Unplanned 2020 - Untuk Orang yang Tak Suka Baca
Setahun Punya Cerita.
Ceritanya begini...
Lepas aku habis internship tahun lepas (November 2019), aku ambil keputusan untuk join satu program sukarelawan yang KBS anjurkan. Program MYCorps Misi 8 2.0 Asia Selatan. Mulanya aku isi dengan fikiran dapat pun ok tak dapat pun ok. Lepas aku isi tu aku join MRA Sabah pergi misi bantuan banjir di Kudat. Eh! “Anda terpilih untuk menyertai bla bla bla”. Balik ja dari Kudat ke Tawau. Esoknya aku terbang dari Tawau ke KL. Aku dilatih selama 1 bulan dalam program MYCorps. Bermacam modul aku jumpa. Best!
Habis training, aku patutnya dihantar ke India dengan team yang aku baru kenal masa training. Tapi team-team yang sepatutnya ke India terkandas 2 minggu sebab Visa tak lepas. 2 minggu tu aku dengan kawan-kawan manfaatkan untuk terus kumpul dana projek untuk bawa pergi negara misi. Hampir tiap hari kami turun di jalanan dengan bekal tabung dan kata-kata sakti minta sumbangan. Adakala sampai ke subuh kami berjalan di sekitar KL.
Hampir 2 minggu buntu tak deploy ke negara misi. Keputusannya? 3 team ke India yang terkandas dihantar ke Nepal dan Bangladesh. Team aku ke Nepal. Agak gembira sebab memang itu negara pilihanku pertama. Dengan harapan nampaklah banjaran Himalaya. Sampai sana jam 2-3 pagi. Nampak apa tak tau banjaran tu. Gelap! Tapi rileks.. Esok masih ada. Ya! Esoknya berkabus, dan esok tu lah juga kami bergerak ke kawasan yang sejauh 8 jam perjalanan dari Kathmandu. Jalan bukit-bukit. Bengkang-bengkok. View lawa. Tapi bukan Himalaya lah.
Macam2 projek kami buat di sana. Setiap hari kerja tanpa cuti walaupun sabtu ahad dengan harapan boleh ambil cuti di penghujung misi menikmati keindahan Nepal. Asalnya 2 bulan ke negara misi jadi 1 bulan 2 minggu. Tiba-tiba Covid. PKP diumumkan di Malaysia. Kami masih di Nepal. Ada sesetengah projek masih running. Selagi belum dapat keputusan daripada orang atas kami lanjut ja projek. Esoknya 19 Mac kedutaan Malaysia di Nepal maklumkan 20 Mac Nepal akan “lockdown”. Malam tu juga kami pack barang dan buat emergency evacuation keesokan harinya.
Jam 6 pagi, dengan kurang tidur selesaikan apa yang patut semalaman. Sarapan tak sempat. Kami terus ke Kathmandu untuk ambil the last flight from Kathmandu to Nepal. Dengan fizikal yang kurang baik, jalan bengkang bengkok. Mabuknya bukan main. 5 kali muntah. Aku duduk di depan bersebelah dengan driver orang Nepal. Asal aku muntah aku keluar kepala dari kereta. Abang tu pandaaaaaang ja. No stop. We are late. Kami berhenti pun untuk makan tengah hari ja di restoran entah di mana. Janji halal.
Sampai Nepal petang guys. Berkabus. Ya! Himalaya menghampakan aku. Lagi! Kami tunggu di Airport untuk Team Nepal yang lain sampai. Ada yang ambil masa 20 jam untuk sampai Airport dari kampung pedalaman. Risau kami time tu entahlah. Dengan orang sana menganggap kami penyebar Covid. Kami digelar Covid kalau berjalan di kampung-kampung sebab kami dari Malaysia. Muka-muka asia. Last flight dibantu oleh kedutaan. Alhamdulillah. Kami sampai di KL.
