" 雙數/MIDVA,是介於單數與複數之間的一種關係,是攝影師與故事裡不同人物的一種相互呼應。"
- 張雍
“With dual declension, loneliness ends.”
“MIDVA, or dual declension, stands halfway between the singular and the plural. It’s an echoing call between a photographer and the various different people that are his subjects, that moment when the life fixed within the frame of the photograph bears witness to “us.” At every moment involving “us,” there are two sides waiting to be paired together. The photographer’s job is to help those two sides of the jigsaw puzzle fit together. It is his job to gently take two objects belonging to two different realms and, via the gentle pressing of a camera shutter, proceed to pair them with all due sincerity.”
- Simon Chang
公視 日光大道 主持人 曾寶儀 專訪 張雍
PTS (Public Television Service) Taipei, Taiwan.
interview with Simon Chang/ 2011