When the god was hungry, he took Joel Robuchon - page officielle- from us
上周介紹杜卡斯餐廳後,今周我們介紹同樣最近重開,已故烹飪大師侯布雄 Joël Robuchon 於澳門Grand Lisboa Hotel and Casino 新葡京酒店賭場 創立的米芝蓮三星「天巢法國餐廳」Robuchon也是一代代廚師們的導師,門下的學徒後來也成為廚藝界名氣響亮的人物,如地獄廚神 Gordon Ramsay 與法國大廚 Eric Ripert 。
「用經典烹飪技巧來創造法國現代菜色。」就是由Julien Tongourian主理的澳門天巢法國餐廳的主旨,法國菜的精確度、優雅和智慧都在用餐體驗時時刻刻感受到。讓 MACAUEAT 現在帶您進入侯布雄的法國「新料理」#NouvelleCuisine 世界。
Impérial caviar and king crab refreshed with crustacean jelly and light cauliflower cream
這道菜簡稱 #LeCaviar 是 Joël Robuchon 於80 年代於 Le Jamin 餐廳中所創造,可謂他的招牌菜中的招牌菜。這道猶如藝術品般的菜式,需要相當高精準度的烹調技巧才能完成。看似是把奢華的食材推砌,品嚐後卻發現了各種食材都擔任重要角色。底下的龍蝦高湯啫喱,是把以龍蝦殼炒過後再熬煮十五個小時後的高湯過濾澄清而成。中間為帝王蟹肉,上面綴以頂級的法國Sologne魚子醬,最後再在頂端綴上翡翠綠色的椰菜花和巴西利葉醬汁。上菜時,菜餚如同名貴珠寶般閃亮耀眼,帝王蟹肉、魚子醬和龍蝦的各種鮮美在你味蕾中溢出和爆發,招架不住的感覺刷遍全身。
酥脆溏心蛋,煙薰三文魚及魚子醬 (圖2)
Crispy soft-boiled egg, Imperial caviar and smoked Salmon
淡水小龍蝦雲吞及燴包生菜 (圖3)
Langoustine Ravioli with briased Savoy Cabbage
法式燜布雷斯雞 (圖4,5)
Bresse Chicken cooked in Pork Bladder with seasonal vegetables
採用法國的#envessie 技法,將雞放進鼓起的豬小肚,完好地保留雞肉細嫩多汁的部分,加入松露、肥肝和白葡萄酒,然後封入豬膀胱內,用雞高湯低溫慢煮,蒸氣慢慢滲入膀胱中,各種食材的味道也進入雞肉。配以清淡的鵝肝奶油醬汁及松茸醬,這道經典的 #LaPoulardedeBresse 便大功告成。
麵包車 (圖7)
Bread Trolley
載滿各式麵包種類的麵包車幻化成桌上擺盤漂亮的麵包籃,拿在手中還是熱烘烘的,但小編的最愛是佛卡夏#Focaccia 番茄麵包,配上純度極高的每週空運法國傳統手工奶油(圖6),用手指溫度觸碰即化開,綿密香滑。
甜品車 (圖8)
Dessert Trolley
任你選的甜品車最後登場,由 @teddy.dekoning 炮製泡芙、檸檬撻、蘋果、千層酥等十多種甜點陸重登場!我們每道都品嘗了幾口,最愛千層酥#MilleFeuille,口感輕盈但又極鬆脆,另外經典的甜品漂浮之島 #FloatingIsland 也值得一試,打發的蛋白霜放在吉士醬上,微甜而且入口即化,口感夢幻。
雪芭車 (圖9)
Sorbet Trolley
沒有最後,只有更後,同樣是任你選的雪芭車到站,內有雜莓、熱情果、香梨、椰子 雪芭,也有青檸和雲呢拿雪糕,共六款選擇。 熱情果雪芭最得小編心,酸度可人,能清清味蕾。
糕點車 (圖10)
Petit Flour Trolley
📍 新葡京酒店四十三樓
⏰ 12:00 - 2:30 (週五至週日)
☎️ (853) 8803 7878
🏆 Michelin Guide ⭐️⭐️⭐️
「langoustine ravioli」的推薦目錄:
langoustine ravioli 在 That Food Cray Facebook 的精選貼文
My favorites from Chef Eric Räty of @Arborhk & Chef Helder Amaral of Aurora in @altira.macau’s four hands menu!
