分享《The System: Soviet Periodization Adapted for the American Strength Coach》書中對奧林匹克式舉重的看法。該書的作者們並沒有否定專項訓練的重要性,但強調現階段(美國許多力量教練)用其他動作「取代」奧林匹克式舉重是不智的作法,主要的理由是上膊和抓舉能訓練到「大範圍動作」與「全身性」的「爆發力」與「速度」。下面附上原文、我的譯文和懸垂式上膊的訓練側拍影片:
In recent years with the increasing emphasis on safety in strength training and what is termed “sport specific” training, the Olympic lifts have fallen out of favor with many strength coaches. The argument is that if you are not competing in Olympic lifting, there are better options for training explosive strength that translate more readily to sports performance, without the risks and strain inherent in rapidly moving heavy weights.
Variations of medicine ball throws or more creative exercises have taken the place of cleans, snatches, and jerks in the strength programming of many teams as coaches try to reduce those risks. In our opinion, the pendulum has swung too far away from using the movements that have consistently produced the strongest and most explosive athletes in the world.
The main goal of the Olympic lifts is to generate maximal power and explosive strength in the entire body through large ranges of motion, particularly for the lower extremities.
The differences you will most often find between the training regimen of an Olympic weightlifter and of athletes performing more “sport specific” training are that weightlifters consistently take the lower extremities through high-speed, large range-of-motion exercises. Many of the substituted movements and exercises used by a well-intentioned strength coach do not come close to demanding and developing the flexibility, coordination, and force output demanded by the weightlifting exercises.
It is true that subjecting an athlete to a full snatch or jerk with a substantial amount of weight without the proper instruction or progression will often result in injury. However, that holds true for any exercise. It is not the fault of the exercise, but rather the coach’s fault for failing to prepare the athlete to succeed.
Dynamic sports like football or basketball require suppleness and strength expressed through large ranges of motion; the Olympic lifts are more effective at facilitating those qualities than a medicine ball toss. If you assess an athlete to be physically capable of performing the movements safely and if the lifts are programmed and coached effectively and progressed in both weight and complexity, many concerns diminish.
You will discover that when implemented effectively and appropriately, the benefits of the Olympic lifts far outweigh the drawbacks.
A significantly high volume of Olympic lifting is best left to the athletes with at least a few years of training under their belts. For developing athletes such as these, the power and explosive qualities can be addressed through jumping or plyometric training as the Olympic lifts are coached and refined over time.
After mastering technical efficiency and form, no matter what the movement, speed should always be the priority. Although strength and muscle hypertrophy are important in the world of sports, the rapid expression of that strength is what separates athletes on the field of play.
In the sport of powerlifting, the speed of the movement is not critical. The goal is to lift the maximum weight, however long it takes. On the football field, the strongest linemen will rarely succeed if they cannot rapidly translate that strength to control an oncoming defender. A shot putter who can military press hundreds of pounds will not take home a medal without the ability to explosively accelerate the entire body to throw the shot.
(extracted from page 101~102)
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「long shot goal」的推薦目錄:
long shot goal 在 stu sis Facebook 的最佳貼文
