【福禍兩相依】(English writing below)
08 Jul 2019 - 146 訂閱
29 Dec 2019 - 300 訂閱
03 Mar 2020 - 1000 訂閱
今天 - 2000 訂閱
感謝那七位讀者相信我匹黑馬。 ❤️
Youtube 看到這流量的高漲,便以它那全能的演算法把那影片推出去給更多用戶。
欸,不是說Youtube在中國被禁嗎? 😏
有隨著名氣增長的光鮮亮麗,也自然會有 🤬 一面。
沒本事好好辯論,就用精子隊。你要從你國家射到新加坡嗎?好厲害的火箭 🚀。但你要公平啊,也給大家看看你的照片,好讓大家為你鼓掌鼓掌。👏👏👏
女大十八變,長大後我自然變得比較端莊,只是沒想到當年的勇猛,對已年過四十的我還能受用. 😂
也感謝我的臉書朋友,多年來給予我這安全的空間成長,長出一雙強壯的翅膀來甩一下那些不尊重女性的呆子。 😁
08 Jul 2019 - 146 subs
29 Dec 2019 - 300 subs
03 Mar 2020 - 1000 subs
Today - 2000 subs
At any time of the day, there are now 42 of me talking on YouTube about what it takes to live a better Destiny.
I started weekly YouTube uploads in end June 2019. That is 2 years after my channel started.
In July 2019, I did a poll in my Stories, asking my readers if they thought I would hit 1K subs by end of the year.
Of the 7 who voted, they all think I would. Some of them even dropped me PMs of confidence.
I was late by 65 days.
But as soon as I hit 1000 subs, my channel crossed the 2K mark in a matter of few days.
Thank you to the 7 readers who saw the dark horse in me. ❤️
This uprise in my channel started on 17 Feb 2020, when a gentleman shared my old video on a Hong Kong forum, to encourage abstinence from sexual misdeeds.
It brought in a wave of viewers, 95% men.
Yeah, that same video that some dude shared on a Singapore forum in a crass way. Got about 100K views now.
YouTube recognised the upsurge and pushed my video to more of its users with its almighty algorithm.
And out of a sudden, I have an influx of male audience from mainly Taiwan, Malaysia and... China.
Eh, thought Youtube banned in China? 😏
This is good news because if you follow my stories, you will know that in end Feb, I tried starting a channel in Bilibili (China’s younger version of Youtube). I also opened a Weibo account.
But my videos didn’t pass their stringent checks and were dismissed as superstitious and feudal. #whattheduck
Turned out that Heaven had other plans for my channel.
I always prefer meeting my clients in person and initially wondered if I will have a drop in clients or cancellations of consultations with the current epidemic situation.
Didn’t happen.
I get requests for video calls and will be doing one for the first time to New Zealand.
But there’s always two sides to a coin.
The ooh-la-la side of increased popularity,
And the 🤬 side.
I was mistaken to be a Taiwanese, and got a snide remark that me using English shows a lack of confidence in my culture and me wanting to win over the Westerners.
Eh bro, no confidence in my culture, I NUS graduate what for become Feng Shui practitioner? You think fun to be laughed superstitious meh? 🤔
Also, not all who speak good Mandarin must be Taiwanese. There are Singaporeans who can also speak good Mandarin. #weareSingaporeweareSingapore
Even if I’m a Taiwanese and choose to use English in my videos, remember this: We are all inter-dependent. Chinese Metaphysics and Buddhism were never meant to serve only one breed of humans.
Our ancestors have much bigger love and foresight than that. Learn from them.
There were also lewd comments like a man who said I’m bluffing and wanted to shoot his semen on my face.
Wah, cannot debate properly, resort to using sperm army.🏆
Shoot from your country to Singapore? You sure have a powerful rocket. Come, let’s be fair. Show us photos of yourself and let everyone clap for you this champion.
I told my Shifu about this. His wise words: tell him to save it for his offspring.
Jokes aside...
I just want you to know whatever we face in the past always help us to handle our future challenges better.
I received very bad beatings and scoldings from my mum as a kid, because of her foul temper. I endured for 26 years before I married.
When I was in SQ, as a junior, I was constantly being picked at (aka bullied) for 2 years by a senior colleague. I never once complained to my supervisor.
But things got so obvious and serious, that our team inflight supervisor held a team meeting during our Los Angeles stay over, to ask the colleague what was wrong with her.
When the husband asked if I was okay with the sudden naysayers, I replied that this was nothing compared to what I had been through. It is also delusional to expect everyone to like what I do.
