RAm 8 GB
main b85m-Pro 4
cpu i3-4150

RAm 8 GB
main b85m-Pro 4
cpu i3-4150
4x msaa ptt,[問題] 關於強制使用GPU轉譯- 看板MobileComm - 批踢踢實業坊,還是只會徒增耗電量而已? 其實對這個功能小弟我也是一知半解只知道他就是將2D繪圖轉交給GPU ... ... <看更多>
#1. 強制啟用4xmsaa有什麼?強制啟用4xm? - 劇多
而4x MSAA,這一點經常玩遊戲的人都知道,這是一種影象效果,主要作用是抗鋸齒。除了MSAA,還有一種是FXAA,也是抗鋸齒效果,兩者大同小異,只不過是 ...
#2. 簡單幾個設置讓手機流暢如新機!
其次是3D遊戲愛好者福音:提高遊戲畫質! 我們可以在開發者模式中「硬體加速渲染」這一欄里找到「強制啟用4x MSAA」這一選項,MSAA ...
#3. 小米科普:提升手機流暢度的三個進階功能瞭解下 - ITREAD01 ...
MSAA(Multi-Sampling Anti-Aliasing)就是多重取樣抗鋸齒技術,4x MSAA就是4倍取樣抗鋸齒的意思。更簡單點來說就是提高影象顯示效果。
#4. [請益] 強制GPU轉譯強制4xMSAA 停用硬體重疊圖- 看板Android
標題Re: [請益] 強制GPU轉譯強制4xMSAA 停用硬體重疊圖. 時間Mon Nov 10 14:14:23 2014. ※ 引述《blackeagle (愛上天使)》之銘言: : 不好意思請教一下。
#5. 你多長時間會重啟一次手機? 重啟後手機會更流暢嗎? - 頭條資訊
進入開發人員選項後,一直下拉,找到【硬體】下面選項,然後把【強制進行GPU渲染】、【強制啟用4x MSAA】、【停用HW疊加層】三個開關開啟。
4x msaa 是跟电脑显卡fxaa类似快速抗锯齿的功能,开启次功能会提高画质,但是会降低性能。 MSAA的全称是Microsoft Active Accessibility。这是类似DCOM技术。 ... 强制进行GPU ...
#7. 小米科普:提升手机流畅度的三个进阶功能了解下 - 快科技
MSAA(Multi-Sampling Anti-Aliasing)就是多重采样抗锯齿技术,4x MSAA就是4倍采样抗锯齿的意思。更简单点来说就是提高图像显示效果。 广告. 开启这个 ...
4x msaa 資訊懶人包(1),其次是3D遊戲愛好者福音:提高遊戲畫質!我們可以在開發者模式中「硬體加速渲染」這一欄里找到「強制啟用4xMSAA」這一選項,MSAA ...,第二個 ...
#9. 開發人員選項4x MSAA 強制GPU轉譯停用硬體重疊後遺症
開發人員選項4x MSAA 強制GPU轉譯停用硬體重疊後遺症,ZenTalk論壇|華碩智慧型手機及筆電粉絲交流平台. 小弟我用的手機是去年六月購買的Acer Liquid E2 : 一直以來都在...
#10. 0x/2x/4x MSAA 變異- Visual Studio - Microsoft Docs
瞭解如何使用0x、2x 或4x MSAA 變異,覆寫所有呈現目標和交換鏈上的多重取樣消除鋸齒(MSAA) 設定。
#11. 强制进行GPU渲染和强制启用4x MSAA分别有什么作用 ...
4x MSAA ,这一点经常玩游戏的人都知道,这是一种图像效果,主要作用是抗锯齿。除了MSAA,还有一种是FXAA,也是抗锯齿效果,两者大同小异,只不过是由 ...
#12. 【4x msaa ptt】資訊整理& 強制使用gpu轉譯省電相關消息
4x msaa ptt,[問題] 關於強制使用GPU轉譯- 看板MobileComm - 批踢踢實業坊,還是只會徒增耗電量而已? 其實對這個功能小弟我也是一知半解只知道他就是將2D繪圖轉交給GPU ...
#13. Is it safe to turn on the Force 4x MSAA on Android? - Quora
By forcing 4x MSAA, you'll be making it render things it wouldn't need to. So, nothing could happen, but keep in mind that since it's not a natural state ...