[181511] 48311. 足球小將翼:大空へはばたけ"Captain Tsubasa" The New Soccer Star (1983)★★★
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[181529] 48329. 足球小將翼:恐怖の弾丸シュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Mighty Shot (1984)★★★
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[181531] 48331. 足球小將翼:泣くな!翼"Captain Tsubasa" No Victory in Semi Final (1984)★★
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[181539] 48339. 足球小將翼:血みどろの対決"Captain Tsubasa" Hard Confrontations (1984)★★
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[181571] 48371. 足球小將翼:ノートラップ隼シュート"Captain Tsubasa" A Hard Comparison (1984)★★★
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[181573] 48373. 足球小將翼:打倒・翼!オレがヒーローだ"Captain Tsubasa" Decisions (1984)★★✚
[181574] 48374. 足球小將翼:甦ったエース・三杉淳"Captain Tsubasa" Race Against Time (1984)★★
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[181581] 48381. 足球小將翼:決めろ!ドライブシュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Shot from a Distance (1985)★★★
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[181585] 48385. 足球小將翼:翼よ誰よりも高く飛べ"Captain Tsubasa" The Catapult Shot (1985)★★
[181586] 48386. 足球小將翼:立花兄弟・必殺のコンビプレー"Captain Tsubasa" The Acrobats (1985)★★★
[181587] 48387. 足球小將翼:決めろ!スライディングシュート"Captain Tsubasa" A New Trick (1985)★★★
[181588] 48388. 足球小將翼:激突!ベスト8"Captain Tsubasa" The Quarter Final (1985)★★★
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[181590] 48390. 足球小將翼:ベールをぬいだ怪童次藤洋"Captain Tsubasa" Tsugito's Trick Box (1985)★★★
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[181592] 48392. 足球小將翼:気迫の連続ドライブシュート"Captain Tsubasa" A Special Shot (1985)★★★
[181593] 48393. 足球小將翼:激突!ゴール前の死闘"Captain Tsubasa" The Fight Continues (1985)★★★╍
[181594] 48394. 足球小將翼:不滅のチームワーク"Captain Tsubasa" Teamwork (1985)★★★
[181595] 48395. 足球小將翼:燃えあがれ!ベスト4"Captain Tsubasa" Match Preparations (1985)★★
[181596] 48396. 足球小將翼:若島津・無念の初失点"Captain Tsubasa" Help Cry to the Substitutes' Bench (1985)★★
[181597] 48397. 足球小將翼:オリの中の猛虎・小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" The Present for the Captain (1985)★★★
[181598] 48398. 足球小將翼:怒りのタイガー軍団!!!"Captain Tsubasa" Top Performance (1985)★★
[181599] 48399. 足球小將翼:岬太郎のヨーロッパ便り"Captain Tsubasa" The Letter from Europe (1985)★★
[181600] 48400. 足球小將翼:夢のヨーロッパ遠征・選ばれるのは誰か!?"Captain Tsubasa" Who Will Be Chosen (1985)★★
[181601] 48401. 足球小將翼:フィールドに翔べ!鷲と鷹"Captain Tsubasa" Where Love Falls (1985)★★
[181602] 48402. 足球小將翼:北の荒鷲・無敵のロングシュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Attack Headlong (1985)★★
[181603] 48403. 足球小將翼:勝利への逆襲"Captain Tsubasa" Fairness Goes First (1985)★★
[181604] 48404. 足球小將翼:猛攻!四連続シュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Attack (1985)★★✚
[181605] 48405. 足球小將翼:傷だらけの翼よみがえれ不死鳥"Captain Tsubasa" A Captain as Hero (1985)★★★
[181606] 48406. 足球小將翼:さらば北の戦士"Captain Tsubasa" Bitter Tears (1985)★★
[181607] 48407. 足球小將翼:猛虎の挑戦状"Captain Tsubasa" Hyuga's Challenge (1985)★★
[181608] 48408. 足球小將翼:ヨーロッパの熱き誓いを思い出せ"Captain Tsubasa" Feverish Ravings (1985)★★
[181609] 48409. 足球小將翼:翼対イングランド重戦車軍団"Captain Tsubasa" Matchwinner Tsubasa (1985)★★
[181610] 48410. 足球小將翼:あらたなる試練"Captain Tsubasa" Surprise in Field (1985)★★
[181611] 48411. 足球小將翼:燃えるフィールド翼対ピエール!!"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa vs. Pierre, a Fair Fight (1985)★★
[181612] 48412. 足球小將翼:倒せ!ヨーロッパ・ナンバーワン"Captain Tsubasa" The Might of the Kaiser (1985)★★
[181613] 48413. 足球小將翼:無敵の皇帝・シュナイダー"Captain Tsubasa" Unexpected Visit (1985)★★
[181614] 48414. 足球小將翼:栄光へのラストキック"Captain Tsubasa" An Impossible Recovery (1985)★★
[181615] 48415. 足球小將翼:宿命の対決、ふたたび"Captain Tsubasa" The Last Fight Begins (1985)★★
[181616] 48416. 足球小將翼:世紀のラスト・ファイト"Captain Tsubasa" The Great Final (1985)★★★
[181617] 48417. 足球小將翼:先制のスーパーショット!"Captain Tsubasa" Nankatsu Is Down (1985)★★★
[181618] 48418. 足球小將翼:逆襲のドライブシュート"Captain Tsubasa" Don't Give Up (1985)★★★
