我前陣子在股感介紹的Winnebago(WGO)這家公司, 今天發表財報, 漲了14.87%, 也帶動了THO(昨天在StockFeel 股感,來自生活有發表介紹文.)
我在股感介紹過的公司, 並不是明牌😂
我發文介紹美國上市公司的主要目的, 就像我之前說的, 是破除語言的隔閡, 介紹美國的公司給華語的投資人, 大家也可以一起成長&交流. 買賣還是要自行負責(有讀者要我負責, 又說我介紹的公司的股價不好, 我覺得有點摸不著頭緒, 而我也有在文章末寫了免責聲明呀)~
如果覺得我的文章不好, 那........請您自己來寫寫看, 或是靠自己來蒐集資料做研究. 寫分析文很花時間, 也要有組織能力去做整合, 是不好寫的呢.......😂
股價不好看, 有時候是一時的. 股價也有季節變換. 沒有人會一直是常勝軍, 也沒有股票會這樣.
Anyways. 很高興WGO今天的表現很好:) 其實股感也有功.....因為有些產業是股感那邊想出來的, 我只是將idea具體呈現而已. 這次研究RV產業, 也讓我學到了很多, 是個很好的學習經驗. 感恩~
以下是我在聊天室, 針對WGO以及THO所發表的一些看法. 供參.
RV是個很特別的產業, 我建議這幾隻一起觀察(上下游供應鏈), 因為股價連動性很大: THO,WGO,LCII,SKY,SPAR,PATK,NAV, CWH
You can read my THO analysis- consumers prefer newer RV models, so the RV purchase cycle is shorter than regular cars, whether a company can have newer models is important.
RV is a very cyclical industry, and the stock price is sensitive to employment rate, oil price, aluminum price, economic indicators, etc. that’s why I said it’s unique.
Some people say it’s in a boom and bust industry. You can check the historical charts. The price fluctuates a lot (big 波浪). So if you or someone wants to be in, please be aware of this.
“挑個股也要把眼光放遠放寬 總體經濟發展跟個體經濟一樣重要 “—-> I talked about this not long ago. This is also my 感想 after studying RV industry. RV’ sales is very, very sensitive to economic conditions.
And you can see WGO and THO’s PE is very low vs. other growth stocks. I guess this is because of the concerns mentioned above, institutional investors try to avoid them. My two cents:)
若投資這RV類股, 除了注意產業上下游的財報外, 也要注意RV shipment(出貨量)的data(每個月底公布).
這個RVIA網頁的資料可能比較慢: https://www.rvia.org/news-insights/rv-shipments-april-2018