#14. Force 4X MSAA Boost Gaming Performance | What Is 4X MSAA
#15. [請益] 強制GPU轉譯強制4xMSAA 停用硬體重疊圖- 看板Android
... 大概是因為用廉價手機的關係吧所以lag一點什麼的完全可以接受可是直到這兩天在網路上搜尋才發現只要開啟『強制使用GPU轉譯』 開啟『強制4x MSAA』 開啟『停用硬體 ...
#16. force 4x MSAA / FXAA ? | NVIDIA GeForce Forums
Posted by cookiemaster27: “force 4x MSAA / FXAA ?”
#17. 什么是4x MSAA - 泪雪网
4x MSAA 即多重取样抗锯齿模式,强制4x MSAA,即开启四倍抗锯齿,开启之后能在游戏中画面进行抗锯齿处理,让游戏人物等东西的边缘看着更柔和,更平滑,画面变得更加精致 ...
#18. 0x/2x/4x MSAA Variants - visualstudio-docs - GitHub
0x-2x-4x MSAA Variants | Microsoft Docs. Learn how to override multi-sample anti-aliasing (MSAA) settings on all render targets and swap chains by using 0x, ...
#19. [MIUI Hidden Features #22] How to enable Force 4x MSAA
You can boost the gaming performance of your device by heading to Developer Options and enabling Force 4x MSAA. At the cost of some of your battery life, ...
#20. 4x msaa是什麼
2017-12-16 强制启用4x msaa是什么意思? 6 2016-03-09 荣耀7强制启用4xmsaa有什么用594 2014-12-13 魅族mx4手机设置里的强制启用4xmsaa是什么意思128 2018-02-13 开发 ...
#21. 你多長時間會重啟一次手機? 重啟後手機會更流暢嗎? - GetIt01
進入開發人員選項後,一直下拉,找到【硬體】下面選項,然後把【強制進行GPU渲染】、【強制啟用4x MSAA】、【停用HW疊加層】三個開關開啟。
#22. 华为手机开启“强制启用4xMSAA”功能让游戏体验更好!
4x MSAA 是四倍多重采样抗锯齿的意思,让游戏人物等东西的边缘看着更柔和,更平滑,看起来更养眼,提高画面质量,不过会让GPU带来更大的负担。
#23. Does 4x MSAA Reduce Lag In PUBG? - Ringtones
Is using 4x MSAA safe? Does VSync increase FPS? Does Fxaa increase FPS? Why does PUBG Mobile lag? Does Msaa cause lag? What is Force GPU rendering?
#24. About Enhanced MSAA and Imageblock Sample Coverage ...
Figure 2 shows the same triangle rendered using 4x MSAA; that is, each pixel has four sampling positions. The graphics processing unit (GPU) averages the ...
#25. Android系統內隱藏的「開發人員選項」特殊工具,讓你把手機 ...
6.在「硬體加速轉譯」的部份,如果有在玩3D遊戲的人可以考慮開啟「強制4x MSAA」選項,它能讓你的Android裝置強制開啟4倍的抗鋸齒採樣率,對於玩OpenGL ES ...
#26. 设置里的一个开关大幅降低游戏卡顿 - BiliBili
4x MSAA ,这一点经常玩游戏的人都知道,这是一种图像效果,主要作用是抗锯齿。除了MSAA,还有一种是FXAA,也是抗锯齿效果,两者大同小异,只不过是由 ...
#27. 强制使用4xmsaa利弊 - 创新时光机
那么4xmsAA是什么功能呢? 使用它对于我们的手机又有什么利弊呢?手机中的4xms AA对于常玩游戏的人可能会知道,4xms AA,这是一种图像的效果,这种作用主要是为了抗 ...
#28. Multisampling anti-aliasing in HDRP | High Definition RP
After you enable support for MSAA, you can select an MSAA Sample Count from the drop-down menu (None, 2X, 4X, 8X). This defines how many samples HDRP ...
#29. 4X Msaa Nedir, Ne İşe Yarar? 4X Msaa Nasıl Etkinleştirilir?
Özellikle cep telefonlarından oynanan oyunlar için görüntünün netleşmesi grafik ve pixel kalitesini artırmak için kullanılmaktadır. 4x MSAA ...
#30. Is 4x MSAA worth it? : r/GrandTheftAutoV_PC - Reddit
I am playing the game on a 390X, [email protected] GHz in 1920x1200. In Los Santos, with almost everything maxed out, I am getting 55-75 FPS with 4x MSAA…
#31. Force 4x MSAA permanently build prop tweak (Finally Cracked the ...
