[政府無能 港人自救 ]
香港人口密集,生活環境極度擠迫,本已極度容易讓傳染病散播。再加上香港政府以 及醫院管理局的無能管治下,香港的公營醫療體系早已不勝負荷;其中內科病床更是 首當其衝,超過100%病床佔用率已成司空見慣的情況。面對以上種種不利因素,香港 政府面臨已知的武漢肺炎威脅,依然任由關口毫無管制,導致昨日(一月二十二日) 終於透過大白象工程高鐵引入本港第一宗武漢肺炎確診個案。其後昨日晚上更出現第 二宗確診個案,擴散情況令人擔憂。
香港醫護經歷過沙士慘痛一戰,深知做好防疫才是防止社區大規模爆發的唯一辦法。 武漢肺炎初期病徵輕微,猶如隱形病人一般,若毫無管制進入香港,只會將病毒更廣 泛地傳染給香港市民。加上現時武漢肺炎未有任何針對性的藥物或疫苗,因此只有果 斷的防疫措施,才能保證香港市民的安全。
然而,如此簡單易明的道理,似乎正正就是香港政府不敢面對的真相。一月二十一日 ,署理行政長官張建宗於記者會提及高鐵的抵港乘客毋須填寫健康申報表,結果當日 即有染病旅客乘搭高鐵入境香港,成為本港第一宗確診個案;一月二十二日,港府更 宣布港珠澳大橋一連七日實施小型客車免費通行政策,必定會迎來更多染病者通過此 政策入境香港。港府無視防疫工作的重要性,即使香港醫護如何專業,亦難以抵抗是 次致命疫症的入侵。
二零零三年,香港醫護對香港病人不離不棄;二零二零年,香港醫護維護病人的初心 依舊。今早,醫院管理局質素及安全部總監鍾健禮醫生繼續呼籲各位同事緊守崗位, 嚴格遵照感染控制指引,為疫情做好準備。然而,當權者卻未有做好把關工作,未能 有效減低病毒源頭入侵本港的機會。現在香港出現確診病人,完全是港府管治無能而 引入已知病毒,此乃人禍,並非天災。為挽救香港市民的性命,醫護必須集合所有力 量向港府施壓,要求政府落實入境防疫工作,並立即拒絕旅客經由中國入境,直至疫 情完全受控為止。
今日,醫管局員工陣線在此嚴正呼籲,政府必須於一月二十八日之前全面落實香港邊 境防疫措施,否則醫管局員工陣線不排除會行動升級,包括發動工業行動。
醫管局員工陣線亦即將會就武漢肺炎舉行特別會員大會,商討可能發起工業行動事宜 ,請各會員留意電郵通知。
The incompetence of our government would not save us; Hong Kongers should save ourselves
Yesterday, the Hospital Authority Employees Alliance (HAEA) has issued a joint statement with other healthcare-related unions. Our statement clearly stated that Hong Kong is displaying definite signs of the Wuhan Pneumonia outbreak. We have urged the HKSAR government to establish effective preventive measures against the disease outbreak by refusing all travellers entering Hong Kong through mainland China.
Hong Kong is an extremely densely-populated city with immensely crowded living conditions. These are all factors that facilitate the spreading of any infectious disease. In addition, the incompetent governance of our government and the Hospital Authority has led to a collapsing public healthcare system - medical beds are constantly full, and bed occupancy rates of over 100% are already a commonplace phenomenon. Under such unfavourable factors, the HKSAR government still chose to implement zero controls at our borders, despite the very known threat of the Wuhan Pneumonia. This has directly led to the first confirmed case of Wuhan Pneumonia in Hong Kong yesterday (22 January), in which the patient entered Hong Kong via the white elephant High Speed Rail. Later on, the second confirmed case also appeared yesterday night.
The healthcare workers in Hong Kong have learnt the hard lesson through SARS, that preventive measures are the only way to stop a massive outbreak of disease in our community. The initial symptoms of the Wuhan Pneumonia can be mild, and if such invisible patients may enter Hong Kong without any control at the borders, they would bring with them the deadly virus that could infect many in Hong Kong. Also, currently we do not have any curative treatments or vaccines that could tackle the Wuhan Pneumonia, thus preventive measures implemented decisively are our only way to ensure the safety of the citizens of Hong Kong.