Kami kuarantin 2 minggu di Pusat Belia Antarabangsa (IYC). Mabuk aku 1 minggu baru rasa macam segar balik. Kuarantin pertama di IYC dalam bosan ada seronok. Makan cukup. Fasiliti cukup. Tidur kadang lebih dari cukup. Wifi laju. Aircond ada. Katil selesa. Nikmat apa lagi yang kau dustakan. Yang tiada adalah kebebasan. Betullah bebas tu sangat berharga. Macam-macam benda kami buat di sana, dari yang normal sampai yang tak normal. Dari perbincangan meja tentang negara dengan serius hingga ke belajar jutsu air, api, angin dengan tanah. Hebat!
2 minggu lepas tu, aku mahu rasa bebas dan mahu rasa berguna. Sebab 2 minggu kuarantin macam tiada guna. Aku ajak kawan baik yang aku kenal daripada MYCorps pergi jadi sukarelawan NGO Malaysian Relief Agency. Kebetulan rumahnya dekat dengan gudang barang MRA. Kerja kami angkut barang. Packing barang. Distribute barang. Barang makanan lah. Bukan barang terlarang. Berapa hari kami di sana, kami dapat berita kurang menyenangkan. Kawan-kawan yang masih ada di IYC bagitau ada satu orang positif. Tapi bukan dari kalangan kami. Mereka group lain yang dianggap berisiko dan dikuarantin satu bangunan dengan kami. Tapi kami tak pernah jumpa. Walhal nampak kelibat pun tak pernah sebab mereka tak boleh masuk kawasan kami, kami tak boleh masuk kawasan mereka.
Tapi kami dikehendaki buat swab test. Swab test pertama dihidung (Negatif). Perit! Mata berair dan bermulalah kuarantin kali kedua di rumah si kawan selama 2 minggu. Di dalam satu bilik yang tidak besar, cukup-cukup dua orang hidup. Kadang situlah masak dengan stove kecil. Situlah tidur. Situlah bercerita. Sampai satu tahap, kami kehabisan cerita untuk dicerita. Siap ada satu hari yang si kawan ada, tapi suara sehari tu tiada. Masing-masing buat hal masing-masing. Di sinilah juga aku merasa down sebab memikir masa depan. Apa jadi dengan dunia. Aku tiada duit, macam mana balik Sabah sebab tiket sudah cancel dan tiada upcoming flight ke Sabah. Aku baru habis belajar macam mana mahu cari kerja dalam keadaan ekonomi jatuh.
Tapi di situlah kawan-kawan yang di IYC memulakan satu gerakan yang bukan biasa-biasa. 8foraid. Yang bermula untuk menghabiskan sisa baju fundraising untuk ke negara misi jadi kutipan dana untuk membantu frontliners. Ya! Mereka menjadi sukarelawan tanpa turun padang. Daripada bilik kuarantin. Sukarelawan online. Kami yang di rumah pun turut serta memberi sokongan. Daripada beberapa ratus, jadi ribu-ribu terkumpul. Mereka mula dengan membuat PPE untuk frontliners. Buat live session di IG bercerita tentang kesukarelawanan. Inilah yang sedikit sebanyak mengisi masa kami di rumah.
Sebelum habis 2 minggu kuarantin, kami dikehendaki buat saringan kali kedua (Negatif). Hasilnya sama.. dihidung.. perit. Selesai dua minggu, kami mula turun padang dengan inisiatif 8foraid agihkan pek makanan kepada keluarga memerlukan. Tapi kami tak kerap keluar. Risau juga risiko jangkitan. Aku? Masih fikir cara balik Sabah. Akhirnya aku jumpa jalan. Hasil claim tiket yang cancel, sudah boleh pakai. Sekarang tinggal tunggu flight open ke Sabah dan tarikh sesuai. Aku tinggal lagi 2 minggu di rumah kawan menunggu masa pulang. Total satu bulan di rumahnya. Bukan biasa-biasa. Aku berterima kasih dengan si kawan menumpangkan atap.
