If you guys have been following my instagram stories, you would probably have known that I have fallen sick/unwell/lowkey dying over the past week.
However, I too, don't know what has made me sick and uncomfortable after so long. I took a blood test two days ago to find out what the cause is, but I'm suspecting either anaemia or thyroid dysfunction because both of these diseases are hereditary to me - meaning both my parents have them and they can be passed down through blood. I think it’s these two because some of its symptoms include fatigue, anxiety and depression which are caused by hormonal changes.
Lemme tell you, my hormones have been crazy, I get breakouts randomly, my skin goes from super oily to super dry suddenly and my period schedule is super unstable. I have been feeling very sluggish, tired, moody and have been having bad headaches. Everyday is just tiring and I don't feel anything else other than fatigue. My neck and back are aching, my muscles are weak and my joints are stiff. I've been sleeping well recently as well, like 8-10 hours per night and bedtime around 2AM which is 3 hours earlier than my usual 5AM schedule (for real). BUT HAHH, all these efforts but I still feel like a piece of shit.
Some of my friends tell me its burnout that I'm facing, but really, I don't know. I've always been grinding at work for, like, forever. I haven't stopped hustling for all the things I'm involved in. Perhaps I'm not the best at taking care of myself. But anyway, this has never happened to me before. So, I don't know what it is. Guess we'll just have to wait for my blood test to see what it is, but if my blood test comes back telling me I'm fine, then perhaps my mental health is just broken at this point it's taking over me (but I hope not) hahah
I'll be taking a short break from streaming until I feel better, be it a few days or a week. I'll try my best to maintain my streaming schedule, but if I can't, at least you guys know why :')
p.s. btw its not covid-19 cuz my lungs and breathing is fine and i dont have feverrrr so you can still give me a hug
-pudds 4/11/2020
hormones meaning 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的最佳解答
📰 今天我們來讀讀【華爾街日報】
🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 美國 🇺🇸
📰 Why Being Kind Helps You, Too—Especially Now
Research links kindness to a wealth of physical and emotional benefits. And it’s an excellent coping skill for the Covid-19 era.
📌 這篇文章的用字不難,但它的內容讓我們長知識,如果我們需要寫有關這個題目的作文,可以引述這裡的論點。標題聲稱友善 (kind) 可以幫助你,特別是現在,這樣寫,同時也可以吸引讀者閲讀文章。根據研究 (research),友善 (kindness) 跟身體和情感好處 (physical and emotional benefits) 有關,它也是卓越的 (excellent) 應付技巧 (coping skill)。
In January, Rachel Glyn’s husband of 36 years died of cancer. Two months later, the pandemic and lockdown hit. Alone in her Philadelphia apartment, Ms. Glyn spent her time worrying about the coronavirus, the financial markets and the civil unrest happening a few blocks away. Some days, she says, she wished she would die. “I’ll never have another day that doesn’t stink,” she told herself.
📌 這段介紹Rachel Glyn 喪夫之後所面對的問題:她擔心冠狀病毒 (coronavirus)、金融市場 (financial markets) 和內亂 (civil unrest)。有些日子她想尋短。stink (糟透) 是常用口語說法。
Then one morning, Ms. Glyn, who is 66, heard about a local blood drive and thought, “My life isn’t a pathetic mess after all: I have the ability to give.” She walked to a nearby hospital and donated. Afterward, she was “exhilarated,” she says.
“It felt wonderful to do something useful for someone,” Ms. Glyn says. “I no longer was this nobody who has nothing to do except endure a wretched situation.”
📌 這兩段交代Ms Glyn 如何走出困境:她得知當地的一個捐血活動 (local blood drive),她想人生不是這麼可憐混亂 (pathetic mess)。捐完血後,她覺得異常興奮 (exhilarated)。文中所提的「悲慘情況」 (wretched situation),與 pathetic mess 前後呼應,是個不錯的修辭技巧。
Want to feel better? Be kind.
It’s a good thing to make another person feel good. But being kind—doing something to help someone else—can help you, too. Research links kindness to a wealth of physical and emotional benefits. Studies show that when people are kind, they have lower levels of stress hormones and their fight-or-flight response calms down. They’re less depressed, less lonely and happier. They have better cardiovascular health and live longer. They may be physically stronger. They’re more popular. And a soon-to-be published study found that they may even be considered better looking.
📌 這段闡述友善如何對你有好處:較低的壓力荷爾蒙 (lower levels of stress hormones)、戰與逃的反應平靜下來 (fight-or-flight response calms down)、情緒沒有原來的低落 (less depressed)、孤單感覺降低 (less lonely) 、感到更開心 (happier) 等等。
Being kind is an excellent coping skill for the Covid-19 era. In a time of isolation, kindness fosters connection to others. It helps provide purpose and meaning to our life, allowing us to put our values into practice. And it diminishes our negative thoughts. “Our attention isn’t something that is infinitely expansive,” says Emiliana Simon-Thomas, science director of the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley. “What we are feeling at any given moment is related to what we are doing, so if we are behaving kindly, that experience will occupy our emotion.”
