The turning point for GoodMorning Global came after its 4th Anniversary celebrated in Cameron Highlands.
Since its inception in 2008, the company has developed 17 new products – undoubtedly a significant achievement. Thanks to the sterling performance of its agents who sell and promote its products through direct-selling as well as a favourable commission system.
Yet, the company's Founder and CEO, Dato' Dr. Lim Sin Boon was not satisfied. He wanted better results. After the dinner that night, he was sleepless. The question of, “where he went wrong”, kept lingering in his mind.
It was then that he made the big decision – to cease using the direct-selling method. Instead, he decided to introduce his products directly to the general public and market them as common daily staple food. To him, the best form of advertising is word-of-mouth marketing.
“If we don’t transform, it’s hard to breakthrough,” he said as he recalled that past experience.
Once the decision was made, he personally visited 200 coffee shops in one and a half months to introduce the latest product of the company – GoodMorning V Plus 18 Grains. Surprisingly, almost every shop he visited said yes.
“My philosophy is simple, I want to educate people about the nutritional facts behind this delicious beverage. I want them to take good care of their health by drinking it every day,” he said.
“Furthermore, I need to walk the talk before I expect others to do the same,” he added.
Thanks to his vision, GoodMorning V Plus 18 Grains has contributed 70% to the company’s total revenue in just 6 months. To date, it has become the “star product” of the company by contributing almost 99% of its total revenue.
Good Morning Global的转捩点发生在它四周年庆的宴会以后。
成立于2008年的GoodMorning Global在短短的四年里边研发了17种不同类别的新产品,这是一项显著的成就。与此同时,公司也有一班很好的代理员以直销的方式售卖产品。为此,公司也设立了一套很好的行政制度,为代理们提供非常高的佣金回酬。
决定了以后,他就沿家挨户地往咖啡店推销公司当时的新产品,GoodMOrning V Plus18谷粮。在短短的一个半月里,他走访了200家咖啡店,几乎没有被拒绝。
就因为他的远见,在短短的六个月内,GoodMorning V Plus十八谷粮的销售额占了公司总生意量的70%。现在,它的销售总额几乎已经达到99%,成了公司的明星产品。