A normal adult human body is consist of 206 bones. Human skeleton can be divided into 2 main parts-
Axial skeleton & Appendicular skeleton.
Axial skeleton-
It can be further divided into 3 parts. The number of each bone is given-
Skull- It has 29 bones-
Cranial bones (8)-
The occipital bone
The parietal bones(2)
The frontal bone
The temporal bone (2)
The sphenoid bone
The ethmoid bone
Facial bones (14)-
The nasal bones (2)
The maxillae (2)
The lacrimal bone (2)
The zygomatic or cheekbone (2)
The palatine bone (2)
The inferior nasal concha (2)
The vomer
The mandible
The hyoid bone
Middle ears (6)-
Malleus (2)
Incus (2)
Stapes (2)Thorax- It has 25 bones -
The Sternum (1)
The ribs (24, in 12 pairs)Vertebral column- It has 26 bones-
The cervical vertebrae (7)
The thoracic vertebrae (12)
The lumber (5)
The sacral vertebrae (1)
The coccygeal vertebrae
Appendicular skeleton-
can be divided into 3 parts-
Arm- has 64 bones-
The humerus (2)
The scapula(2)
The clavicles (2)
The ulna(2)
The radius (2)
The carpals (16)
The metacarpals (10)
The phalanges of the handproximal phalanges (10)
intermediate phalanges (8)
distal phalanges (10)Pelvis- has 2 bonesLeg
The femur(2)
The patella or kneecap (2)
The tibia (2)
The fibula (2)
The foot (52)
The number of bones in adult are not the same as the time we born. There are 270 bones present in an normal human infant .
➡️Spine 26 ,Chest 25 ,Head 28 ,Arms 64 ,Legs 60 ,Pelvis 3
malleus, incus stapes 在 Chris Leong Facebook 的最佳解答
A normal adult human body is consist of 206 bones. Human skeleton can be divided into 2 main parts-
Axial skeleton & Appendicular skeleton.
Axial skeleton-
It can be further divided into 3 parts. The number of each bone is given-
Skull- It has 29 bones-
Cranial bones (8)-
The occipital bone
The parietal bones(2)
The frontal bone
The temporal bone (2)
The sphenoid bone
The ethmoid bone
Facial bones (14)-
The nasal bones (2)
The maxillae (2)
The lacrimal bone (2)
The zygomatic or cheekbone (2)
The palatine bone (2)
The inferior nasal concha (2)
The vomer
The mandible
The hyoid bone
Middle ears (6)-
Malleus (2)
Incus (2)
Stapes (2)Thorax- It has 25 bones -
The Sternum (1)
The ribs (24, in 12 pairs)Vertebral column- It has 26 bones-
The cervical vertebrae (7)
The thoracic vertebrae (12)
The lumber (5)
The sacral vertebrae (1)
The coccygeal vertebrae
Appendicular skeleton-
can be divided into 3 parts-
Arm- has 64 bones-
The humerus (2)
The scapula(2)
The clavicles (2)
The ulna(2)
The radius (2)
The carpals (16)
The metacarpals (10)
The phalanges of the handproximal phalanges (10)
intermediate phalanges (8)
distal phalanges (10)Pelvis- has 2 bonesLeg
The femur(2)
The patella or kneecap (2)
The tibia (2)
The fibula (2)
The foot (52)
The number of bones in adult are not the same as the time we born. There are 270 bones present in an normal human infant .
➡️Spine 26 ,Chest 25 ,Head 28 ,Arms 64 ,Legs 60 ,Pelvis 3
malleus, incus stapes 在 Beginneros Facebook 的精選貼文
Beginneros 繼續請來 The Bone Room 存骨房 講解一下人體特別的骨頭。又到動動腦筋的時候,這次你又知不知道答案是甚麼呢?
是人體中耳內的三塊聽小骨(auditory ossicles)裡最小最小的鐙骨(stapes)。到底是有多小呢?
· 錘骨(malleus)-形狀猶如錘子一樣
· 砧骨(incus)-形狀猶如砧,以前一種用以放置物體鍛打的堅硬平面,廚房的砧板則多為木製。
· 鐙骨(stapes)-形狀猶如鐙,為安放於馬鞍旁邊,令騎者更容易在鞍上坐穩的腳踏。
鐙骨與10 cents 歐羅硬幣
Taylor, T. Bones of the Ear. innerbody 2018. Retrieved from: http://www.innerbody.com/anato…/skeletal/head-neck/bones-ear
O'Malley, C. D., Clarke, E. 1961. The discovery of the auditory ossicles. Bulletin of the history of medicine. 35: 419–41.
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