Airbnb 可憐啊!鈔票變空氣?
🔥 ‘A Bargain With the Devil’—Bill Comes Due for Overextended Airbnb Hosts
💰For years, Cheryl Dopp considered the ding on her phone from a new Airbnb Inc. booking to be the sound of what she called “magical money.” A property she rented out in Jersey City, N.J., on Airbnb could gross more than $8,000 a month, she said, double what long-term tenants would pay.
很多年來,Cheryl Dopp每當聽到手機發出Airbnb新訂單的提示音,都會覺得那一聲「叮」代表著錢幣入袋。她把紐澤西州澤西城的一處房產掛在Airbnb上出租,她說每月總收入在8000美元(約23.9萬元)以上,是長租的兩倍。
-consider: 認為;視為
-property: 財產,資產;房地產
-gross: 獲得總收入(或毛利)
-tenant: 房客;承租人
🏠Now, Ms. Dopp associates the dings with cancellations and financial misery. The 54-year-old information-technology contractor said she had about $10,000 in bookings evaporate overnight in March. She has $22,000 in monthly expenses for a largely Airbnb portfolio, she said, that included another Jersey City home and a house in Miami.
-associate: 聯想,把……聯想在一起(+with)
-evaporate: 蒸發;揮發
-expense: 費用;支出;開支
👿In her mind, the promise of more rental income offset the growing debt, she said. “I made a bargain with the devil.”
-offset: 補償;抵銷
-bargain: 買賣,交易
✍ to bargain with sb. (over or for sth.) (就某事物)與某人商談
✍ to make or strike a bargain 達成協議
🏰Ms. Dopp is part of an upper-crust dimension of the gig economy: property owners and speculators who bought or leased real estate in pursuit of Airbnb profits. Airbnb spawned a cottage industry of homeowners running their own property empires, turning the startup into a hotelier without any hotels.
-upper-crust: [口語]上流社會;麵包表層的皮
-gig: [口語](爵士樂、搖滾樂) 演奏,公演
✍ gig economy: 零工經濟
-speculator: 投機者;投機商人
-spawn: 產(卵);產生;造成
In Ms. Dopp’s mind, the promise of more rental income _____ the growing debt, she said. “I made a _____ with the devil.”
A. compensate / adjustment
B. balance / agreement
C. offset / bargain
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