[181619] 48419. 足球小將翼:火をふくタイガーショト"Captain Tsubasa" The Tiger Fights Alone (1985)★★★
[181620] 48420. 足球小將翼:王者・南葛最大の危機"Captain Tsubasa" A Despair Fight (1985)★★★
[181621] 48421. 足球小將翼:跡のドライブシュート"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa Doesn't Give Up (1985)★★★╍
[181622] 48422. 足球小將翼:日向小次郎の反撃!"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa Is Hurt (1985)★★
[181623] 48423. 足球小將翼:舞い上がれ!不死鳥"Captain Tsubasa" Thrill (1985)★★
[181624] 48424. 足球小將翼:燃えろ!炎のチームワーク"Captain Tsubasa" Keep on Fighting (1985)★★
[181625] 48425. 足球小將翼:夢のダイビング・オーバーヘッド"Captain Tsubasa" Dream Goal (1985)★★
[181626] 48426. 足球小將翼:ラストゴールは俺が取る!"Captain Tsubasa" On Knife's Edge (1985)★★★
[181627] 48427. 足球小將翼:守り抜け!俺たちのゴール"Captain Tsubasa" With All Power (1986)★★★
[181628] 48428. 足球小將翼:走れ翼!勝利のゴールへ"Captain Tsubasa" It's Getting Exciting (1986)★★★
[181629] 48429. 足球小將翼:運命のタイム・アップ"Captain Tsubasa" The Unsuccessful Tiger Shot (1986)★★★✚
[181630] 48430. 足球小將翼:駆けぬけろ!V3はオレたちの夢"Captain Tsubasa" Still Tied (1986)★★
[181631] 48431. 足球小將翼:奇跡をよぶフィールドの鷹"Captain Tsubasa" To the Last Gasp (1986)★★★
[181632] 48432. 足球小將翼:復活オレたちのキャプテン"Captain Tsubasa" Just 10 Minutes Left (1986)★★★
[181633] 48433. 足球小將翼:翼の最終作戦!!"Captain Tsubasa" All or Nothing (1986)★★★
[181634] 48434. 足球小將翼:傷だらけのヒーロー"Captain Tsubasa" In Last Minute (1986)★★★✚
[181635] 48435. 足球小將翼:栄光そして新なる旅立ち"Captain Tsubasa" Shared Victory (1986)★★
[181636] 48436. 足球小將翼:最高の友俺と若林源三"Captain Tsubasa" Memories (1986)★★
[181637] 48437. 足球小將翼:永遠のパートナー俺と岬太郎"Captain Tsubasa" Hoping for Europe (1986)★★
[181638] 48438. 足球小將翼:はばたけ!輝ける戦士たち"Captain Tsubasa" The 17 Best (1986)★★
[181639] 48439. 足球小將翼:天空翱翔"Captain Tsubasa" Soar Toward the Great Sky! (2018)★★
[181640] 48440. 足球小將翼:飛了"Captain Tsubasa" Take Flight! (2018)★★
long shot goal 在 Daphne Iking Facebook 的最佳貼文
My sister, Michelle-Ann Iking's 3% chance of conceiving naturally was a success! Here's her story:
(My apologies as I've been overwhelmed with personal matters. I've only managed to get to my desk. So finally got around posting this).
This is the story behind my sister's pregnancy struggle and how she shared her journey over her Facebook page.
Because some may have not caught her LIVE session chat with me (https://www.facebook.com/daphneiking/videos/687743128744960/) , or read her lengthy post (as it's a private page);
she's allowed me to copy and paste it over my wall, in case you need to know more about her thought process on how AND why she focused on the 3% success probability. Read on.
Posted 10th May 2020.
FB Credit: Michelle-Ann Iking
A week ago today I celebrated becoming a mother to our second, long awaited child.
Please forgive this mother's LONG (self-indulgent) post, journalling what this significant milestone has meant for her personally, for her own fallible memory's sake as well as maybe to share one day with her son.
If all you were wondering was whether I had delivered and if mum and bub are OK, please be assured the whole KkLM family are thriving tremendously, and continue scrolling right along your Newsfeed 😁.
All babies are miracles... and none more so than our precious Kiaen Aaryan (pronounced KEY-n AR-yen), whose name derives from Sanskrit origins meaning:
Grace of God
...words espousing the gratitude Kishore and I feel for Kiaen's arrival as our "3% miracle".
He was conceived, naturally, after 3 years of Kishore and I hoping, praying and 'endeavoring'... and only couples for whom the objective switches from pure recreation to (elusive) procreation will understand how this is less fun than it sounds ...
3 years during which time we had consensus from 3 different doctors that we, particularly I (with my advancing age etc etc) had only a 3% chance of natural conception and that our best hope for a sibling for our firstborn, Lara Anoushka, was via IVF.