📌 這段關於「友善」,要怎樣在2019冠狀病毒的年代 (era) ,成爲卓越的應付技巧,並引述加州大學科學主任 (science director) 的話來支持論據。這是常用的修辭技巧 — 引用權威。
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Elizabeth Bernstein
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🎁 領獎期限: 08/17 20:00
hormones meaning 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的最讚貼文
唉~ 接下來幾個禮拜,只能像是籠中鳥兒看著天空🕊️😢
好啦!其實沒那麼慘🙈 雖然墨爾本進入最嚴重的災難狀態,實施宵禁,強制戴口罩等⚠️ 但民眾還是可以每天出去一個小時運動,只是不能離家圓周五公里遠🏃
不過我從沒想到一個家庭只能派一個人出去買菜對我來說是打擊多麼大的事🙀 接下來就是一個抱怨+自我檢討的文字😬
首先,煮飯的人是 York,所以他必須買食材🌽 我則負責看當週有什麼特價、家裡用品缺什麼,再依照單位價格以及熱量等決定要買什麼😬 可以說逛超市是我旅遊世界各地的樂趣😝
事情發生於實行禁令下午,York下班後趕緊到附近的超市買菜🍆 買了一個禮拜份的簡單食材,買了他喜歡吃的橘子,卻沒買我愛吃的蘋果🍎🍊
當下我氣炸了!覺得如果我不一起去購物,那麼他都不會想到我愛吃什麼東西? 又或是可以把他一公升的牛奶放回去,買一公斤我的蘋果也好😠
直到今天看到我朋友在 IG 轉發的文章,突然讓我釋懷。英文大意大概是這樣⤵️
可是連續五個月都在緊繃狀態,我們無法進行平常讓頭腦放鬆的活動。例如見朋友、去餐廳吃飯、踏青⛰️ 久而久之,原本的動力就會消耗而盡...😔 什麼事情都提不起勁、每天昏昏沉沉、脾氣開始變成暴躁、沮喪💔
每天能夠安全度過就已經很棒了。畢竟人們需要在滿足生理需求後,才可以追求額外的事物,例如創造力等🖌️ 所以不要對自己太自責,也不要覺得自己沒用、在浪費生命❤️ 記得這不是你的問題,而是疫情的關係。」
有時候一段文字真的可以拯救一個人的心態啊~ 難怪那麼多人愛讀心靈雞湯😹 希望這段話也可以送給那些因為疫情影響的朋友們❤️
說真的這波封城比第一波封城還要困難☹️ 主要是因為全世界基本上都重新開放了,看著大家遊玩的照片而我們只能卡在家裡(之前至少還可以爬山)確實令人沮喪😔 不過還是要好好珍惜自己所擁有的,不要讓負面情緒掌控🙏
Ps. 最近 York 又重新開始跑步,卻碰到第二波封城的關係他就不出去跑了🏃 因為直到前天,原來那些確診的人除了在家自我隔離,居然還可以出去運動😱
而且運動的時候不需要戴口罩,因為政府覺得這樣無法跑步及騎腳踏車等🚲 實在有夠扯!難怪墨爾本人數一直上升📈 所以現在也不太想要出去走路了... 🙁
Pss. 我的 IG 只剩幾個人就可以破七千了!雖然離一萬還是很遙遠😭 希望大家可以多多支持啊~ www.instagram.com/travelwithwinny 🙉
For the next few weeks, we will be like birds in a cage looking out into the sky 🕊️😢
Okay! Maybe not that bad but considering Melbourne is in a "state of disaster" and we are only allowed 5KM radius from home, it's quite similar to being caged up 🙉
I never thought not able to go food shopping together has so much impact on me😕 Under the new restriction, only one person per household can go out food shopping🌽
York has to be the person doing shopping cz he's the one cooking🍳 Yet I am the one who buys other household items and see what's on special etc😬
So for York going out to shop by himself, it will turn out like the day after the restriction was announced, where he quickly went food shopping after work in case everything gets sold out👀
He bought his favourite oranges and not my apples🍊🍎 I asked why? He said cz he's already bought too much. So I looked into the grocery bag and saw him bought 3 liters of milk!!!
If he only have bought 2 liters of milk and 1 kilo of my apple (cz that's the only fruit I LOVE) then I'd be ok🙄 But no!!! 3 liters of milk for the week when I don't even drink milk just makes me think he doesn't consider about me😠
Then I read this post by @thepsychologysisters, which made me felt better and decided to forgive😌 It pretty much summed up like this⤵️
"Just remember that we've been stuck in a fight or flight mode since March. It's ok if you haven't been as productive as you would have liked, learnt a new skill, exercised everyday etc💪
We're suffering a collective stress response, it's admirable if we're able to even just make it through the day.
Our work, home and social environment has changed, we've had to adopt to a new and unfamiliar way of living👀
We had to cancel events that normally give our brain a break and provoke a sense of fun, normality, social cohesion and relaxation.
When we're in constant fight or flight, we begin to burn out. Our brain is stuck in survival mode, meaning we're less able to regulate our emotions and think normally🙁 It makes sense we're exhausted, burnt out and lacking any motivation at the moment.
We've been hit with 5 months of adrenaline, norepinephrine and stress hormones which can have devastating impacts on our emotional regulation, psychological and physical wellbeing💔
So if you're feeling tired, constantly sad, frustrated for no reason, ruminating on what could have been for 2020, please know that you are not alone, this is completely normal emotional reaction to Covid-19💕"
So ya, because of this post, it made decided to try not to forget how lucky we are still have a home🏠 Try not to let negativity take over and still try to be grateful 🙏
Ps. It still sucks seeing everyone traveling around the globe cz their government thinks economy is more important than health...😅
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