問題:「 湯姆你好,我剛抽到英國打工度假,東西都備妥了,想請問有沒有倫敦風格的電影,可以先體驗感受一下倫敦的感覺?」
湯姆今天推薦7部具有倫敦感的電影,很多電影雖然在倫敦拍的,但不見得有倫敦城市生活的感覺,例如:<全面攻佔2:倫敦救援> 我完全不推薦。除了以下這些,還有很多部沒提到,所以你/妳也可以幫我補充唷!
1. Paddington (2014) 《柏靈頓:熊愛趴趴走 》#童話歡樂片
2. Legend (2015) 《金牌黑幫》 #劇情黑幫片
惡名昭彰的東倫敦角頭 Kray家雙胞胎兄弟崛起與沒落的故事,拍下1960年代的東倫敦樣貌,其中電影劇情裡講到「一個好英國媳婦就是要懂得泡茶」的哲學讓我印象深刻(笑)。
本片是劇情片,雖然是黑幫片,但動作場面不多,適合想看硬派東倫敦的你,電影中主角去的E Pellicci也是我的愛店。
3. Kingsman (2014) 《金牌特務》 #動作娛樂片
這部想必大家都看過或聽過,劇情講述一個倫敦男孩因緣際會受訓成為特務拯救世界的故事。片中拍下倫敦 東 / 西邊 與紳士 / 街頭的不同風格,從英語腔調都可聽出差異。
4. Closer (2004) 《偷情》 #有深度愛情片
這部經典的愛情電影,劇情講述四位在倫敦的男女因緣分讓彼此感情交疊、錯綜複雜的故事。片中拍下許多倫敦特別的場景與特色,例如馬路上的Look Right、水族館、藝廊、脫衣酒吧等等。這部電影影響了我的愛情觀許多,尤其是片尾,喜歡與不喜歡,可以只是刹那間。適合想看青年人的愛情觀、有點深度、會讓人思考的你。
5. Attack the Block (2011) 《異星大作戰》 #科幻驚悚青少年片
一部關於一堆南倫敦年輕人(屁孩)在社區附近發現外人入侵的故事。片中把南倫敦 Elephant & Castle 的人與街頭拍得滿寫實,英國某些街頭年輕人講話的方式真的是這樣。Bro (兄弟) 在英國很多人真的都講 Bruv,不知道美國人是不是也這樣。適合想要看有點虛幻、刺激跟驚悚的你。片中黑人主角後來就是演星際大戰的那位!
6. Happy-Go-Luck (2008) 《無憂無慮》 #輕鬆勵志小品
7. A Street Cat Named Bob (2016) 《遇見街貓Bob》 #輕鬆勵志小品
當然還有一些蠻倫敦的愛情喜劇例如 Notting Hill <新娘百分百>、About Time <真愛每一天>、Bridget Jones’s Diary
closer imdb 在 Chrystina Ng (黄玮瑄) Facebook 的最佳解答
Thankyou @uipmalaysia !! It's been some time since I last posted a long long winded movie review. Lol! And I wanna do so, so badly, tonight, I don't care!!! (AND CONGRATS YO! IT HAS CAME TO A "TOO LATE" ONCE YOU CLICKED ON THE 「MORE」button. 😝Haha!!! #lalalalala
Surprisingly, i kinda like this movie! In there you'll find lotsa lil yet detailed western kinda humor, meanwhile, you'll get to see how Dwayne Rock Johnson @dwayne___johnson @therock tries to give you a refreshing hit out of his usual tough guy persona by these almost-unseen-kinda downright funny acts. I kinda like the sparks which seems to work in between him and #KevinHart @kevinhart4real tho! This film is light and easy, first and foremost! Nothing's heavy, so just lay back and watch!
For me I like how it positions the movie so much closer to the real life we're having. We, all, had and have passionate dreams; We, all, had and have imaginary selves who we hope we were or could have turned into; And too, we, all, have times or these circumstances where we somehow find ourselves no longer the way we wanted and there we go getting more low and lower seeing ourselves only being disgusted and disappointed. But hey, you can definitely be the hero of your own life!
And the more-most-and-mostest thing I like about this movie, is how it puts issue of bullies there, damn seriously. And yes indeed, bullying can cause terrible long term emotional damage you could ever imagined! A single act of bullying can cause diminished self-esteem that can last a lifetime, leading to long lasting mental and psychological impacts. So guys, please, think about it. Neither a mental nor physical way of bullying, is right.
And oh, not to forget, my favorite quote of the movie! 「Woww you're like a chocolate Google! *diidiidiidii*」😂 lol!
「If you hate to live in someone's shadow or under a stressful gloom which can possibly cause you both physically and mentally drained for a damn lifetime, stop casting the rest with a harsh key light, please.」——— #chryssolophy by #chrystinang
#centralintelligence #uipmalaysia #imdb #gsc #rottentomatoes #movie #reviews #film #dwaynejohnson #rawsonmarshallthurber #dwaynerockjohnson #therock
closer imdb 在 IMDB看電影學英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文
IMDb takes a closer look at the TV shows arriving in the fall of 2011.