在講一百種不同的貓咪。
Purry cat, furry cat, fast and blurry cat.
Welly cat, smelly cat, eating from the bin.
Styled cat, wild cat, never will be tame.
Floppy cat, copy cat, looking just the same!
1. 重複同樣一個句型進而延伸這個故事,最著名的例如 Eric Carle 系列(我兒子小時候也是唸了八百次 Do You Want to Be My Friend)。
2. 貼近生活的故事內容,帶出許多生活上的用字,我個人最愛莫過於 Peppa Pig、Ben & Hollys 等。
另外,你們知道 Netflix 上有可愛巧虎島的英文版嗎?可惜我小孩已經脫離巧虎時期,不然我一定每天放來讓他們聽/看。大人也可以看喔,裡面內容滿簡單的,重點是,非常貼近真實日常生活!
桃樂比:It’s Shimajiro’s birthday tomorrow, right? So we were talking about what kind of party we could have for him.
琪琪:But it’s no fun having a normal party, so we decided to do something different.
妙妙:And that’s when we came up with a surprise party. We’re keeping it a secret from Shimajiro, so it will be a big surprise for him.
巧虎媽媽:Sounds so fun! I’m in!
We were talking about… 我們之前在討論…
It’s no fun V-ing… …一點都不好玩
We decided to… 我們決定要…
Come up with a … 想出一個方法/idea
Sounds so fun! 聽起來很有趣耶!(回應別人分享的有趣的事的方法)
I’m in! 我要參加!
「peppa pig my birthday party」的推薦目錄:
peppa pig my birthday party 在 QiuQiu Facebook 的精選貼文
From yesterday at #HeYurou 5th birthday party. Theme was 💜 PURPLE & PINK 💖 HELLO 👋🏻 KITTY 🐱 Haha. My little #BabyYurou grew up so fast. Before her third birthday, she decided on her own birthday cake. She wanted a Hello Kitty cake. It was simple. Before her 4th birthday party, she says she wants a Shopkin birthday party and a Peppa Pig cake. This year before she turns 5 she told me she wants a purple and pink Hello Kitty party. I hope next year and the many more years ahead she will still continue to tell me about the kind of parties she wants except rave parties and clubbing parties 😨😳 Forever love Peppa and Hello Kitty and Shopkins please. Adult parties aren't fun 😅 And they are expensive cox always need liquor 😅 Anyway, question, 这整张照片到底关你什么事, Meredith? Go and hijack people's father-daughter bonding time 😂