-以下為轉載內容 -
傳真:852- 25735299
1. 摘要 p.ii
2. 小組建議 p.16
延伸閱讀:【中文課程改革1】DSE中文刪聆聽、說話 前線老師批「行回頭路」
Email Template參考:(中文書信格式可照跟,正文就發揮大家小宇宙)
1. 表達立場:反對中文科刪卷三卷四
2. 提出原因:
3. 叫佢有乜野覆返你,提供聯絡電郵:
attachment email template 在 Rabbie 創業兔 Facebook 的最佳解答
Facebook Messenger Platform 2.2 來了!
📌 重點整理 📌
1️⃣ Broadcast API (Open Beta)
只要有 pages_messaging_subscription 權限 (應該是針對那些有訂閱服務的媒體),就能對所有開啟的對話 (open conversations) 發送訊息。此外,也能針對符合指定自訂標籤 (custom labels) 的對話來發送訊息。
2️⃣ Customer Chat Plugin (Closed Beta)
Facebook 開放原生網頁嵌入聊天外掛啦!
現在可以將原生的對話框嵌入在包含行動版網頁上,消費者就能在你的網站服務延續在 Facebook 或 Messenger 內的對話了,包含之前的聊天記錄也能都看得到。第三方做網頁嵌入外掛的如果沒有提供更多的加值服務的話,看來會被這個給影響到。
目前開放申請 Closed Beta
3️⃣ Media Template
所有可以上傳到粉絲專頁的影音多媒體 (純音訊還不行) 都能在 Messenger 內利用 attachment ID 或 Facebook URL 發送。重點是還能自己加一個 CTA 按鈕。
4️⃣ Sponsored Messages
現在廣告主能在廣告管理員將 Messenger 作為一種廣告活動目標了,透過購買 Messenger 廣告能將訊息發送給互動過的用戶來做再行銷。這不受到 24 小時 Contact Window 的限制。
5️⃣ Handover Protocol
終於離開 Beta 啦!
所有 Messenger Platform 開發者都能利用 Handover Protocol 來控制在不同的 Facebook App 間做到切換,且不僅支援新版的粉絲專頁收件匣連舊版的都在 11 月中會支援。
6️⃣ Page-level Feedback
粉絲專頁管理員能夠在粉絲專頁的「Messenger Reviews」頁籤內看到該粉專的 Bot 的評論與評分。
7️⃣ Messaging Insights API
可以透過 API 拿到「開啟的對話數」、「被回報的對話數」以及「被封鎖的對話數」三個新的數據。粉絲專頁管理員也能直接從粉絲專頁洞察報告的「Message」頁籤看到這些數據與圖表。
8️⃣ Built-in NLP
內建支援 11 種語言 (中文!、德文、法文、荷蘭文、義大利文、波蘭文、葡萄牙文、羅馬尼亞文、西班牙文及越南文) 的自然語言處理,包含自動的「時間日期」、「地點」、「金額」、「電話」和「Email」 entity 的在地化。
9️⃣ Message Tags
增加了兩個 tag - PARING_UPDATE 及 APPLICATION_UPDATE 提供給「非行銷用途」可在 24 小時 Contact Window 外發送。
attachment email template 在 Syrena- Singapore's First Mermaid Facebook 的最佳解答
I'm so thrilled to announce that, as a Finfolk Productions ambassador, I will be making an appearance in their upcoming 2015 calendar. Miss Mermaid January? Miss Mermaid June? Who knows!
For all my Finfolk wearing, Finfolk loving mers - Abby and Bryn are opening up a chance for one lucky mer to be featured in the calendar. Here's your chance to submit your entries. If you're still a landbound mermaid - look out for the calendar and support this little mermaid venture! So excited about this project by some of the most talented people I know. <3
We are currently creating our first ever 2015 Finfolk Productions MERMAID CALENDAR! What is even more exciting is that we want to feature one of YOU (our fantastic clients with a Finfolk tail) as one of the calendar months!
We are currently taking submissions for the 2015 Client Photo Month and we want you to send us your best mermaid photos for a chance to be featured.
1) Submissions must be sent in no later than Oct 31st, 2014. (Voting will begin Nov 1st, 2014.)
2) You must own full usage rights to your photo. We WILL be crediting all photographer's who appear in the calendar, but the rights of the photo must belong to you/your mermaid persona, who will also be credited.
3) You must be wearing a Finfolk Productions mermaid tail. No other tails should be featured in your image.
4) No nudity. (Sorry, ladies!)
5) High resolution images ONLY (300 pixels per inch preferred).
6) Horizontally oriented photos preferred but not required (Photo may be slightly edited to ensure it fits properly within the template parameters.)
7) ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE EMAILED AS AN ATTACHMENT to finfolkproductions@gmail.com on or BEFORE Oct 31st, 2014.
8) Email should be titled "2015 Calendar Submission".
9) HAVE FUN. We appreciate each and every one of our clients. We will be choosing 5-6 of our favorite images and putting them on our page for popular vote. Fans and followers will decide who will be chosen as a featured mermaid/merman in our 2015 calendar.
10) You may submit more than one photo, as long as each imagine adheres to the contest requirements.
We're excited, are you?!
<3 A&B