Hello Youtube Family,
Today’s Vlog:
Shush, Don't Wake LaLa up!
PERKS Of Having A Baby,
I’m Bad Omen,
Enjoying This Moment
According to my culture, it’s bad omen for women who have just had a baby to go to somebody’s home in the first month. Granny Bubz didn’t want anything bad to happen to both my family and my sister’s family and despite the fact neither my sister or I believe in this, we respect her wishes. Only two more weeks until we can bring her outside to the world. I can’t wait.
Meanwhile, poor Ayla has been grunting and growling constantly from discomfort due to gas. She is just impossible to wind and unfortunately, this leads to her being in pain. Hoping her digestive system kicks up a gear soon. So heartbreaking to see her like this and the only thing I can do is cuddle her. I always seem to have an oversupply when it comes to my milk and the forceful milk makes it even more difficult for her and she ends up swallowing too much air. Mummies and daddies out there, let me know if you have any advice you can give us. We would greatly appreciate it.
We are still very much in an uneventful stage where we aren’t getting up to much. However, I am enjoying this stage very much. It almost feels like a little holiday. Isaac has been super clingy this week and even though he has been a really good boy, we understand this transition will affect him too. We’re just settling in the new dynamics of our family right now. Sorry that vlogs are a bit on the slow side!! Thank you for being so awesome as always.
Love, the Bubz family xo
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