🏀[28 Nov] David Lee: From HKU to Silicon Valley
李景輝畢業於港大工程學院及商學院,他在矽谷的初創公司NEX Team,開發了籃球練習程式 HomeCourt,獲一眾美國籃球界名人注資支持,更登上2018 Apple發布會舞台。David將重回母校,分享創業心路歷程,並由港大籃球隊現場示範 HomeCourt 操作!
HKU alumnus David Lee (BBA (IS) 2003; BEng 2004), co-founder and CEO of NEX Team, will share his startup journey “From HKU to Silicon Valley” with a live demo of HomeCourt by HKU Basketball Team players at his alma mater. HomeCourt has been highlighted by Apple and backed by NBA luminaries like Jeremy Lin, Mark Cuban and Steve Nash.
Date: Nov 28, 2018 (Wed)
Time: 5:00-6:30pm (registration starts at 4:30pm)
Venue: Loke Yew Hall, Main Building, The University of Hong Kong
Register now at http://bit.ly/DavidLeeHKU