Chef @eric.raty’s signature tender charcoal-grilled langoustine was CRAY, served with sweet Japanese tomato, tomato water, and kombu.
The next dish by Chef @heljoamaral taught me a new French word, “nage” which means swim. The Mediterranean Seafood Nage consisted of prawns, spicy lobster, bamboo clams, and Kristal caviar swimming in a lobster bisque.
Swipe to see the Carabiñero Prawn Ravioli sitting in a virgin olive oil broth with Moroccan mint and pepper by Aurora.
Lastly, we finished with a refreshing white peach dessert by Arbor and coconut lime sorbet topped with caviar in olive oil by Aurora. @ Aurora - Altira
langoustine ravioli 在 4foodie Facebook 的精選貼文
{4foodie x @hungryintaipei }
📍️Taipei, Taiwan
晶華酒店 Regent Taipei / 米其林三星頂級饗宴 / $8800(午間套餐) $12800(晚間套餐)
👨🏻🍳主廚故事Chef’s Story👩🏻🍳
安東主廚(Frédéric Anton)被譽為世紀廚神侯布雄(Joël Robuchon)最得力的嫡傳弟子,並執掌自2006年連續獲得法國米其林指南三星榮耀肯定的Le Pré Catelan餐廳。安東主廚自19歲那年取得法國高等創意學校文憑之後,隨即進入數家米其林星級餐廳歷練,25歲那年便榮獲米其林摘星巨匠侯布雄栽培與提拔。
Chef Frederic Anton has been dubbed by some as the next Robuchon, having held 3 Michelin stars since 2007 at Le Pre Catalan, as well as a restaurant at the Eiffel Tower in Paris. 💡補充Comments💡
從第一道菜番茄莫札瑞拉起司凝凍開始,視覺上就先震撼一波,精緻準確的擺盤,將主廚的技巧完美得展現出來,入口即化的口感讓人唇齒留香🍅第二道鱈場蟹是我最喜歡的一道,搭配咖喱、芥末美乃滋、魚子醬與檸檬皮絲,口味濃郁而不膩👍🏻角蝦餃的餃皮搭配金箔,透明華麗,以鴨肝奶油為整體口味主軸,濃郁香醇🥟羊排是歐洲國家的熱門指定菜色,安東主廚將羊排精修去除脂肪、軟骨和邊肉後,以低溫舒肥法烹調,搭配青豆泥、洋蔥圈、蒜片,羊排口感軟嫩多汁🥩甜點柑橘塔以甜派酥皮為基底,搭配口感輕盈的柑橘奶油,加上以羅勒、柑橘汁製成得羅勒慕斯,層次豐富。感謝晶華酒店 @regenttaipei 邀請安東主廚合辦了一場令人難忘的饗宴,期待再品嚐到更多美食!
I was lucky to get a seat at the media preview. I could definitely see Robuchon’s influence, as he was Chef Anton’s mentor and boss for many years, starting from the first dish, La Tomate. The methodically placed dots covering the cold gelee starter reminded me of a dish I had at L’Atelier Robuchon Taipei, the signature au dome, a dish with caviar with intricate dots of cauliflower cream all around the caviar. Strong flavors continued from the tomato to my favorite dish, a surprising curry flavored crab hidden underneath a generous layer of caviar. to the langoustine ravioli. I could smell the delicious foie gras foam from the langoustine ravioli before the plate was set on the table, and the foam had so much flavor. I was surprised by the texture of the langoustine mousse tasted almost like the fish paste you add to mala hotpot, or at least a very luxe version of it. The lamb, for me, wasn’t too gamey until the last bite, and I paired it with the olive sauce. Thank you Regent Taipei for having me, we always get to try something new at your pop ups!
😋最推料理favorite dish😋鱈場蟹le crabe
🍽2018.11.01 到訪用餐visited
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