Also, I used to get into fights with boys in school. Yeah, really the kick, slap, punch, pull hair, pull school uniform kind. Plus colourful vulgarities and hand gestures in all languages.
I had grown more demure since, just never thought that gung-ho side will be useful as a content creator in my 40s. 😂
I made a vow in 2006 when my grandmother passed away. That I would propagate Buddhism and Chinese Metaphysics to benefit sentient beings. So that she and my grandpa would be reborn in the Pureland.
It had been 14 years.
I’m a bit slow, but the fun is just beginning.
Thank you to my 2K+ subs and all the encouraging comments you left me.
Thank you to my FB friends, who have given me this safe space to grow my wings so strong that I can whack fools who disrespect women. 😁
Stay with me, my friend. Let’s see how high we can soar together. ❤️
「i really love you 手勢」的推薦目錄:
- 關於i really love you 手勢 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於i really love you 手勢 在 葉朗程 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於i really love you 手勢 在 台灣嘉琳老師新娘秘書教學-LynnLee makeup&hair Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於i really love you 手勢 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於i really love you 手勢 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於i really love you 手勢 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文
i really love you 手勢 在 葉朗程 Facebook 的精選貼文
最佳損友 Benson 突然拿起電話,高聲宣佈:「Oh!葉朗程,恭喜你!」恭乜 X 喜呀?「大家睇吓,呢隻戒指,如果冇三卡,我食咗佢!」Benson 繼續說。眾人開始圍著他,各自看完他的電話,嘩聲四起。
「我數三聲,我講第一句,你哋講第二句。」Benson high 爆說。「一、二、三!愛人結婚了……」我仍然不知道發生什麼事,直到其他人幫他齊聲接下去:「新郎不是我!」
唔知佢哋講緊乜,跌跌撞撞的走過去,搶去 Benson 手中的電話。
螢光幕是一隻雪白的手,無名指套著一隻耀眼的鑽戒,是 Kate Fung 的 instagram。「When he got down on his knees,I thought he was joking……」之後是一大堆 hashtags,一大堆 likes,一大堆智障 comments。
完全沒有音樂天份的 Benson,即興作咗首好難聽嘅歌,全首歌詞都係「愛人結婚了新郎不是我」。就在這片嘔心的歌聲中,我拿起自己的電話,進入了 facebook messenger,11時48 分,我給 Kate 發了一個短訊:「13 年,你喺我心裏面,仍然是 the prettiest of the prettiest,心好酸,但恭喜你。」
除了在 11時48 分發的那個短訊之外,我還發了幾個聲音訊息給 Kate,自己連丁點兒的印象也沒有。
心裏戰戰競競,究竟自己說了什麼?顫抖的手往電話一按,聽到自己震耳欲聾的歌聲,重覆又重覆地把 Benson 作的歌唱了幾次。2時30 分,最後一個短訊,我還唱了半首「那些年」。
久久睡不著,乾脆洗個澡,再喝杯咖啡。9 時 22 分。電話響了一下,然後又響了一下。
第一個回覆:「LOL drunk texts?」
第二個回覆:「Anyway,thank you。」Thank you 之後是一個笑臉。
「一萬個 sorry。」我說。
「一萬個 no problem =)」
某個冷得叫人尖叫的晚上,Kate 在 Instagram 上載了一張照片,又是她的手,不過這次不是要炫耀鑽戒。「隻手幾時先好得番?」她在照片旁邊寫了這樣的一句。
從照片看,她的手沒有傷痕,於是我留言說:「粒鑽石太重?隻手 overload?」
之後,她回覆:「唔好笑囉,cannot even type with my left hand。」
Private message 她:「What happened?」
「學打 golf,did too many swings,醫生話破壞咗神經線。」
「醫生話未見過咁嘅 case,佢都唔知幾時好得番。」
兩日後,跟 Benson 和其他朋友鋤大 Dee,想不到 Benson 已經幫我收晒風。
「佢男朋友,oh sorry,I mean 佢個 fiancé,已經帶 Kate 睇晒最好嘅醫生,乜都照過,淨係知道乜嘢肌肉腫脹,壓住條神經線,做晒 nerve tests 都唔知點先好得番,叫佢兩個月後先再去覆診。」
佢男朋友叫 Ringo,係一間 private equity 嘅 partner,絕對相信佢有足夠嘅關係同金錢帶 Kate 睇最好嘅醫生。不過有啲嘢,唔係有錢就解決到問題。
晚一點後,我問 Kate:「記唔記得神醫?」
以前打波每次整傷,Kate 都會陪我去永吉街,嗰度有個好好嘅醫師。畀佢睇完,老虎都打死幾隻。
「LOL 佢仲喺永吉街?」
