🔥 How to Eat if You Want Better Sleep
😴To understand how food affects sleep, you need to understand what happens to the body when it slumbers. Body functions slow while the brain remains active. Body temperature drops; pulse, breathing and blood pressure slow. Muscles relax. The body produces and regulates hormones. Your diet can determine that these functions work normally for an undisturbed sleep.
想知道食物是如何影響睡眠的,首先得瞭解身體在睡眠時會發生什麼事。人在睡覺時,身體功能會變慢,但大腦仍然活躍。身體的體溫下降,脈搏和呼吸放緩,血壓下降, 肌肉放鬆。人體會產生激素,並調節激素的水平。飲食決定了上述身體機能正常工作,使睡眠不受干擾。
-slumber: 睡眠
-regulate: 調節
-determine: 決定
As important as what you eat: when you eat, said Dr. Charles Czeisler, chief, Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders, Brigham and Women’s Hospital at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Czeisler’s research in conjunction with his colleague Dr. Frank Scheer has found that eating while following an abnormal sleep/wake cycle (sleeping during the day and working at night, for example) leads to “50% increased risk of transitioning to diabetes as a result of disrupted sleep rhythms and diet shifts.”
- in conjunction with: 與…一起(共事)
-transition to sth.: 從…轉變為…
-disrupt: 破壞;干擾;中斷
🍽Dr. Czeisler cited a 2016 study by the University of Chicago, which concluded that eating too late causes the body to “work” the digestive system while it should be resting, causing body temperature to rise and blood sugar to drop too low, shifts that will ultimately disturb sleep.
切斯勒引用芝加哥大學(University of Chicago)2016年一項研究的結論,該研究指出,太晚進食會導致身體在應該休息的時候啟動消化系統,導致體溫升高和血糖降得太低,這些變化最終會擾亂睡眠。
-cite: 引用
-shift: 變化;調整
-disturb: 干擾;擾亂
Studies have shown that one’s diet—when and what they eat—can __________ that their body works normally for an undisturbed sleep. Eating too late ultimately ________ their sleep rhythm.
A. determines / disturb
B. determined / disrupts
C. determine / disrupts
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October ended. Thank you everyone for the wishes and the continuous celebration last month. Turning 30 is not that bad at all. Many impactful life changing things happened over the past decade. From Miss Universe Malaysia 2008 to doing my post grad in Harvard Extension to getting married, and had my cute baby boy. In between my beloved father passed away which made me change my diet to vegetarian and inspired me with The Good Co. I have learned so much over a decade and looking forward to a more amazing decade with goals set to inspire and change ppls life. Wish me luck 🤗🤗🤗
#levymilestones #goalsinlife #milestones #lifegoals #big30