So aso today i figured out the CORRECT build prop line to enable Force 4x MSAA. I have tried many kinds of lines but nothing worked and been ...
#32. What does 4X MSAA mean? - BoardGamesTips
What does 4X MSAA mean? · Is Fxaa good or bad? · Is Smaa better than TAA? · Is Msaa CPU or GPU? · Does increasing graphics reduce CPU usage? · Does anti-aliasing use ...
#33. 400 streak lines with 4x MSAA at 34 fps. - ResearchGate
Download scientific diagram | 400 streak lines with 4x MSAA at 34 fps. from publication: A View-Dependent and Inter-Frame Coherent Visualization of Integral ...
#34. MSAA — Wave VR 4.2.0 documentation
Using MSAA can make the image quality better. ... of the sampling method, some foveated rendering effects may look worse or better under MSAA 2x and 4x.
#35. Enable 4x MSAA using shell/ADB - Android StackExchange
Run this command: adb shell setprop debug.egl.force_msaa true. To disable, replace true with false . Tested on OnePlus 6 running Android ...
#36. Do these settings(force 4x MSAA) in mobile to play better ...
Here is how to enable Force 4x MSAA. · Firstly goto settings. · Goto About Phone. · Now you will see Build Number. · Tap build number seven times ...
#37. Mesa's LLVMpipe Driver Adds 4x MSAA Support - Phoronix
David Airlie's 'multi-sample support extravaganza' for the LLVMpipe software driver has been merged into Mesa 20.2-devel.
#38. Is it safe to enable 4x MSAA? - AtulHost
In Android mobiles under developer options you may have seen an option to enable and disable 4x MSAA, what is that? Will it improve anything ...
#39. Enable 4x MSAA using shell/ADB - Android Development Forum
I have various Android devices rooted with version ranging from Android 41 to Android 60 I want to enable 4x MSAA using ...
#40. The Order: 1886 Will Have 4x MSAA, Undecided between ...
The Order: 1886 Will Have 4x MSAA, Undecided between 1920×800 and 1920. Ready at Dawn Founder and Chief Technology Officer Andrea Pessino ...
#41. Star Wars: The Old Republic: PC Performance, Benchmarked
High Detail, 4x MSAA Plus Transparent/Adaptive AA. Finally, we turn on Nvidia's Transparent SSAA and AMD's Adaptive AA to smooth out the ...
#42. Multisample anti-aliasing - Wikipedia
Multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) is a type of spatial anti-aliasing, a technique used in computer graphics to remove jaggies.
#43. Android在代码中开启OpenGL 4xMSAA 抗锯齿 - CSDN博客
在很多Android 3D游戏中需要通过开启4x MSAA抗锯齿来优化游戏的显示效果。用户可以在开发者选项中勾选启用4x MSAA,不过更多时候需要在开发的时候, ...
#44. Forum thread: MSAA CS GO -
Does MSAA affect a input lag if yes, then why ??? Im using 4x MSAA and i see much more clearly and my res seems better , but if there is a ...
#45. 在iPad / iOS上啟用4x MSAA抗鋸齒的Artifact - 程式人生
我已使用Apple網站上的示例在iPad OpenGL ES 2.0應用程式上啟用了4x MSAA。在模擬器上,這可以很好地工作,並且影象清晰且平滑,但是在裝置上,應該在 ...
#46. How to Enable/Disable Force 4x MSAA Samsung Galaxy S20 ...
Force 4x MSAA is a developer option that will give a significant bump in performance regarding speed. It is likely best to not do it permanently ...
#47. 开发者选项中强制启用4X MSAA干什么的? - 头条问答
今日头条. 打开. 打开APP. 开发者选项中强制启用4X MSAA干什么的? 查看图片. 回答. 还没有人回答. 打开APP 我来回答.
#48. 手机强制启用4 msaa
安卓强制GPU渲染:4x MSAA是四倍多重采样抗锯齿的意思,跟画面有关,可以提高画质,显示更多的特效,不过会增加gpu负载和占用大量的显存,如果显存不够, ...
#49. 4x TXAA vs 4x MSAA - Ubisoft Forums
4x TXAA vs 4x MSAA. Since the patch and nvidia driver made miracles for me and I can run game perfectly fine with high textures on gtx 680 ...