Lara herself was an 'intervention baby', being one of the 20% of babies successfully conceived through the less intrusive IUI process, after a year and a half of trying naturally and already being told then my age was a debilitating factor.
We had tried another round of IUI for her sibling in 2017 when Lara was a year old. And that time we fell into the ranks of the 80% of would-be parents for whom it would be an exercise in futility... who would go home, comfort each other as best they could, while individually masking their own personal disappointment... hoping for the best, 'the next time around'...
So the improbability ratio of 97% against natural conception of our second baby, as concurred by the combined opinion of 3 medical professionals, was a very real, very daunting figure for us to have to mentally deal with.
Deep, DEEP, down in my heart however, though I had many a day of doubt... I kept a core kernel of faith that somehow, I would again experience the privilege of pregnancy, and again, have a chance at childbirth.
And so, the optimist in me would tell myself, "Well, there have to be people who fall in the 3% bucket... why shouldn't WE be part of the 3%?"
Those who know me well, understand my belief in the Law of Attraction, the philosophy of focusing your mind only on what you want to attract, not on what you don't want, and so even as Kishore and I prepared to go into significant personal debt to attempt IVF in the 2nd half of 2019, I marshalled a last ditch effort to hone in on that 3% chance of natural conception... through research coming across fertility supplements that I ordered from the US and sent to a friend in Singapore to redirect to me because the supplier would not deliver to Malaysia.
I made us as a couple take the supplements in the 3 month 'priming period' in the lead up to the IVF procedure - preconditioning our bodies for optimum results, if you will.
At the same time, I had invested in a sophisticated fertility monitor, with probes and digital sensors for daily tracking of saliva and other unmentionable fluid samples, designed to pinpoint with chemical accuracy my state of fertility on any given day.
(UPDATE: For those interested - I obtained the supplements and Ovacue Fertility Monitor from https://www.fairhavenhealth.com/. Though I had my supplies delivered to a friend in Singapore, and redirected to me here since the US site does not deliver to Malaysia, there are local distributors for these products, you will just have to research the trustworthiness of the vendors yourself...)
I had set an intention - in the 3 months of pre-IVF priming, I would consume what seemed like a pharmacy's worth of supplements, and track fertility religiously... in hopes that somehow, within the 3 month priming period, we would conceive naturally and potentially save ourselves a down payment on a new property... and this was just a projection on financial costs of IVF, not even considering the physical, emotional and mental toll it involves, with no guarantee of a baby at the end of it all...
It was a continuation of an intention embedded even with my first pregnancy, where all the big ticket baby items were consciously purchased for use by a future sibling, in gender neutral colours, in hopes that sibling would be a brother "for a balanced pair", though of course any healthy child would be a welcome blessing.
It was a very conscious determination to always skew my thoughts in service of what the end objective was. For example, when 3+year old Lara would innocently express impatience at not yet having a sibling, at one point suggesting that since we were "taking too long to give her a baby brother/sister", perhaps we should just "go buy a baby from a shop", instead of getting defensive or berating the baby that she herself was, we enlisted Lara's help to pray for her sibling... so in any place of worship, or sacred ground of any kind that we passed thereon, Lara would stop, close her eyes, bow her small head and place her tiny hands together in prayer, reciting earnestly, "Please God, please give me a baby brother or baby sister."
After months and months of watching Lara do this, in the constancy of her childlike chant, Kishore started feeling the pressure of possibly disappointing Lara if her prayer was not answered. Whereas for me, Lara's recitation of her simple wish became like a strengthening mantra, our collective intention imbued with greater power with each repetition, and the goal of a sibling kept very much in the forefront of our minds (hence our calling Lara our 'project manager' in this endeavour).
And somehow in the 2nd month of that 3 month period, a positive + sign appeared on one of the home pregnancy tests I had grown accustomed to taking - my version of the lottery tickets others keep buying in hopes of hitting the jackpot, with all the cyclical anticipation and more often than not, disappointment, that entails...
This time however I was not disappointed.
With God's Grace, (hence 'Kiaen', a variation of 'Kiaan' which means 'Grace of God'), my focus on our joining the ranks of the 3% had materialised.
It seems poetic then, that Kiaen chose to make his appearance on the 3rd May, ironically the same date that his paternal great-grandfather departed this world for the next... such that in the combined words of Kishore and his father Kai Vello Suppiah,
"The 1st generation Suppiah left on 3rd May and the 4th generation Suppiah arrived on 3rd May after 41yrs...