Aku ambil flight transit KL-KK-Tawau. Tiba di KK, disambut dengan pegawai kesihatan. Ya! Swab kali ketiga! (Negatif).Sebab surat swab kali pertama dan kedua sudah expired. Dalam hatiku, “Tenang! Ini perkara biasa!” Hahahahahahahah. Ya! Masih perit di hidung.
Plan mahu bermalam di KKIA menanti flight esok. Tapi pegawai kesihatan offer bermalam di pusat kuarantin Kompleks Sukan. Esok mereka hantar untuk kejar flight ke Tawau. Bagai mengantuk disorong bantal. Makan pun free. Tidur pun dikatil, kalau di KKIA? Lantai. Ada transport pulang-balik. Ya nikmat apa lagi yang kau dustakan. Disitulah aku bertemu abang-abang se-daerah. Tak kenal tapi kita berkenalan ja. Mereka terkejut dengar ceritaku berliku.
Esok? Checkout. Fly ke Tawau. Disambut lagi pegawai kesihatan. Macam main badminton. Disambut terus. Ya! Kuarantin lagi kali ketiga. Apalah nasib. Tapi kalini tempat kuarantin lebih kepada suasana flat dan kampung-kampung. Ada orang yang masuk lagi awal dari aku di situ. Mereka seakan ada ketua kampung yang mengurus hal-hal kebajikan dalam bangunan kuarantin. Bila masa makan akan ada open table waktu tu. Makan sama-sama. Waktu tu aku pegang jawatan technician kampung baiki plug-plug rosak di kediaman kami. Baiki lampu. Masing-masing ada tugas. Enjoy! Tapi aku kuarantin 8 hari sebab result swab kali ketiga awal keluar memandangkan aku swab di KK. Kalau yang swab di Tawau, testnya kena hantar di KK. Aku bye awal kepada warga kampung. Hahahahaha.
Keluar ja dari kuarantin ketiga, aku balik rumah dan reset hidup. Entah apalah mahu dibuat. Aku pun buatlah pilot projek hydroponic. Waktu ni rasa bosan di rumah dan Malaysia dapat flatten the curve. Aku join lagi MRA Sabah buat misi sukarelawan kebakaran di Tawau, Kebakaran di Semporna dengan Banjir di Kota Belud. Lepas aku tengok pilot projek hydroponic jadi aku pun teruskan dalam skala yang lagi besar sampai sekarang masih dalam proses membina sistem. Banyak juga masalahnya. Dana. Isu-isu remeh. In shaa allah cuba disiapkan dalam tahun ni.
Aku join pula program majlis belia sabah di KK untuk belajar sikit pasal demokrasi. Adalah sedikit input dari segi pengetahuan. Juga input makan free dengan tidur hotel. Eh!? Lepastu aku join pula MRA Sabah dalam Projek Pusat Komuniti & Penyelidikan di Pulau Mabul. Kami berkampung di Pulau Mabul selama 5 hari untuk jadi sukarelawan buat general health screening dan bantu dalam penyelidikan pihak UMS. Di situlah aku start tertarik masuk pulau-pulau yang ada di Semporna.
Selesai itu, aku kembali ke KL untuk hadir Ignition Night MYCorps yang sepatutnya diadakan lepas habis misi. Tapi ditangguhkan sampai wabak reda. Boleh lah jumpa kawan-kawan MYCorps balik cerita pasal aktiviti kuarantin dan tiba-tiba projek akan datang. Kebetulan masa ni MYCorps Intermission 2.0 sedang dirancang oleh KBS. Mula lah semua excited cerita tentang projek. Seminggu aku di KL luangkan sedikit masa di sana dengan kawan-kawan. Balik ja Tawau aku mula merancang projek dengan team yang kami sendiri pilih. Kami setuju untuk Recce Projek Pulau Selakan, Semporna memandangkan kawan sudah pernah buat thesis di sana dan tahu serba sedikit tentang Pulau Selakan.
