Joining McKinsey as an experienced hire is the best career decision I’ve ever made,” shares Vince, an experienced Associate Partner in Shanghai.
Vince, who previously worked at Prudential and AXA in Hong Kong says, “I’m thrilled to help CEOs in industry-leading insurance companies solve some of the most critical problems. I enjoy learning from colleagues from different backgrounds. The flexibility to work on new topics and in different locations would have been more difficult in the corporate world. This diverse exposure has enabled me to learn things more quickly, and develop rewarding relationships with clients and colleagues.”
Explore opportunities in McKinsey Greater China
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📊 睿哥+俐媽英文教室:
💵 finance 金融
💵 FinTech (finance technology) 金融科技
💵 microcredit 微型貸款(micro-: small)
💵 bull market 多頭市場(牛市)🐂
💵 bear market 空頭市場(熊市)🐻
💵 financial leverage 財務槓桿(企業對舉債與自有資金比例之運用)
💵 floating interest rate 浮動利率
💵 futures market 期貨市場
💵 subprime mortgage market 次級房貸危機(2007美國房價下跌,次級貸款大量違約,導致住房抵押貸款證券失去價值,使多家金融機構資本蒸發,造成世界各地緊縮信貸,進而導致2008世界金融海嘯)(❗️mortgage的t不發音哦)
💵 money laundering 洗錢(❗️不能用washing the money,會崩潰唷😂😂)
💵 pink sheet 粉紅單(未上市股票)
💵 penny stock 仙股(股價低於1美元)
💵 short sale 賣空(是指投資者當股票價格看跌時,借入該股票拋出,待該股價格下落時,再以低價買進股票歸還經紀人,從而賺取中間差價)
💵 stock loan 融券
💵 capital 資本額(cap-: head, take)
💵 expenditure 支出
💵 bond 債券
💵 balance sheet 資產負債表
💵 bargain 交易(專指股市交易)
💵 stop loss limit 停損點(設定虧損出場時機)
💵 broker 證券經紀人;掮客
💵 credit rating 信用評等(❗️記得複習英模的credit一字多義大餐💳)
💵 EPS (earnings per share) 每股盈餘
💵 IPO (initial public offering) 首次發行股票
💵 PER (price earning ratio) 本益比(股價除以EPS)
💵 PLC (public limited company) 公開發行公司
💵 net income 稅後淨利(❗️這裡的net可不是網子唷~)
💵 gross revenue 營收毛額(❗️gross在此也不表噁心🤮的意思)
💵 net revenue 營收淨額(-ven: come)
💵 default fine 違約金
💵 dividend 股利;股息(divide v. 分割)
💵 margin call 追加保證金通知
💵 blue chip 藍籌股(知名公司股票通稱)
💵 capital reduction 減資
💵 cash capital increase 增資
💵 closing price 收盤價
💵 equities 股本
💵 nominee 代理人(nomi-: name)
💵 investment bank 投資銀行
💵 insurance company 保險公司
💵 management consulting company 管理顧問公司
💵 holding company 控股公司
💵 trust corporation 信託公司
🏦 Goldman Sachs 高盛
🏦 Morgan Stanley 摩根士丹利
🏦 J.P.Morgan 摩根大通
🏦 Citigroup 花旗集團
🏦 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 美銀美林
🏦 Deutsche Bank 德意志銀行
🏦 Credit Suisse 瑞士信貸
🏦 UBS 瑞銀
🏦 HSBC 匯豐
🏦 McKinsey & Company 麥肯錫
🏦 Nomura Securities 野村證券
🏦 The federal reserves system 非正式簡稱:Fed美聯儲
🏦 NYSE 紐約證交所
🏦 NASDAQ composite index 納斯達克綜合指數
🏦 Dow Jones industrial average index道瓊工業平均指數
🏦 S&P 500 index 標準普爾500指數
🏦 commerce (n.) 商業(commercial a. 商業的)
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