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#原點出版 #漫畫歐文字體の世界
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#BBC #蛋炒飯 #飲食文化挪用
00:00 前導
01:35 大家都在罵什麼?
04:00 蛋炒飯的歷史
05:17 BBC 為什麼不洗米?
06:24 BBC 到底是在煮飯,還是煮義大利麵?
09:39 我們的觀點
11:13 提問
11:33 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→文化挪用 還是文化冒犯?:https://bit.ly/3ghodwO
→文化挪用不當 踩種族歧視紅線:https://bit.ly/34ftBhG
→卓嘉健. (2011). 印度中菜統戰記 — — 印式中餐的食物政治 (A Story of Ideological War in Indian Chinese Food: Its Food Politics)
→唐魯孫. (2002).〈蛋話〉, 《酸甜苦辣鹹》. 台北:大地出版社
→逯耀東. (1987). 《只剩下蛋炒飯》. 台北:圓神
→BBC Food 蛋炒飯之亂-別人炒飯你喊什麼燒?:https://bit.ly/2DZNSxb
→C Is for Colonialism’s Effect on How & What We Eat:https://f52.co/2YcxlNd
→Cultural appropriation: Why is food such a sensitive subject?:https://bbc.in/3aDIZWr
→Cultural appropriation: Why is food such a sensitive subject?:https://bbc.in/31bmEfx
→Gordon Ramsay's new 'authentic Asian' restaurant kicks off cultural appropriation dispute:https://cnn.it/2Eck7t1
→Inside the Preview of Gordon Ramsay’s ‘Vibrant Asian Eating House’:https://bit.ly/3iVKL81
→Pan, M. (2007). 從他鄉到故鄉:印度加爾各答Tangra客家社群的變遷與存續:https://bit.ly/34cKc5P
→Sankar, A. (2017). Creation of Indian–Chinese cuisine: Chinese food in an Indian city. Journal of Ethnic Foods, 4(4), 268-273.:https://bit.ly/3heMZiy
→So you think you know fried rice?Rice, eggs, and what else? Chinese fried rice: a history and deconstruction by Simmer.:https://bit.ly/2Q6mwYD
→The Fine Line Between Culinary Appropriation and Appreciation:https://bit.ly/3g7Htgk
→Who Owns A Recipe? Race, Food And The Debate Over Cultural Appropriation:https://bit.ly/329iRib