#50. x4 Msaa or x8? :: Hitman: Absolution General Discussions
I cannot really tell a diffrence between them, When I run the benchmarking tool at 4x msaa 32 Fps Min......48 Fps Max........34 Fps average/ ...
#51. 4x MSAA Kya Hai? Full Explained Hindi_ Boost Gaming ...
Feb 8, 2021 - 4x MSAA Kya Hai? Full Explained Hindi_ Boost Gaming Performance, Graphics_ What is 4x MSAA ? #4xmsaa #gamingperformance #Androidgaming ...
#52. App not working when Force 4x MSAA is enabled
I have an app that has direct render mode and when I enable "Force 4x MSAA" and then restart the app, I get the infamous error "Context3D ...
#53. 抗鋸齒設置性能分析【攻略】Assassin's Creed IV - 楓葉小嘉
4xMSAA :. 顯存佔用率達到2.5GB,顯存開始成為製約GPU性能的短板,Fps驟降為62Fps ... 傳統抗鋸齒+後期抗鋸齒,以4x MSAA的硬件消耗,實現接近8x MSAA的抗鋸齒效果, ...
#54. How to Boost Your Android Phone's Gaming Performance
By enabling 4x MSAA you'll be able to enjoy the game at an almost similar graphics level with improved processing speed. Do note that this mode ...
#55. Revelamos cinco dicas interessantes escondidas nas opções ...
Outra opção interessante é a Forçar 4x MSAA. Ela permite aprimorar a qualidade gráfica nos jogos ou aplicativos que usem o OpenGL ES 2.0.
#56. EQAA Modes for AMD 6900 Series Graphics Cards
samples to achieve better AA quality than standard MSAA modes. Since it doesn't require ... 2x MSAA. 2. 2. 2. 1. 2f4x EQAA. 2. 2. 4. 2. 4x MSAA.
#57. Enabling 4x MSAA on EGL does not affect the image quality
I followed some posts about enabling MSAA in order to get rid of the jaggies on the models of my test, without any apreciable difference at ...
#58. What is force 4x MSAA in Android? - OS Today
Force 4x MSAA: Enables multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) in Open GL ES 2.0 apps. Disable HW overlays: Using the hardware overlay enables each app that displays ...
#59. Что такое режим 4x MSAA на Xiaomi (Redmi) и как его ...
Что такое режим 4x MSAA на Xiaomi (Redmi) и как его включить ... MSAA (Multisample anti-aliasing) – метод сглаживания альязинга в компьютерном изображении, ...
#60. ¿Vale la pena forzar el MSAA 4x en Android? Aquí te lo ...
En muchos sitios se habla sobre la mejora de rendimiento al forzar MSAA 4x en Android, pero ¿de verdad vale la pena? Aquí te lo contamos.
#61. Does 4x MSAA really enforce more gaming performance?
I have a Huawei P20 Lite and in the settings it says "Force 4x MSAA - 4x MSAA in OpenGL ES 2.0 - Enable Apps". (If it really increases the gaming ...
#62. 強制4x msaa 紅米官微透露:這3個設定可以讓你的手機更流暢!
還有強制啟用4x MSAA是什2014-12-17 OpenGL ES 2.0應用中啟用4*MSAA會怎樣2017-03-09 強制進行GPU渲染和強制啟用4x MSAA分別有什么作用?副2017-06-19 強制啟用4x msaa ...
#63. Automatic Enabling of Force 4x MSAA | XDA Forums
... any application (or game launcher) that could give me the option to enable automatically the Force GPU rendering, Force 4x MSAA and Disable HW overlays?
#64. Is it worth forcing the MSAA 4x on Android? Here we explain it ...
Perhaps the most widespread is to force the MSAA 4X on Android, promising that this will bring more power to the operation of the team.
#65. How To Boost Your Android Gaming Performance With A ...
Short Bytes: By activating Force 4x MSAA setting in Android Developer Options, you can enjoy a better gaming performance.
#66. Is it normal for 4x MSAA (with custom resolve) to cost ~3ms vs ...
So that I may perform tone mapping before the MSAA resolve, I'm doing my own custom MSAA resolve by a) binding the multisampled texture and ...
#67. 10 Useful Android Developer Options You Should Enable or ...
1. USB Debugging · 2. Force GPU Rendering · 3. Force 4x MSAA · 4. Kill App Back Button · 5. Change Animation Settings · 6. Allow Mock Location · 7.
#68. does enabling Force 4x msaa make the game faster?
