居家撕裂者腹肌10分鐘運動 總共29個動作,
29 movements in total(no repeat, no rest in between )
one 30 secs rest in the middle. Challenge yourself!
May Fit instagram ▶ https://www.instagram.com/may8572fit/
追蹤品牌Line官方帳號專屬ID: @mayufit ▶ https://lin.ee/tiQ1zgb
更多跟著做的May Fit居家訓練 ▶ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLol39BuP8rM-6l2PNZqXFETC6oCkjnXoi
✔️May力體態系統化居家進階課表&八週翹臀養成計畫 下載女力健身App(七天免費試用) https://com.nuli.app/may
✔️MM Booty 初階健身房女性翹臀指南 649$優惠持續中!https://www.cabfitness.com/?lang=zh-hant 中/英電子書含增肌原理、肌肉構造、八週菜單模組、動作講解、短影音教學與健身飲食QAs
✔️我的增肌減脂食譜書購買連結(第一本): 一碗搞定!增肌減脂健身餐https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010801832
✔️第二本(家常中式口味)May力體態:增肌減脂全攻略:健身一碗料理╳燃脂徒手運動 https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010836641?sloc=main
Music by Dylan Rockoff - Competition - La Felix Remix - https://thmatc.co/?l=188180EB
Music by Insta Models - Do It Like You - https://thmatc.co/?l=CB31DD88
Music by Insta Models - All That I Need - https://thmatc.co/?l=BAF5BC52
Music by UNBLOOM x Disco Shrine - Alright - @unbloom_music - https://thmatc.co/?l=8E0094BB
Film and editing by Amanda Yeh

in between 菜單 2020 在 誠品行旅eslite hotel | Taipei 的推薦與評價
Between 限定菜單展演食材真味. In Between【盛夏知味】限定菜單,主廚黃士恭運用風韻酸甜開胃的果香產物,聚焦「酸、甜、鮮」,同時透過西式烹飪手法重新演繹東方料理 ... ... <看更多>