However, it appears that such an easily-understood rationale has become the inconvenient truth that our government refuses to face. On 21 January, Acting Chief Executive Matthew Cheung has stated that there was no need for High Speed Rail passengers to fill out health declaration forms, yet on the same night the first confirmed case in Hong Kong crossed our border via the High Speed Rail. On 22 January, the government also announced the implementation of a toll-free policy for small passenger vehicles on the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge for seven consecutive days. This could potentially introduce even more infected patients into Hong Kong. Despite the professionalism of the Hong Kong healthcare workers, if our government continues to ignore the significance of prevention, there is little way for us to battle the invasion of this deadly disease.
In the year 2003, the healthcare professionals in Hong Kong have never abandoned those who were sick and ill; in the year 2020, the intention to safeguard the patients in Hong Kong remains the same. This morning, Dr. Chung Kin-lai (the Director of the Quality and Safety Division, the Hospital Authority) continued to appeal to all colleagues for their commitment to their duties, and to adhere to the infection control guideline in preparation for the epidemic. Yet, those in power have turned a blind eye to the government’s inability to establish preventive measures, such that the source of the deadly virus could not be effectively reduced. The occurrence of confirmed cases appearing in Hong Kong is completely due to the incompetent governance of our government. They have transformed a natural disaster into a man-made one by introducing the virus into Hong Kong. In order to save our citizens, healthcare workers should join forces in pressuring our government to implement effective preventive measures at boundary control points. Also, all travellers entering Hong Kong via China should be refused, until the epidemic is fully under control.
Today, the HAEA is making a serious appeal to the HKSAR government - all preventive measures should be fully implemented in Hong Kong before 1 February. If the government cannot deliver, the HAEA will not rule out an escalation of actions, which includes the initiation of industrial actions.
The HAEA will hold an Extraordinary General Meeting regarding the Wuhan Pneumonia very soon, in which the possibility of initiating industrial actions will be discussed. All members please stay tune to your email inbox for further notification.
Hospital Authority Employees Alliance
23 January 2020
high occupancy toll 在 Dr. Ray 的急症室迎送生涯 Facebook 的最佳貼文
[政府無能 港人自救 ]
香港人口密集,生活環境極度擠迫,本已極度容易讓傳染病散播。再加上香港政府以 及醫院管理局的無能管治下,香港的公營醫療體系早已不勝負荷;其中內科病床更是 首當其衝,超過100%病床佔用率已成司空見慣的情況。面對以上種種不利因素,香港 政府面臨已知的武漢肺炎威脅,依然任由關口毫無管制,導致昨日(一月二十二日) 終於透過大白象工程高鐵引入本港第一宗武漢肺炎確診個案。其後昨日晚上更出現第 二宗確診個案,擴散情況令人擔憂。
香港醫護經歷過沙士慘痛一戰,深知做好防疫才是防止社區大規模爆發的唯一辦法。 武漢肺炎初期病徵輕微,猶如隱形病人一般,若毫無管制進入香港,只會將病毒更廣 泛地傳染給香港市民。加上現時武漢肺炎未有任何針對性的藥物或疫苗,因此只有果 斷的防疫措施,才能保證香港市民的安全。
然而,如此簡單易明的道理,似乎正正就是香港政府不敢面對的真相。一月二十一日 ,署理行政長官張建宗於記者會提及高鐵的抵港乘客毋須填寫健康申報表,結果當日 即有染病旅客乘搭高鐵入境香港,成為本港第一宗確診個案;一月二十二日,港府更 宣布港珠澳大橋一連七日實施小型客車免費通行政策,必定會迎來更多染病者通過此 政策入境香港。港府無視防疫工作的重要性,即使香港醫護如何專業,亦難以抵抗是 次致命疫症的入侵。
二零零三年,香港醫護對香港病人不離不棄;二零二零年,香港醫護維護病人的初心 依舊。今早,醫院管理局質素及安全部總監鍾健禮醫生繼續呼籲各位同事緊守崗位, 嚴格遵照感染控制指引,為疫情做好準備。然而,當權者卻未有做好把關工作,未能 有效減低病毒源頭入侵本港的機會。現在香港出現確診病人,完全是港府管治無能而 引入已知病毒,此乃人禍,並非天災。為挽救香港市民的性命,醫護必須集合所有力 量向港府施壓,要求政府落實入境防疫工作,並立即拒絕旅客經由中國入境,直至疫 情完全受控為止。
今日,醫管局員工陣線在此嚴正呼籲,政府必須於一月二十八日之前全面落實香港邊 境防疫措施,否則醫管局員工陣線不排除會行動升級,包括發動工業行動。
醫管局員工陣線亦即將會就武漢肺炎舉行特別會員大會,商討可能發起工業行動事宜 ,請各會員留意電郵通知。
The incompetence of our government would not save us; Hong Kongers should save ourselves
Yesterday, the Hospital Authority Employees Alliance (HAEA) has issued a joint statement with other healthcare-related unions. Our statement clearly stated that Hong Kong is displaying definite signs of the Wuhan Pneumonia outbreak. We have urged the HKSAR government to establish effective preventive measures against the disease outbreak by refusing all travellers entering Hong Kong through mainland China.