Not sure if this is the right place to post this but with the loading screen taking up to 2-3 minutes i thought i try enabling Force 4x msaa ...
#69. 4X MSAA в смартфоне — что это и нужно ли включать?
В смартфонах на Android есть полезная опция 4X MSAA — она нужна для игр. MSAA расшифровывается как Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing, а на русском ...
#70. Android'de 4X MSAA (Antialiasing) Nasıl Aktif Edilir? | Facebook
#71. 4x MSAA Anti Aliasing causing kick power bar & playart to ...
Product : Madden NFL 20 Platform : PC Which console generation do you have? What is your gamertag/PSN ID? Date/time issue occurred 8/2/2019 ...
#72. Mali-G31 GPU - Arm Developer
4x Multi-Sampling Anti-Aliasing (MSAA) with minimal performance drop. API Support, OpenGL ® ES 1.1, 2.0, 3.2. Vulkan 1.2 OpenCL™ 1.1, 1.2, 2.0 Full Profile,
#73. 什麼是抗鋸齒?FXAA、SMAA、MSAA、TXAA等有什麼區別嗎?
摘要:MFAA全稱爲“Multi-Frame Sampled Anti-Aliasing”,與MSAA基於像素 ... 比得上8x或16x MSAA質量的抗鋸齒圖像,但只產生比標準(通常是4x)MSAA多 ...
#74. MSAA 4X vs. AAA and PhysX? |
After running some Metro 2033, and trying a bit of settings I was wondering what the difference between MSAA 4X and AAA.
#75. 4x MSAA - poradna Živě.cz
Ahoj Slyšel jsem že když zapnete v Nastavení pro vývojáře "Vynutit 4x MSAA" tak budu mít Vyžší výkon Her a aplikací , ALE když jej zapnu Po ...
#76. 4x MSAA คืออะไรใน note 3ครับ - Pantip
Multisample anti-aliasing เป็นการเพิ่มความสวยของภาพกราฟฟิกครับ ในคอมฯจะตั้งค่าได้เยอะครับ 2x 4x 8x 16x MSAA ยิ่งxมาก ภาพยิ่งประมวลผลช้าลง อาจมีกระตุกได้ ...
#77. [PC] In-game Settings: 1440p / 120fps / 150% Res. Scaling / 4x
#78. Digital Foundry vs. Alan Wake - Eurogamer
The 4x MSAA of the original game has been retained, but Remedy also includes NVIDIA's FXAA too in addition to that. In theory, this combination ...
#79. What does Force 4x MSAA do? | AnswersDrive
Short Bytes: By activating Force 4x MSAA setting in Android Developer Options, you can enjoy a better gaming performance.
#80. Darshan Shankar Twitterissä: "@benz145 @ID_AA_Carmack ...
If you have spare GPU performance in your mobile VR app and want it to look better, first enable chromatic aberration correction and anisotropic ...
#81. Fungsi Force 4X MSAA di Opsi Pengembang Pada Android
Sebenarnya apa fungsi dari Force 4X MSAA di Android ini? Apakah kamu harus mengaktifkannya atau membiarkan pilihan ini tidak aktif? mana yang ...
#82. Bắt buộc 4X MSAA là gì? Có giúp máy của bạn chạy nhanh ...
Xin chào mọi người mình là Anony Love's đây các bạn đã từng thắc mắc đến một tính năng có tên là [ Bắt buộc 4X MSAA ] trong Tùy chọn của ...
#83. Three developer options to increase hardware utilization on ...
... three developer options that can improve hardware utilization -- [forcing GPU rendering], [forcing 4x MSAA on], and [disabling HW overlay].
#84. 13 tính năng ẩn trên Android cực hay người dùng chưa hề biết
ad cho mình hỏi là khi bật bắt buộc kết xuất GPU và 4x MSAA ngoài tốn pin ra thì nó còn có hại gì cho điện thoại nữa ko ạ? Trả lời○ Thích ○ 7 ...
#85. Single pass rendering and 4x MSAA issues with Daydream
Hi! I have an rendering issue with Daydream when using 4x MSAA + single pass rendering in Unity. See attached screenshot.
#86. force 4x msaa Archives - The Geeky Professor
Did you know you can improve the gaming performance of your Android smartphone to a great extent with some tweaks.
#87. 13 tricks and hacks to speed up Android
While you're at it, you could also try out Force 4x MSAA. This is an anti-aliasing method which won't make games run faster, ...