One leaves, another comes, the legacy lives on..."
On Sunday 3rd May, I was 40 weeks and 5 days pregnant.
The baby was, in my mind, very UN-fashionably late past his due date of 29th April, so as much as I had willed and 'manifested' the privilege of pregnancy, to say I was keen to be done with it all was an understatement.
In the weeks leading to up to my full term, I had experienced increasingly intense Braxton-Hicks 'practice contractions' - annoying for me for the discomfort involved, stressful for Kishore who was on tenterhooks with the false alarms, on constant alert for when we would actually need to leave home for the hospital.
Having become a Hypnobirthing student and advocate from my first pregnancy with Lara, and thus being equipped with
(1) a lack of fear about childbirth in general and
(2) a basic understanding of how all the sensations I would experience fit into the big picture of my body bringing our baby closer to us,
I was less stressed - content to wait for the baby to be "fully cooked" and come out whenever he was ready... though I wouldn't have minded at all if the cooking time ended sooner, rather than later.
With Lara, I had been somewhat 'forced' into an induced labour, even though she was not yet due, and that had resulted in a 5 DAY LABOUR, a Birth Story for another post, so I was not inclined to chemically induce labour, even though I was assured that for second time mothers, it would be 'much faster and easier'...
That morning, I had a hunch *maybe* that day was the day, because in contrast to previous weeks' sensations of tightening, pressure and even spasms that were concentrated in the front of my abdomen and occasionally shot through my sides and legs, I felt period - like cramping in my lower back which I had not felt before throughout the pregnancy.
It was about 8am in the morning then, and my 'surges' were still relatively mild ('surges' being Hypnobirthing - speak for 'contractions', designed to frame them with the more positive connotations needed to counteract common language in which childbirth is presented as something that is unequivocally painful and traumatic, instead of the miraculous, powerful and natural phenomenon it actually is).
I recall (masochistically?) entertaining the thought of opting NOT to have an epidural JUST TO SEE WHAT IT WOULD BE LIKE...
I figured this would be the last time I would be pregnant and so it would be my 'last chance' to experience 'drug free labour' which, apart from the health benefits for baby and mother, might be *interesting* in a way that people who are curious about what getting a tattoo and skydiving and bungee jumping are like, might find these *interesting*...even knowing there will be pain and risk involved...
Since I have tried tattoos and skydiving (unfortunately not being able to squeeze in bungee-jumping while my life was purely my own to risk at no dependents' possible detriment) a similar curiousity about a no-epidural labour was on my mind...
In the absence of other signs of the onset of labour (like 'bloody show' or my waters breaking), I wanted to wait until the surges were coming every few minutes before we actually left the house for the hospital, not wanting to be one of those couples who rushed in too early and had interminable waits for the next stage in unfamiliar, clinical surroundings and/or were made to go home in an anti-climatic manner.
I was even calm enough through my surges to have the presence of mind to wash and blowdry my hair, knowing if I did deliver soon I would not be allowed this luxury for a while.
Around 9am I asked Kishore to prep for Lara and himself to be dressed and breakfasted so we could head to hospital soon, while I sent messages to family members on both sides informing them 'today might be the day.'
My mother, who had briefly served as a midwife before going back into general nursing and then becoming a nursing tutor, prophetically stated that if what I was experiencing was true labour, "the baby would be out by noon".
The pace in which my surges grew closer together was surprisingly quicker than I expected; and while I asked Lara to "Hurry up with breakfast" with only a tad more urgency than we normally tell her to do, little Missy being prone to dilly-dallying at meals, I probably freaked Kishore out when about 930am onwards, I had to instinctively get on my hands and knees a couple of times, eyes closed, trying to practice the Hypnobirthing breathing techniques I had revised to help along the process of my body birthing our child into the world.
I recall him saying a bit frantically as I knelt at our front door, doubled over as he waited for Lara to complete something or other, "Lara hurry up! Can't you see Mama is in so much pain and you are taking your own sweet time??!!"
SIDETRACK: Just the night before, Lara and I had watched a TV show in which a woman gave birth with the usual histrionics accompanying pop culture depictions of labour.
Lara watched the scene, transfixed.
I told her, simply and matter-of-factly, "That's what Mama has to do to get baby brother out Lara, and that's what I had to do for you also."
In most of interactions with my daughter, I have sought to equip her to face life's situations with calmness, truthful common sense, and ideally a minimum of drama.