Beberapa minggu lepas tu team NGO Outbox datang ke Tawau untuk projek Kotak Bahagia mereka. Aku turut serta membantu sukarelawan yang membawa harapan untuk membantu orang di tempatku. Takkan lah orang datang kita tengok ja. Aku pun assist mana yang mampu. Walaupun mungkin waktu mereka datang tu agak kurang tepat sebab kebetulan PRN Sabah sedang rancak dan ramai orang salah faham niat baik mereka ni. Tapi Alhamdulillah projek mereka berjaya dan ada yang belum move on. Harap mereka baca. Beberapa hari lepastu, team aku berkumpul di Sabah untuk recce projek di Pulau Selakan di bawah MYCorps Intermission 2.0. Di sinilah juga kempen PRN Sabah giat berjalan.
Kami ke Pulau Selakan untuk recce tempat dan potential projek. Team aku setuju untuk buat projek air untuk 200 penduduk kampung di sana. In Shaa Allah lepas wabak ni reda kami teruskan. Apapun di sini aku pun mula risau dengan keadaan Covid sampai aku risau mahu balik rumah. Lepas ja Team aku balik ke semenanjung. Aku bertapa beberapa hari di rumah sebab risau mahu keluar. Tiba-tiba kita digelombang penularan Covid-19 yang ketiga. Kes di Sabah meningkat. Kawan-kawan di MRA Sabah mula giat atur langkah membantu apa yang mereka boleh sebagai sukarelawan. Kali ni aku ambil keputusan alang-alang kalau mahu bantu kita keluar rumah terus jadi sukarelawan frontliners. Buat masa ni, kami bantu Pejabat Kesihatan Kawasan Tawau untuk buat saringan Covid-19 bersasar. Cuma bantu untuk pendaftaran, tapi merasa pakai suit PPE yang panas tu.
Baru aku rasa besarnya pengorbanan frontliners selama ni. Tak balik rumah. Tak jumpa keluarga. Pakai suit PPE panas. Mungkin ada yang stress. Kurang rehat. Frontliners kita memang awesome. Kami juga buka Tabung Covid-19 2.0 menggantikan tabung pertama time PKP dulu dan sekarang tengah bersedia untuk menghantar 2000 pek makanan kepada keluarga yang memerlukan. Juga set PPE akan dihantar ke hospital-hospital bahagian Tawau serta tempat-tempat yang memerlukan. Apapun jadi yang penting ikhlas. Rakyat Malaysia pun ramai yang bantu bagi sumbangan dan aku yakin mereka semua ikhlas. Kita saling membantu dalam keadaan yang saling susah. Adakah yang baca? Apa pendapat kamu?
P/s: menunggu swab ke-4
Ada lagi 2 bulan lebih sikit Tahun 2020 ku. Semoga bermanfaat. Aamiin.
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,090萬的網紅Chloe Ting,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Enjoy this full body cooldown stretch that you can do after any workout to relief your body and help you with muscle recovery. ☆28 Day Flat Tummy Cha...
「flat relief」的推薦目錄:
- 關於flat relief 在 Pai Syahira Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於flat relief 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於flat relief 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於flat relief 在 Chloe Ting Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於flat relief 在 Hak Me Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於flat relief 在 emi wong Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於flat relief 在 Turn a Flat Image Into a 3d Relief for CNC - YouTube 的評價
- 關於flat relief 在 How to get FLAT relief Entry widget in python ttk? 的評價
flat relief 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文
《花木寶典》(English version below)
About 20 years ago, I got to know the boss of a floral shop, Mr Lim. It was because of him, I had the rare opportunity to appreciate the beauty of flowers and plants. I, Master Dai Hu, do not deny that I am fond of flowers. In fact, it is not just flowers. I take a shine to trees and grass as well. Although we are unable to move the greenery from the countryside into our homes, we can decorate our place to give out the vibe of greenery in nature. For example, you can hang a picture of flowers, grass and trees in your living room facing the entrance. You can also place a pot of flowers, such as tulips, lilies, sun flowers, orchids, etc, on your dining table. Just these four types of flowers alone are already very wonderful, because they symbolize elegance, a long and harmonious life, vigour, prosperity and dignity, etc. However, they must be be real flowers! Unless you don't mind hypocrisy and false affections in your relationship. (laughs)
What is Feng Shui? It is a very deep body of knowledge about our environment. This superior knowledge can bring immense benefits to all sentient beings. For those of you aspiring to bring joy and relief to sentient beings, you ought to delve deep into this subject. That will be a very virtuous act! Even if you do not have big aspirations, knowing a little about Feng Shui can also bring huge benefits to your own life. In the city landscape of HDB flats that we are in today, the nobility and importance of flowers and plants become more prominent.
