白浜に到着、遠方に見えるのは、「ホテルシーモア 」と海中展望台
私が学生時代にアルバイトしていました、 ほとんど変わりません、
和歌山県南西部の海岸沿いに位置し、観光と農業を主たる産業としている。特に観光業は、夏の海では小さな熱帯魚と共に泳ぐこともできるなど年中を通じて温暖な気候で知られるほか、南紀白浜温泉(白浜温泉)や、椿温泉(古くから白浜温泉の奥座敷として知られる)など温泉が多くあり(旧日置川町内にもある)、年間を通じての集客を行っている。白良浜などの海水浴場付近を中心にリゾート施設や、企業や各種団体などの別荘・保養所 が多数集まっている。
また、世界遺産にも登録された熊野古道の大辺路ルートが2本(富田坂・仏坂)通ってお り、こちらも観光の対象となっている。
なお、白浜町には全国でも珍しい、大字が無い住所がある(この場合の住所は「白浜町* ***番地」である)。
This side is a white good beach where the arrival at Mach mastering
single touring IN Kii peninsula Shirahama, and seeing in the distance
hardly worked part-time by "Hotel Seymour" and observatory in the sea
Watashi in the school days, and change.
It is located along the coast the Wakayama Prefecture southwest, and sightseeing and agriculture are assumed to be the main industry. Especially, the sightseeing industry are besides being known in the age because of the mild weather as can the swim in the sea of summer etc. with a small tropical fish (It is also in old Hikigawa-cho) a lot of hot springs such as the hot springs of Nanki Shirahama (Shirahama Spa) and Tsubaki Spa (It is known from of old as the back parlor in Shirahama Spa), and has done the running collection guest during year. The resort facilities and a lot of villas and rest homes of an enterprise and various groups, etc. have gathered around the vicinity of the seaside resort such as white good beaches.
Moreover, two (Tomitasaca and French slope) large near road routes of Kumano old of be registered in World Heritage road pass, and here is an object of sightseeing.
There is an unusual address without the county in Shirahama-cho also in the whole country (The
address in this case is "Shirahama-cho **** house number. ").

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