Those who know the dramatic diva that Lara can be will know that this is a work-in-progress, but her response to me that night showed me some of my 'teachings' were sinking in:
She looked at me unfazed, "But Mama," she said. "You won't cry and scream like that lady, right? You will be BRAVE and stay calm, right?"
So as we prepped to leave for the hospital I did indeed attempt to be that role model of calm for her, asking her only for her help in keeping very quiet,
"Because Mama needs to focus on bringing baby brother out and she needs quiet to concentrate...".
As we left the house at 10.11am, I texted Kishore's sister Geetha to please prep to pick up Lara from the hospital, and was grateful Kishore had the foresight to ask our gynae to prepare a letter for Geetha to show any police roadblocks between my in-laws' home in Subang Jaya and the hospital in Bangsar, this all happening under the Movement Control Order (MCO).
To Lara's credit, in the journey over to the hospital, she - probably sensing the gravity of the situation, sat very quietly in her seat at the back, and the silence was punctuated only by my occasional deep intakes of breath and some variation of my Ohmmm-like moans when the sensations were at their height.
By the time we got to Pantai Hospital at around 10.30am, my surges were strong enough I requested a wheelchair to assist me in getting to the labour ward, as I did not trust my own legs to support me... and Kishore would have to wait until Geetha had arrived to take Lara back to my in-laws' house before he himself could go up.
I slumped in the wheelchair and was wheeled up to the labour room with my eyes closed the whole time, trying to handle my surges.
I didn't even look up to see the attendant who pushed me... but did make the effort to thank him sincerely when he handed me over, with what seemed like a palpable sense of relief on his part, to the labour ward nurses.
The nurse attending me at Pantai was calm, steady and efficient. I answered some questions and changed into my labour gown while waiting for Kishore to come up, all the while managing the increasingly intense surges with my rusty Hypnobirthing breathing techniques.
By the time Kishore joined me at around 11am (I know these timings based on the timestamps of the 'WhatsApp live feed' of messages Kishore sent to his family), I was asking the nurse on duty, "How soon can I get an epidural??" thinking what crazy woman thought she could do this without drugs???!!!
The nurse checked my cervix dilation, I saw her bloodied glove indicating my mucous plug had dislodged, and she told me, "Well you are already at 7cm (which, for the uninitiated, is 70% of the way to the 10cm dilation needed for birthing), you are really doing well, if you made it this far without any drugs, if can you try and manage without it... I suspect within 2 hours or less you will deliver your baby and since it will take about that time for the anaesthesiologist to be called, epidural to be administered and kick in... it might all be for nothing... but of course the decision is completely up to you... "
So there I was, super torn, should I risk the sensations becoming worse... or risk the epidural becoming a waste?? And of course I was trying to decide this as my labour surges were coming at me stronger and stronger...
I was in such a dilemma...because as a 'recovering approval junkie' there was also a silly element of approval-seeking involved, ("The nurse thinks I can do this without drugs... maybe I CAN do this without drugs... Yay me!") mixed with that element of curiosity I mentioned earlier ("What if I actually CAN do this without drugs... plenty of other women have done it all over the world since time immemorial.. no big deal, how bad can it be...??") so then I thought I would use the financial aspect to be the 'tiebreaker' in my decision making...
I asked the nurse how much an epidural would cost and when she replied "Around MYR1.5k", I still remember Kishore's incredulous face as I asked the question, i.e."Seriously babe, you are gonna think about money right now? If you need the epidural TAKE IT, don't worry about the money!!!"... and while we are not rich by any stretch of the imagination, thankfully RM1.5k is not a quantum that made me swing towards a decision to "better save the money"...
So in the end, I guess my curiosity won out, and I turned down the epidural "just to see what it would be like and if I had it in me" (in addition of course to avoiding the side effects of any drugs introduced into my and the baby's body).
My labour occuring in the time of coronavirus, it was protocol for me to have a COVID19 test done, so the medical staff could apply the necessary precautions. I had heard from a friend Sharon Ruba that the test procedure was uncomfortable, so when the nurse came with the test kit as I was starting another surge, I asked, "Please can I just finish this surge before I do the test?" as I really didn't think I could multitask tackling multiple uncomfortable sensations in one go.
