Dead Rising 2: Off The Record Perfect Walkthrough from scratch (Lv.1)
I will try be as descriptive in the title/description/annotation as much to teach and let viewers know what the video are going to show, so that s/he won't waste time on any given part that s/he don't want to know about. (Saving your time ;D)
Let's start off on what to expect in this Perfect Walkthrough.
This is my personal goal "Perfect Walkthrough", where I save every saveable survivor and do every side mission in the story mode from scratch (Lv. 1).
There is no Trophy/Achievement for saving all survivors, so just for bragging rights.
I will also kill all boss psychopaths in the game.
Every video, nothing has been cut/edit out except loading/saving screens. If I stand and loiter, you will see me doing so but seriously I won't be doing that. I'll just be killing ZOMBIES! ;D
Instead of saying what Trophies/Achievements I will obtain in this walkthrough, I will list the Trophies/Achievements that I definitely not getting:
- Coop & Sandbox mode Trophies/Achievements: Since this is a solo walkthrough and from scratch, it doesn't make sense to deviate from the goal.
- Killing more than 10,000+ Zombies: Basically "No Time" to do so. Highly recommend on doing this in Sandbox mode.
- PP stickers Trophies/Achievements: Time is quite strict, probably possible during OT but I don't think I want to run around to find it in this walkthrough.
- "Purewal Memorial Cup" Don't consume any meat, dairy or alcohol until the military arrives. : This game is much harder than DR2, thus with my original goal of saving all survivor from scratch (Lv.1), this just too hardcore to do during this walkthrough.
- "Prestigious PP" Get over 2,000 PP from a single zombie kill.: Only a handful or just 1 combo weapon can do this with magazine boost and the combo card can only be obtain from Sandbox mode. Mark this one out.
- "Alpha Vs. Omega" Have Denyce attack and damage Sgt Boykin.: Seriously if I do that, I doubt I can rescue every survivor... Might be possible but this road is the one I'm not taking.
What's in this video:
5:20 - TIR Event: Try earn $20k here, it would help you on a side mission early in the game.
8:33 - "Prom Night" Trophy/Achievement
After the elevator, you can just roam around and earn some pp from guitar's heavy attack. Story timer hasn't start yet, so take your time.
24:18 - Security Box #052
Survivors here in this prologue are scripted to be dead. Thus can't be saved.
Other thoughts on this video:
Recommend to knock the zombie into the grinder more often than to keep lit'ing the stage on fire. You earn alot more money per zombie being grinded.
I'll try highlight the time where I obtain what Trophy/Achievement, but I might miss a few... So saying "Sorry for that" ahead of time.
Did I earn your subscription? ;P
I know some ppl have waited to see this ;D