About 1,400 acres of lakefront will be reclaimed to fill a new airport
June 23, 2020 Local News 991 Tao Perseid
Samdech Techo Hun Sen also asked the owners of OCIC to help deepen the lake for the benefit of the people and the benefits for the new airport.
On the occasion of the inspection of the construction of the new airport in Kandal Stung district, Kandal province, on the morning of June 22, 2020, Hun Sen requested the Governor of OCIC Governor Pung Kheav Se to help deepen the lake and take land. From the renovation of the lake to the new airport.
“I told Pung Kheav Se to help dig deep into the lake and dump the soil into the airport,” he said. Why do I need to be reminded that this lake is so important that it is related to 2 provinces (2 districts in Takeo and 1 in Kandal province)? ”
He also stated in detail the benefits of the lake and that "the lake is a source of water for farmers in the paddy fields and parts of Prey Kabbas district. From the Yuvu River to the Tonle Sap, the Tonle Sap must store plenty of water there.
Also, he said: "We need to find land from the reservoirs to fill the airfields for the company, but for the benefit of the state and the people. When the lake is deep, it will create our stocks of fish that will grow in the lake. But Boeung Trang Lake is not just dealing with the source of water for irrigation, but the Tonle Sap Lake is the source of our evacuation of Prek Pn flood because from time to time, flooding of Prek Thnout will occur. “The flood of Prek Prasat is in the Tonle Sap, but when the Tonle Sap River is high, when the floodwaters come, we have to avoid it to the lake.”
Choeung Leu Lake is a large natural lake in the south of Phnom Penh. This natural lake covers an area of about 14 square kilometers, or about 1,400 hectares, located 26 to 26 kilometers from Phnom Penh and approximately. 10km from Phnom Penh Thmey International Airport.
Also, as the ninth largest airport in the world will be built on an area of up to 2,600 hectares, the demand for filling land at the new Phnom Penh International Airport is estimated. There will be millions more cubic meters.
他说:“我告诉方僑生勛爵,帮助深入挖掘湖泊,并将土壤倾倒入机场。”为什么需要提醒我,这个湖泊是如此重要,以至于它涉及2个省(茶胶省2个区和干拉省1个区) ”
他还详细说明了湖泊的好处,并说:“湖泊是稻田和Prey Kabbas地区部分地区农民的水源,从Yuvu河到Tonle Sap,Tonle Sap必须储存大量水。
他还说:“我们需要从水库中寻找土地,为公司填充飞机场,但这是为了国家和人民的利益。当湖深时,它将创造出我们将在这里生长的鱼类资源。但是,Boeung Trang湖不仅处理灌溉用水,而且Tonle Sap湖是我们撤离Prek Pn洪水的源头,因为不时会发生Prek Thnout洪水。 Prek Prasat的地图位于洞里萨湖(Tonle Sap),但是当洞里萨湖(Tonle Sap River)河高时,当洪水涌入时,我们必须避免将其倒入湖中。”
Choeung Leu湖是金边南部的大型天然湖泊。这个天然湖泊占地约14平方公里(约1400公顷),距金边约26公里,距离金边新国际机场10公里。