Despite us living in a civilized and prosperous country, the emotional interaction between people has deteriorated to a level that calls for emergency treatment. Why is that so? Because excessive use of cement and metal structures will cause people to become more obstinate and cold-hearted. On the other hand, flowers and plants can lead people towards warmth, joy and affection. When there is affection, there will be prosperity. Without affection, we will suffer decline. This situation can spread from a family unit, to the society and to the entire country. The impact of this is so great that it is unthinkable!
When I helped sentient beings to create good fortune, among the many plants, I have favourably recommended these to enhance prosperity and negate vile energies: Zamioculcas, Bambusa multiplex, Guilfoyle polyscias, Fiddle leaf fig, Dracaena fragrans etc. Actually, I am especially fond of one particular plant, the cypress pine. I especially like the way these plants beautify the environment, big or small. They can also aid in wealth, culture and literature, heavenly happiness, magnificence, dignity, etc. And in my years of travelling overseas and locally to benefit sentient beings, I discovered that places with the cypress pine often have wealthy families residing there.
Of course, one needs to see the height, size, verdancy, luxuriance, as well as the nobility, to determine the quality of wealth, descendants and reputation. I thank my good fortune that 18 years ago, I had the honour to be invited to help a family, hence had the affinity to see 2 pots of regal-looking cypress pine trees. Although this family lived in a HDB flat, its interior decoration was overflowing with an aura of nobility. Among all the HDB housing I have audited, theirs was a very resplendent home. Another main reason was that their home had an extraordinary guest, that is the the Yellow Jambhala, the distinguished Lord of Accumulation of Gelug school in Varjayana Buddhism. The statue of the Yellow Jambhala was the most regal-looking I had ever seen till now.
Fact is, the greenery surrounding a residence already has hidden indicators of the health, wealth, fortune, marriage, descendant, and status luck of the occupants. The more accomplished a Feng Shui master is, the more he is able to discern this in a single glance, and negate the harmful effects. That is why all these years, I have been constantly telling everybody, male and female, not to be hasty and have a herd mentality when it comes to buying your own home. Otherwise, the losses that you have to bear will not be for the short term, but for the entire lifetime.
Is it that serious?
A family which used to be a happy unit suffers the fate of one family member getting cancer. The patient suffers physically and emotionally and the family is shrouded with worry and anxiety.
Feng Shui is originally the great wisdom of the mountains and the rivers. It is a profound study of our environment. Picturesque scenery and a pleasant environment will definitely cultivate gifted scholars and beauties, and nourish the health physically and emotionally. Prior to buying a house, one must first select the right land. Buying a house requires careful scrutiny of the landform and land features. Never ever stay in an environment of a strange shape and odd features. There must not be two different fruit trees, or thorny plants on all four sides of your house. Please remember this! Be sure to keep in mind! The birth of this Treasure Book of Flowers and Plants is definitely joyous news to all sentient beings in this world!
《向善向上 2》Towards Kindness, Towards Betterment 2
30則真人真事的度眾故事 30 real-life deliverance stories of Master Dai Hu
全彩色的漫畫 Comics in lull colour illustration
中英文翻譯 In both English & Mandarin
約200頁 About 200 pages
此書將於2018年11月底抵達新加坡,目前開放預購,預計11月30日之前以Smartpac寄出 (本地郵寄),屆時也會在台灣金石堂書局同步上架。價格大眾化,包涵全球運送,無需再付郵資。
This book will reach the shores of Singapore in end-November 2018. Right now, the pre-order is open and the books are estimated to be mailed out through Smartpac, by 30 November. At the same time, it will be on the shelves of Taiwan KingStone bookshop.