The COVID19 test involved what felt like a looong, skinny cotton bud being inserted into one nostril... I definitely felt more than a tickle as it went in and up, being told to take deep breaths by the nurse. Then she asked me to "Try to swallow" and I felt it go into my nasal cavities where I didn't think anything could go any further, but was proven wrong when she asked me to swallow again and the swab was probed even deeper. Then she warned me there would be some slight discomfort as she prepared to collect a sample... but at that point all I could think about was:
(i) I really don't have much of a choice
(ii) please let this be over before my next surge kicks in
(iii) if all the people breaking the MCO rules knew what it feels like to do this test maybe they won't put themselves at risk of the need to perform one...
In full disclosure as I was transferred into the actual delivery room at some point after 11am, another nurse offered me 'laughing gas' to ostensibly take some of the edge off... I took the self-operated breathing nozzle passed to me but don't recall it making any difference to my sensations..so didn't use it much as it seemed pretty pointless.
I recall some measure of relief when I heard my gynae Dr. Paul entering the room, greeting Kishore and me, and telling us it was going well and it wouldn't be long now and he would see us again shortly.
From my previous labour with Lara I knew the midwives pretty much take you 90% of the way through the labour and when the Dr is called in you are really at the home stretch, so was very relieved to hear his voice though knowing he would leave and come back later meant it wasn't quite over yet.
I do remember realising when I had crossed the Thinning and Opening Phase of labour to the Birthing Phase, by the change in sensations... it is still amazing to me that as the Hypnobirthing book mentioned, having this knowledge I was instinctively able to switch breathing techniques for the next stage of labour .
Was my opting against epidural the right choice for me?
Overall? Yes.
Don't get me wrong.
I *almost* regretted the decision several times during active labour... especially when I felt my body being taken over by an overwhelming compulsion to push that did not seem conscious and was accompanied by involuntary gutteral moans where I literally just thought to myself, "I surrender, God do with me what you will..." (super dramatic I know but VERY real at the time...).
I think I experienced 3-4 such natural explusive reflexes (?), rhythmically pushing the baby down the birth path, one of which was accompanied by what felt like a swoosh of water coming out of a hose with a diameter the size of a golf ball... this was when I realised my water had finally broken...
The nurses kept instructing me to do different things, to keep breathing, to move to my side, then to move to the middle, to raise my feet... and when I didn't comply, Kishore (who was with me throughout both my labours) tried to help them by repeating the instructions prefaced with "Sayang..." but I basically ignored all the intructions because I felt I had no capacity to direct any part of my body to do anything and someone else would have to physically manoeuvre that body part themselves.
When I heard Dr. Paul's voice again and the flurry of commotion surrounding his presence, I knew the time was close... and when I heard the nurse say to Kishore, "Sir, these are your gloves, for when you cut the baby's cord", it was music to my ears...
I'm very, VERY grateful Kiaen slid out after maybe the 4th of those involuntary pushes... the wave of RELIEF when he came out so quickly... it still boggles my mind that my mother was essentially right and as his birth time was 12.02pm, it was *only* about 1.5 hours between our arrival at the hospital and his arrival into the world.
Kiaen was placed on my chest for skin to skin bonding and remained there for a considerable time.
For our short stay in the hospital he would be with us in my maternity ward number C327... another trivially serendipitous sign for me because he was born on the 3rd (May) and our wedding anniversary is 27th (July).
I was discharged the following day 4th May at about 5.30pm, after I got an all clear on COVID19 and a paediatric surgeon did a small procedure on Kiaen to address a tongue-tie that would affect his breastfeeding latch... making the entire duration of our stay about 31 hours.
I have taken the time and effort to record all this down so that whenever life's challenges threaten to get me down I can remind myself, "Ignore the 97% failure probability, focus on the 3% success probability".
Also that the human condition is miraculous and it is such a privilege to experience it.
To our son Kiaen Aaryan, thank you for coming into our lives and choosing us as your parents.
Even though Papa and I are both zombies trying to settle into a night time feeding routine with you, I look forward to spending not only all future Mother's Days, but every day, with you and your Akka...
And last but not least, to my husband Kishore...without whom none of this would be possible - we did it sayang, I love you ❤️
Photo credit: Stayhome session with Samantha Yong Photography (http://samanthayong.com/)
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long shot goal 在 つちやのぶゆき 世界消しサカ協会Nobuyuki Tsuchiya WEFA Youtube 的精選貼文
Amazing long shot goals !!
Eraser football
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● ルール解説動画
・セットアップ→試合の流れ 解説動画↓
・間接フリーキック 解説動画↓
・ファウルと直接フリーキック 解説動画↓
・PK戦 解説動画↓
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Soccer × golf × shogi = eraser football
Keshigomu soccer
Slow footage, 10-second video, 1 population, Knights Nobuyuki Tsuchiya
Dream is World Cup!