Hong Kong is an extremely densely-populated city with immensely crowded living conditions. These are all factors that facilitate the spreading of any infectious disease. In addition, the incompetent governance of our government and the Hospital Authority has led to a collapsing public healthcare system - medical beds are constantly full, and bed occupancy rates of over 100% are already a commonplace phenomenon. Under such unfavourable factors, the HKSAR government still chose to implement zero controls at our borders, despite the very known threat of the Wuhan Pneumonia. This has directly led to the first confirmed case of Wuhan Pneumonia in Hong Kong yesterday (22 January), in which the patient entered Hong Kong via the white elephant High Speed Rail. Later on, the second confirmed case also appeared yesterday night.
The healthcare workers in Hong Kong have learnt the hard lesson through SARS, that preventive measures are the only way to stop a massive outbreak of disease in our community. The initial symptoms of the Wuhan Pneumonia can be mild, and if such invisible patients may enter Hong Kong without any control at the borders, they would bring with them the deadly virus that could infect many in Hong Kong. Also, currently we do not have any curative treatments or vaccines that could tackle the Wuhan Pneumonia, thus preventive measures implemented decisively are our only way to ensure the safety of the citizens of Hong Kong.
However, it appears that such an easily-understood rationale has become the inconvenient truth that our government refuses to face. On 21 January, Acting Chief Executive Matthew Cheung has stated that there was no need for High Speed Rail passengers to fill out health declaration forms, yet on the same night the first confirmed case in Hong Kong crossed our border via the High Speed Rail. On 22 January, the government also announced the implementation of a toll-free policy for small passenger vehicles on the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge for seven consecutive days. This could potentially introduce even more infected patients into Hong Kong. Despite the professionalism of the Hong Kong healthcare workers, if our government continues to ignore the significance of prevention, there is little way for us to battle the invasion of this deadly disease.
In the year 2003, the healthcare professionals in Hong Kong have never abandoned those who were sick and ill; in the year 2020, the intention to safeguard the patients in Hong Kong remains the same. This morning, Dr. Chung Kin-lai (the Director of the Quality and Safety Division, the Hospital Authority) continued to appeal to all colleagues for their commitment to their duties, and to adhere to the infection control guideline in preparation for the epidemic. Yet, those in power have turned a blind eye to the government’s inability to establish preventive measures, such that the source of the deadly virus could not be effectively reduced. The occurrence of confirmed cases appearing in Hong Kong is completely due to the incompetent governance of our government. They have transformed a natural disaster into a man-made one by introducing the virus into Hong Kong. In order to save our citizens, healthcare workers should join forces in pressuring our government to implement effective preventive measures at boundary control points. Also, all travellers entering Hong Kong via China should be refused, until the epidemic is fully under control.
Today, the HAEA is making a serious appeal to the HKSAR government - all preventive measures should be fully implemented in Hong Kong before 1 February. If the government cannot deliver, the HAEA will not rule out an escalation of actions, which includes the initiation of industrial actions.
The HAEA will hold an Extraordinary General Meeting regarding the Wuhan Pneumonia very soon, in which the possibility of initiating industrial actions will be discussed. All members please stay tune to your email inbox for further notification.
Hospital Authority Employees Alliance
23 January 2020