The economical price includes global delivery (Smartpac mailing for Singapore addressees, registered mail for overseas mailing).
flat relief 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文
1. 立即落床,雙腳踏地,讓血液流向腳板底,舒緩抽筋。
2. 拉緊:坐起來,伸直抽筋的下肢,軀幹前屈,用雙手扳住腳掌,緩慢、持續向軀幹牽拉,要保持膝關節伸直,直至抽搐緩解。
3. 按承筋穴:位置在小腳肚的隆起處,膝蓋後方橫紋往下3指橫寬處。當腳抽筋時可按壓這個穴位促進血液循環,舒緩疼痛。
#男 #女 #長者 #我疲憊 #我畏冷 #血虛 #氣滯 #血瘀
Emergency relief for leg cramps
Ever had leg or feet cramps in the middle of the night and you're just miserable? Chinese medicine believes leg cramps are due to insufficient liver blood. The poor blood circulation coupled with the stillness of the body during sleep can lead to cramping. For those prone to cramping, try drinking more water regularly, avoid sleep near air vents or have the fan blow directly on your legs. You can also try sleeping on your side. Also try the below emergency relief methods to KO those cramps when they come in the middle of the night!
1. Get off the bed and plant both feet flat on the ground to allow blood flow to your legs to relieve cramping.
2. Stetch: sit up and strengthen your lower legs and pull your body forward and hold bottom.of your feet. Keep your knees straight and hold the position until cramping subsides.
3. Press on the Cheng Jin acupoint: located at the bulging point of your calves, 3 finger widths below the back of your knee caps. Press on this point during cramps to improve blood circulation and relieve pain.
flat relief 在 Chloe Ting Youtube 的最佳貼文
Enjoy this full body cooldown stretch that you can do after any workout to relief your body and help you with muscle recovery.
☆28 Day Flat Tummy Challenge☆
Full schedule: https://www.chloeting.com/program
Episode 1 - Full Body Fat Blast - https://youtu.be/CGmr02bfHUo
Episode 2 - Flat Tummy Abs Workout - https://youtu.be/rPPu5RqB_TU
Cooldown & Stretches - https://youtu.be/tXWh-dowiLg
Meal Prep - https://youtu.be/QouWgKhbYrc
Episode 3 - Morning 10 Mins Fat Burn - https://youtu.be/xyR8McQnGuw
Episode 4 - Lower Abs Workout - https://youtu.be/ZveSMkUr0l0
Episode 5 - Get Rid of Bra Buldge + Arms Workout - https://youtu.be/Mh_3ddy9zbY
Livestream Workouts - twitch.tv/chloeting
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Song: Fredji & Tobsky - Flow (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/6EBy3JmrKXg
Ikson - Voyage
#cooldown #fitness #stretch
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Please note that all of my videos are titled according to SEO best practices for content discoverability. Unfortunately this may mean that video titles are subjective and shouldn't be seen as absolute truth. As an example, targeting fat reduction is not scientifically proven but a video title might suggest otherwise. When following any of my videos, please take precaution to exercise in a safe environment, and I highly suggest seeing a health and fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form and dietary needs. Every person is unique and there is no one size fits all solution to health or fitness. I am not a medical professional and your health and safety is the utmost importance.
flat relief 在 Hak Me Youtube 的精選貼文
春天有到喇,天氣又開始潮濕,大家皮膚都開始出油啦,係咪? 今個Hakme Beauty Sunday就同大家講解下黑咪店內既控油產品,水油平衡產品同埋痘痘肌產品。 如果你皮膚會出油,什至乎被痘痘困擾的話,呢啲護膚品化妝品都應該會幫到你。 仲有,我哋今個月仲安排咗唔同嘅套裝,等大家可以無油地迎接春夏之餘,仲可以慳錢添。 全部都係售完即止,有興趣嘅話就要快手喇!