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In Shot Classic/ Battle now 01

long shot goal 在 pennyccw Youtube 的精選貼文
It was last night's best bet on Broadway -- Allen Iverson of Georgetown against Stephon Marbury of Georgia Tech. The scene was Madison Square Garden. The occasion was a semifinal game in the 11th annual Preseason National Invitation Tournament.
The war between the precocious college basketball stars was more or less a draw. Iverson had the better numbers, but he also had a better team behind him. A noisy and appreciative crowd of 15,249 watched Iverson and Georgetown pull away in the second half to a 94-72 victory. That was no surprise because the Hoyas are ranked fifth and Georgia Tech 25th in the latest Associated Press poll.
The triumph sent Georgetown into tomorrow night's final against Arizona. In the first game of the semifinal doubleheader, Arizona held off Michigan, 86-79.
With little more than three minutes left in the game, Georgetown got a scare when Iverson jammed his left thumb. He left and did not return, but later, in the locker room, Iverson said the thumb was fine and he would be ready for the final. Still, as a precaution, he was taken to a hospital for X-rays.
Iverson shot 9 for 16 from the floor, 1 for 6 from the 3-point line. He finished with 23 points, 6 assists and 2 steals. Marbury (4 for 14, 0 for 4 on 3-pointers) ended with 13 points, 8 assists and 7 steals.
Before they are nominated for the Hall of Fame, it should be pointed out that Iverson made eight turnovers and Marbury six. But as point guards, they handle the ball more than others, and it also should be remembered that Iverson is a 19-year-old sophomore, Marbury an 18-year-old freshman.
Here are their assessments of the game:
Iverson on Iverson: "I think I played all right. But I made a lot of mistakes."
Iverson on Marbury: "He's a great player, but he's a freshman. He's got a lot to learn, just as I've got a lot to learn. He'll get better."
Marbury on Marbury: "I think I did a pretty good job. But I don't think I'm playing my normal game. I'm not shooting well."
Marbury on Iverson: "You can only try to contain him. He'll get his points, regardless."
Marbury was the more spectacular player. The Coney Island youngster played with the peripheral vision and magic of a Magic Johnson or Isiah Thomas. Once, on the run, he bounced a perfect long pass to a teammate sandwiched between two defenders. Several times, he drove to the basket and jumped and, when a defender would double-team him, he dished off the ball to an open teammate.
But Marbury did not have the help that Iverson did. Victor Page, Georgetown's freshman shooting guard, was the high scorer with 25 points. Othella Harrington, the 6-foot-9-inch senior center, was held to 2 points in the first half but finished with 14 points and 14 rebounds. Georgetown's bang-the-boards defense outrebounded Georgia Tech, 45 to 24.
John Thompson, in his 24th year as Georgetown coach, likes his team. "They've got a lot to learn," he said, "but it's a team I can drive. You don't drive people who aren't talented."
Georgia Tech Coach Bobby Cremins said he knew why his team was beaten badly.
"I think it was too much, too soon," he said. "We were not ready for that type of game. We're young, we hung in there, but it's tough on a young team."
The first semifinal matched Arizona's speed, defense and experience against Michigan's youth and bulk. Arizona broke open a tie game in the last 13 minutes.
The Wildcats, ranked No. 19, made fewer errors than 16th-ranked Michigan. Much of the time, it kept the ball from Michigan's post players and forced the Wolverines into bad shots from the outside. When Michigan closed to 79-77, Arizona tried to freeze the ball, Michigan double-teamed it and Joseph Blair, the Arizona center, got loose under the basket and sank the game-clinching field goal and free throw.
"Their post players beat us to death," Michigan Coach Steve Fisher said. "It seems like every shot they made in the second half was a result of our defense. But eight of our players are freshmen and sophomores, and you know it's going to happen some. I'm mad. I told our team they should be mad we didn't play better. You can't be afraid to make mistakes. Maybe I made them afraid to make mistakes."
Coach Lute Olson was pleased with the way his Arizona team played.
"The difference down the stretch," he said, "was probably that we had a lot more experience. But the only way to get experience is playing. You have to go through it with game pressure."
Reggie Geary, Arizona's point guard, scored only 8 points but also had 7 assists and 2 steals. Once, trying to keep a ball inbounds, he crashed into the press table and knocked over a telephone. He picked up the phone and put the receiver to his ear. It worked. He nodded and went back to business.