#88. 英伟达最新DLSS, TAA, FXAA, MSAA 原理及比较 - 知乎专栏
游戏抗锯齿即图形学Anti-Aliasing(反走样),FXAA、MSAA、TAA 缩略中的AA 来源, ... 8x MSAA vs 4x TXAA · SSAA 4x vs SMAA · 4x TXAA vs 4x MSAA ...
#89. [譯]CSAA (覆蓋取樣抗鋸齒) - 台部落
MSAA通過從儲存的顏色和覆蓋中分離出着色取樣,減少了這項操作的着色器 ... 例如,8x和16x CSAA模式(使用4個顏色/Z/模板取樣)執行起來與4x MSAA相似 ...
#90. Re: 개발자 옵션중 4×msaa
GPU를 괴롭히는데 성능 향상이 될리가 없지요... ㅎㅎ 4x 라는게 4개의 포인트를 이용해서 계산하겠다는 건데, 포인트 수가 늘어나면 늘어날 수록 ...
#91. ¿Qué significa forzar MSAA 4x en Android? - Androidphoria
Te contamos qué significa forzar MSAA 4x en Android y las ventajas que ofrece esta herramienta de las opciones de desarrollador.
#92. ปลดล็อกพลังเร้นลับบนสมาร์ทโฟน Android ให้เล่นเกมส์ได้ไหลลื่นขึ้น ...
สำหรับขั้นตอนก็ไม่ได้มีอะไรยุ่งยากหรอก เพียงเราเข้าไปที่ Developer options และมองหาเครื่องมือที่มีชื่อว่า Force 4x MSAA และกดเปิดสวิตซ์ทางด้าน ...
#93. Como melhorar o desempenho dos jogos no Android
O que é 4x MSAA? Basicamente, é uma opção que função de força anti-aliasing, ou seja, suaviza as bordas das imagens e as torna mais agradáveis ...
#94. Tips Aktifkan Paksa 4X MSAA Pada Android | Droidinside
Paksa 4X MSAA merupakan salah satu menu pada opsi pengembang android yang dapat meningkatkan performa. Setelan dengan nama lain Force 4X ...
#95. How to enable 4x MSAA in OpenGL ES 2.0 Android apps ...
I love to enable 4x MSAA in most of the 3D games that I play. Anti-Aliasing will make the games graphics look great.
#96. A Quick Overview of MSAA - The Danger Zone
Results from non-MSAA and 4x MSAA rendering when a triangle partially covers a pixel. Based on an image from Real-Time Rendering, ...
#97. When will PS4 games use 4x MSAA? - PlayStation 4
Well with the implementation of anti-aliasing such as 4x samples is going to dramatically hurt ... MSAA is rarely used in modern pc games.
#98. RE:【問題】反鋸齒開哪種最好看
引述《deathnote440 (草衙新埔嗯嘎來)》之銘言> FXAA > MSAA > TXAA > SMAA > 以上四種哪種表現得最好FXAA的缺失是細節過於模糊,執行效率非常高, ...
4x msaa 在 [請益] 強制GPU轉譯強制4xMSAA 停用硬體重疊圖- 看板Android 的推薦與評價
※ 引述《blackeagle (愛上天使)》之銘言:
: 不好意思請教一下。
: 小弟我用的手機是去年六月購買的Acer Liquid E2
: 一直以來都在使用G+、FlipBoard這些比較吃圖像運算的apps都覺得有點lag
: 往往都會告訴自己大概是因為用廉價手機的關係吧所以lag一點什麼的完全可以接受
: 可是直到這兩天在網路上搜尋才發現
: 只要
: 開啟『強制使用GPU轉譯』
: 開啟『強制4x MSAA』
: 開啟『停用硬體重疊圖層』
: 就可以讓手機在大量圖形運算時變順
: 我照著做了,也確實變得超順
: 開FlipBoard每一頁翻過去都是順得不得了、圖都是第一時間就跑出來
: 可是我想請教一下,開啟這三項功能會有什麼後遺症嗎?
: 比如說會有耗電加速的問題嗎?
: 又,如果沒有開啟強制GPU轉譯的那個選項
: 原本預設的所有的圖形運算都是讓CPU去做、然後讓GPU閒著的嗎?
: 為什麼會預設這樣降低手機表現的模式呢?(所以一定有什麼後遺症?)
: 不好意思,如果問了很笨的問題請見諒^^"...真的還蠻好奇的^^"
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