【尋人/ 救人一命勝造七級浮屠】
有一個德國嘅大學生Paula 做緊個Research,想喺度搵人做interview
好多研究都係由“腐女子”(真係指一般女性)角度睇點解佢地中意BL, 而Paula就想由 香港嘅酷兒腐民 (哈哈哈哈我唔知點譯, 唔止腐男腐女嘅) 角度佢分析佢地點睇BL
所以如果你有睇BL,而你又自覺自己嘅性別認同或者性傾向同所謂”一般人”有啲分別,(Lesbian/ Gay/ Bisexual/ Pansexual/ Trans/ Genderqueer/ Gender-non-conforming/ Girlfags/ Guydykes ETC 或者任何identity,即係性小眾啦) ,又唔介意做個短短interview的話…
可以喺facebook聯絡 Paula (Paula Pierrot) 或者email佢都得 (balovpaula@yahoo.de) <3
P.S. 小妹都經歷過寫thesis搵interviewee嘅苦況 orzzz 如果大家有能力的話麻煩幫個忙啦哈哈
再P.S. 其實我覺得最得意係到底外國人點解會對香港腐界有興趣同埋佢地會點樣分析~
謝謝 <3
See Paula’s msg below:
Most researches on "Boys' Love" focus on female, heterosexual Fujoshis and why they like the genre.
For my Bachelor-Thesis I want to change this perspective. I ask instead: How do queer Fujoshis and
Fudanshis consume "Boys' Love" and how does this genre serve them as queer fans? For the thesis
I focus on queerness and BL-fandom in Hongkong.
(With queer I mean the whole spectrum: Lesbian, gay, bisexual/pansexual, transgender, genderqueer, gender-non-conforming, Girlfags & Guydykes etc.)
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