「都可以,不過 Ringo 去咗 trip,等佢返嚟陪我即睇,我怕痛。」
Do me a favour and ask Ringo to go fuck himself,我心諗。
「Really?Thank you!佢好開通,唔會介意,this Saturday ok?」如果 Benson 睇到我同 Kate 嘅對話,佢肯定會話:「呢啲咪就係傳說中嘅收兵囉。」
約好在金鐘的太古廣場,我早到了一點,她也只是遲了五分鐘左右。她一上車,已經證實了她上載在 instagram 的所有照片,均是沒有經過任何 photoshop 加工的。我雙腿開始有點麻痺,要用力踏下去才感覺到煞車掣,前半段的車程她應該坐得不是太舒服。
神醫即係神醫,從遠處看到 Kate,已經說:「你有事,你隻腳有事。」唔係喎,我對腳冇事喎,係我隻手有事,Kate 說。「唔係,係腳有事,所以影響埋隻手有事。」神醫堅持。沒見這麼多年,神醫已經有個徒弟,所以他沒有親自動手,只是吩咐徒弟按哪幾個位。
徒弟一邊按,Kate 一邊慘叫。
我問 Kate 有什麼感覺,她含著兩泡眼水說:「膝頭好痺。」手呢?這時她才說:「Oh my god!真係冇事啦!」零誇張,沒騙你,這個神醫,就是兩三吓手勢,已經把全港最好醫生口中的「不治之症」醫好了。
回到車上的時候,Kate 已經不知說了幾多次多謝。「搵日一定要請你食飯。」她繫上安全帶說。如果你得閒,一陣間飲杯咖啡都得呀,你有冇時間?我問。Kate 看一看錶,笑著點頭。
她坐下,我坐下,她點了一杯 gingerbread latte,我點了一杯 black coffee。
各自的咖啡來到,我嗅到她那杯 latte 的香味。
好半天,她低著頭,沒有說話,只是用剛才的那隻匙羹攪拌著那杯 gingerbread latte。
再隔好半天,她凝視著咖啡杯說:「點解嗰陣會鍾意 Clara?」
穿著校服的 puppy love,年少無知的中學時代,那會有這麼多理由。
站在洗手間內起碼五分鐘後,才慢慢走出來。我坐下,看一看她的眼睛,她好像 ok 了。「到我去洗手間,唔好同我畀錢。」她笑著說。
Kate 離開坐位後,我看著那隻匙羹,那隻讓我們一起接過吻的匙羹。突然,腦海閃過一個變態的念頭:我要把這隻匙羹永久收藏。
趁 Kate 未出來,我立刻叫咖啡室的侍應過來。
IG= drgntigrdr
i really love you 手勢 在 台灣嘉琳老師新娘秘書教學-LynnLee makeup&hair Facebook 的精選貼文
最後一天我還來5分鐘考試, 真的有同學在5分鐘內完成一個造型,做的又快又好,看到你們的成長,我真的很感動,看到你哭了我也快哭了~
We will be better and better!
I'm very happy to know so many of my Singapore students, they are all outstanding ~
I'm even more pleased to hear them say that their interest for hairstyling change from dislike to full of interest now.. smile 表情符號
I really love my Singapore students as every one of them is my best teacher. Why do I say that?
Because everyone has different questions for me, the way they style a hair are different too. Sometimes I have to guide them hand by hand, only then I realized how nervous you guys are..
Although every lesson is a challenge to me, it's also prompt me to seek for a fast and effective method to style the hair. I will say "Rest assured girls, I will definitely make sure you can do it too!" Haha.. 👐
On our last lesson, I set a impromptu test - to complete a hairstyle in 5mins! Indeed there are students who successfully completed a style in 5mins - quick n good. Seeing your vast improvement over a period of just 3 days, I'm truly touched and comforted. Some even shed tears of joy and achievement, it made me teared too~
I also shared with you girls the various way of doing eye adjustment. Every student successfully adjusted their mono-lid model to a natural double eyelid one.. Really very well done ~ I'm so proud of you girls...
Thank you for all the beautiful memories and presents, I really feel loved.. ❤
I'm situated near Exit 1 of Ximen MRT, do drop by if you are in Taiwan.
We will be better and better!
My line & wechat ID: lynnlee0930
⭐Taiwan course enquiries: lover011521@gmail.com
⭐Singapore course enquiries:
- Facebook: facebook.com/maquillagemastery
- Email: maquillagemastery@gmail.com
- Contact: Annabelle +6594202688
- wechat ID: mmastery