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#Karen #叫你經理出來講 #meme
00:00 前導
02:11 討人厭的 Karen 的誕生
03:11 Karen 正式具象化
04:20 為什麼 Karen會這麼討人厭?
06:12 2020年 Karen 大爆發
08:03 Karen 迷因的爭議
08:58 支持 Karen 迷因的觀點
09:50 我們的觀點
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→BBQ Becky: Woman Photoshopped into black history after barbecue complaint:https://bbc.in/32ZJ2tK
→Can I Speak to Your Manager?: The Beauty & Necessity of A Notorious Haircut:https://bit.ly/3hJ5iMI
→Karen: The anti-vaxxer soccer mom with speak-to-the-manager hair, explained:https://bit.ly/2X1H1cy
→How ‘Karen’ Became a Coronavirus Villain :https://bit.ly/336RmYV
→How the 'Karen Meme' Confronts the Violent History of White Womanhood:https://bit.ly/2X2gfkw
→How Karen became a meme, and what real-life Karens think about it:https://cnn.it/3g4GKx6
→The ‘Karen’ memes and jokes aren’t sexist or racist. Let a Karen explain.:https://wapo.st/3jNkpGA
→Fuck You Karen - reddit:https://bit.ly/39yVQbK
→Miss Ann – Wikipedia:https://bit.ly/2Df8aBL
→Becky (slang) – Wikipedia:https://bit.ly/2X1otJH
→What's In A 'Karen'? - Code Switch by NPR:https://n.pr/3jM7eWw
→The Karen - Decoder Ring by Slate:https://bit.ly/3f2wnc1
→Gen Z Is Calling Gen X The ""Karen Generation"":https://bit.ly/3jF47zw
→女子被要求遛狗要繫牽繩,竟報警謊稱有黑人威脅要對他不利 (中文字幕):https://bit.ly/2P7yhxb
→George Floyd, Minneapolis Protests, Ahmaud Arbery & Amy Cooper | The Daily Social Distancing Show:https://bit.ly/3jOAPym
→質疑菲裔鄰居「不住在自己家」 白人女CEO滿嘴禮貌...歧視臉孔卻超噁:https://bit.ly/2EtCWrz
→屢有白人種族歧視亂報警 加州提《CAREN法案》遏止:https://bit.ly/3f5izxe
【 延伸閱讀 】
→法國人的「凱文情結」 名字取什麼很重要:https://bit.ly/3g5Ufgf
→名字不夠「白」 英國盲選政策打擊就業歧視:https://bit.ly/2X2gJau
→姓名遭歧視被拒念 非裔女用「白人菜市場名」反擊半年:https://bit.ly/3f5K0Hl
→Employers' Replies to Racial Names:https://bit.ly/2DdHcdM

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