張媽媽【焗西米布甸】今集介紹「焗西米布甸」,亦是有些網友要求參考我的做法。希望你們喜歡! 記得多啲 LIKE,多啲SUBSCRIBE,按SHARE給朋友家人。多謝大家支持!貼堂 hash tag mamacheungcooks 上Facebook 同Instagram啦!
Mama Cheung is sharing her recipe for Baked Sago Pudding, as this is a popular request for Chinese dessert. Hope you will like this recipe. Share your photos and comments to hash tag mamacheungcoooks on Facebook and Instagram! Click SHARE this recipe to your family and friends! SUBSCRIBE & LIKE = support! Thank you!
#張媽媽 #焗西米布甸 #mamacheungcooks
3人份量 3 person servings
食材份量 Ingredients
50克西米 50g Sago
30克吉士粉 30g Custard powder
40克白砂糖 40g Caster sugar
10克無鹽牛油 10g Unsalted butter
一隻雞蛋 1 Egg
200毫升鮮奶 200ml Milk
150毫升椰漿 150ml Coconut milk
100克紅豆蓉 100g Red bean paste
更多推介食譜 Recommended recipes:
桂花糕 | Osmanthus Jelly https://youtu.be/Z6CSlTfkxmU
紅豆蓉 | Red Bean Paste https://youtu.be/Aj5tpjD43vE
芒果糯米滋 | Mango Mochi https://youtu.be/XUyVWSgjous
豆腐花,豆漿 | Tofu Pudding, Soy Milk https://youtu.be/iE8dRWYGk9E
桑寄生蓮子雞蛋茶 | Mistletoe Lotus Seed Soup https://youtu.be/tmLY5q077hk
薑汁撞奶 | Ginger Milk Pudding https://youtu.be/6fWHzwAkoUw
電鍋蛋糕 | Rice Cooker Cake https://youtu.be/cNBB6-D3b4g
炸鮮奶 | Milk Fritters https://youtu.be/5VMQaZ_1H2w
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紅豆 桂花糕 食譜 在 張媽媽廚房Mama Cheung Youtube 的最佳貼文
張媽媽【杞子桂花糕】,清甜爽滑,養顏明目,飯後甜品或派對小食!請Like我的Video和訂閱我的頻道呀! 如喜歡的話,請分享給朋友家人。謝謝。
MamaCheung's "Goji Berry Osmanthus Jelly", a refreshing dessert served in Chinese restaurants. I hope you like it. Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you.
#張媽媽 #桂花糕 #mamacheungcooks
請大家幫幫忙做不同語言的字幕, Please help translate my video into different languages:
椰汁紅豆糕做法 Coconut Red Bean Pudding Recipe: https://youtu.be/gqX3-OQ6ocg
跟我聯繫 Connect with me:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mamacheungcooks
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Blogger: http://mamacheungcooks.blogspot.hk
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Tumblr: http://mamacheung.tumblr.com
材料 Ingredients (九件/9 pieces):
三十粒杞子 (浸發兩分鐘) 30 Goji berries, pre-soaked 2 minutes
一湯匙乾桂花 1tbsp Dried Osmanthus
一湯匙糖桂花 1 TBS Osmanthus sugar
三十克魚膠粉 30g Gelatine powder
五十克冰糖 50g Rock sugar
六百毫升水 600ml water
一個模子 (膠或鐵) 十四毫米 x十四毫米 x 六毫米 A plastic/metal container (14cm x 14cm x 6cm)
一些冰 Some ice for ice bath
食譜 Recipe: http://mamacheungcooks.blogspot.com/2017/04/goji-berry-osmanthus-jelly-easy-recipe.html