Hope you enjoy this #rosaceavlog so far and be sure to stayed tuned for more! I do two videos a week on Tuesday and Thursday at 9.00am (Hong Kong Time). Do subscribe as I'd love to see you again! Xoxo.
Products Mentioned:-
Set 1.
Zkin Purifying Cleansing Gel + Zkin Clear Skin Toner + Zkin Rebalancing Lotion + Zkin Clarifying Exfoliator
Original Price: HK$968
20% Off Price: HK$774.4
Online: https://shop.hakmebeauty.com/collections/promotions
Set 2.
Zkin Rebalancing Lotion + Zkin Relief Moisturizer + Zkin Clarifying Exfoliator
Original Price HK$829
20% Off Price: HK$663.2
Online: https://shop.hakmebeauty.com/collections/promotions
Set 3.
Esterel Purifying Cleansing Gel + Esterel Purifying Tonic Lotion + Esterel Purifying Cream
Original Price HK$1185
20% Off Price: HK$948
Online: https://shop.hakmebeauty.com/collections/promotions
Set 4.
Esterel Purifying Serum + Esterel Detox Cream
Original Price HK$1163
20% Off Price: HK$930.4
Online: https://shop.hakmebeauty.com/collections/promotions
Set 5.
MD Skincial B3 Serum + MD Skinical Hydromax Serum 30ml + MD Skinical B3 Mask
Original Price HK$922
20% Off Price: HK$737.6
Online: https://shop.hakmebeauty.com/collections/promotions
Set 6.
Freedom Oil Control Base + Bodyography Oil-Free Foundation + Makeup Revolution Oil Control Fixing Spray + theBalm Sexy Mama
Original Price HK$630
20% Off Price: HK$504
Online: https://shop.hakmebeauty.com/collections/promotions
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Disclaimer: This video is created and edited by me. All the content are my own thoughts. As always, all opinions are based on my experience and honest. Products are either purchased by me or for those which are sent by PR are marked with an “*”. For any collaboration with brands which involves monetary payment, “#Ad” will be in the title of the video so that you are aware of the collaboration. Some of the links used above might be affiliate links and please be aware that I will earn a % of commission if you decide to buy through the affiliate links.
flat relief 在 emi wong Youtube 的最佳解答
Importance of STRETCHING:
✔ELONGATES the muscles that are tight after working out
✔Reduces muscle soreness and the chances of cramping
✔Increases flexibility & range of motion and allows you to get the most out of your workouts (sometimes you might not be able to do some movements due to lack of flexibility)
✔Improves blood circulation to your joints and muscles
✔Reduces the risk of injuries
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Girl in her 20s. Living in Hong Kong, working a full time office job in Marketing and making YouTube videos on the side. Also a Certified Advanced Personal Trainer.
(: MY FAVOURITE THINGS: Workout To Eat, My Family, Dog & Boyfriend
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Total Body Stretch | Home Yoga | post workout stretch | Improve Flexibility | Back Pain Relief | Flexibility exercises | mobility | Relaxing Cool down | better sleep | calming | leg stretch | arms stretch | neck Stretch | neck pain relief | lower back stretch | Hamstring stretch | quads stretch | beginner yoga | lower body | upper body | Cardio | HIIT | Core Strength | Core Workout | Ab Exercise | Fat Loss Exercises | Burn Fat | Summer Body | Workout at Home | Fitness Routine | Lose Fat | Shredded | Bodybuilding | Intense Cardio | Flat Belly | Weight Loss | healthy snack | healthy food | healthy diet | Motivation | Determination | Train Hard | At Home Routine | BBG | lose weight | 健康 | 健身 | 運動 | 腹肌 | Emi Wong
flat relief 在 Turn a Flat Image Into a 3d Relief for CNC - YouTube 的推薦與評價
I use Fusion 360 and Zbrush together to turn a flat image into a shallow relief for a CNC carving. This is NOT an automated process, ... ... <看更多>