'Kenapa nak mohon cerai ta'liq Puan?' tanya saya.
'Sebab suami dah lama tak bagi nafkah. Dah lebih 4 bulan. Sejak suami excident. Lepas excident dia tak kerja dah. Kitaorang pun dah tak duduk sama', jawab client perempuan tersebut.
'Kenapa tak duduk sama Puan? Kenapa tinggalkan suami lepas suami eksiden? Kenapa Puan tak jaga suami?'
'Kitorang ni susah. Duit pun takde. Saya pulak tak kerja. Memang harap gaji dia je. Ni dia dah eksiden, kena benti keje. Saya pun takde duit. Macam mana nak tanggung dia, nak uruskan dia. Jadi biar jelah dia duduk dgn family dia. Apa2 jadi pun family dia ada', jawab client tersebut.
'Oh..macam tu. Ok2. Puan datang dengan siapa?' tanya saya lagi.
Dia terdiam.
Tup tup masuk seorang lelaki.
'Ye cik? Ada apa2 yang boleh saya bantu?'
'Takde apa.Saya tunggu bakal tunang saya ni', jawab lelaki tersebut sambil tangannya menunjuk ke arah client perempuan tersebut.
Ya Allah. Tarik nafas panjang saya. Manusia jenis apa nih??
Saya cuma nak ingatkan pada diri saya sendiri dan pada semua perempuan diluar sana yang bergelar isteri, Nabi kata NERAKA tu hampir keseluruhan isinya adalah perempuan. Bila sahabat tanya pada Nabi kenapa keseluruhan isi neraka adalah perempuan? Nabi jawab 'disebabkan kekufuran mereka'.
Sahabat tanya lagi 'Adakah perempuan2 itu kufur kepada Allah?' Nabi jawab 'Tidak melainkan mereka KUFUR kepada suami dan mengKUFURI kebaikan suami BAHKAN saat dia melihat sesuatu yang tidak berkenan dihatinya tentang suaminya, nescaya ia akan berkata 'aku sama sekali belum pernah melihat kebaikan darimu (suami)'.
Oh ya. Satu lagi, bagi lelaki yang suka menyondol masuk kebun kepunyaan orang, Nabi cakap masa Nabi dimikrajkan, Baginda diperlihatkan isi neraka. Ada satu golongan yang Nabi tengok makan daging busuk (bangkai) sedangkan ada daging baik disebelahnya. Rupanya2 tu golongan penzina yang suka berzina dengan perempuan sedangkan ada isteri yang halal untuk 'digauli'.
Ok. Last sekali, mati tu dekat oi! Takde isyarat, takde tanda.Tau2 dah terkiok je. Jadi bawak2 beringat dan bertaubat ye.
# The most beautiful blessing we have been given IS the CHANCE to REPENT.
Kredit to Nur Abda Tihani
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' Why do you want to ask for divorce? ' ask me.
' Because husband has not given a living for a long time. It's been more than 4 months. Since the husband is accidentally accident. After accident he doesn't work anymore. We're not sitting together anymore, answer the female client.
' Why don't you sit with Madam? Why leave your husband after his husband accident? Why don't you take care of your husband? ' '
' We are having a hard time. There's no money. I'm not working. I hope it's only his salary. This is the accident, need to stop working. I don't have money either. How to take care of him, to manage him. So let him sit with his family. Whatever it happens, his family has ', answer the client.
' Oh.. like that. Ok2. Who did you come with? ' ask me again.
She is speechless.
Tup tup into a man.
' Yes miss? Is there anything I can help? ' '
' Nothing. I'm waiting for my future fiance ', answering the man as his hands are pointing to the female client.
Oh God. Take my long breath. What kind of human is this??
I just want to remind myself and to all the women out there who are called wives, the Prophet says HELL almost all its contents are women. When friends ask the Prophet why the whole contents of hell are women? The Prophet answered 'because of their disbelief'.
Friends ask again ' Do women disbelieve in Allah? ' The Prophet answered ' Not unless they REFUSE to their husbands and CONFUSE the goodness of the husband even when he sees something that is not willing to be in his heart about her husband, he will say ' I have never seen the goodness of you (husband) '.
Oh yes. Another one, for the men who like to condemn into the garden of people, the Prophet said when the Prophet was likened, His Majesty was shown the contents of hell. There is one group that the Prophet sees eating rotten meat (carcass) while there is good meat next to it. Apparently there are adultery people who like to commit adultery with women while there are wives who are halal to be ' to be ' acted '.
Okay. Last time, death is close to oi! No signal, no sign. You know it's already fun. So please be careful and repent.
# The most beautiful blessing we have been given IS the CHANCE to REPENT.
Credit to Nur Abda Tihani
Want to make your business viral? Now open the lowest package advertisement for only RM30. Ads can choose your own date and time. Whatsapp admin: http://bit.ly/2FFyZuGTranslated
adultery divorce 在 Mordeth13 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Good news for all my married friends in Taiwan.
Partially kidding.....but there are men who have been separated from their wives for years...because their wives won't sign the divorce papers. And technically the men can't date...because they could go to prison.
But not anymore!
adultery divorce 在 英文多一點 A Little More English Facebook 的最佳解答
台灣的離婚率(divorce rate)越來越高,但是在台灣,如果要離婚,夫妻雙方都必須同意,但是在美國的許多州都有所謂的無過錯離婚,不用離婚也可以單方面離婚(unilateral divorce)。
大家以前可能在美國影集會看到簽離婚協議書,但是通常那些都是關於財產或子女的協議(property and/or child settlements),就算不簽,還是可以離婚。不過美國以前其實原本要離婚也是需要理由(grounds for divorce)的,像是通姦(adultery)、遺棄(desertion)、虐待(cruelty)。
no-fault divorce
No-fault divorce is a divorce in which an individual can divorce his or her spouse for no reason at all. (無過錯離婚就是一個人在沒有原因的情況下要單方跟配偶離婚。)
If you want to file your divorce by yourself (do-it-yourself divorce), you have to say certain “magic words” in the court. Such in California, you have to say “irreconcilable differences” to get your divorce. (如果你想要自己申請離婚,所謂的DIY離婚,你在法庭上必須跟法官說一些「神奇關鍵字」。像是在加州,你必須要跟法官說你們之間有「無法和解的意見不合」,法官才會同意你的離婚申請。)
adultery divorce 在 Adultery and Divorce - Crisp & Co Solicitors 的相關結果
Adultery is often the most contentious of the possible reasons for divorce as your spouse may be unwilling to admit that they were unfaithful or be concerned ... ... <看更多>
adultery divorce 在 Get a divorce - GOV.UK 的相關結果
Grounds for divorce · Adultery · Unreasonable behaviour · Desertion · You've been separated for at least 2 years · You've been separated for at least 5 years. ... <看更多>
adultery divorce 在 What Is Adultery & How to use it when filing for divorce? 的相關結果
Adultery is defined in UK divorce law as your spouse having sexual intercourse with a member of the opposite sex and that the other spouse cannot continue ... ... <看更多>