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Product mentioned:
1. 入院文件+身份證
2. 六甲村束腹帶
【【台湾进口】六甲村产后收腹带加强型孕妇顺产剖腹产妇月子束缚带】https://m.tb.cn/h.emt5JWo?sm=8b12ba 点击链接,再选择浏览器咑閞;或椱ァ製这段描述$e1tWYni9Tcw$后到?◇綯℡寳?
3. NUK乳墊
4. Bravadol哺乳胸圍
5. 淘寶哺乳胸圍
【孕妇内衣哺乳文胸喂奶防下垂聚拢怀孕期女纯棉舒适胸罩秋冬产后薄】https://m.tb.cn/h.eNMxjft?sm=0d68db 点击链接,再选择浏览器咑閞;或椱ァ製这段描述€Pl3PYniDsIz€后到?◇綯℡寳?
6. Mothercare產婦衛生巾
7. Cantaloop產後網褲
8. 沖洗器
【婴儿洗屁屁神器肛门阴道私处清洗器妇洗器喷头冲洗器产妇产后用品】https://m.tb.cn/h.eNA6Pbo?sm=bac889 点击链接,再选择浏览器咑閞;或椱ァ製这段描述$WDsvYniEj61$后到?◇綯℡寳?
9. NUK乳頭濕紙巾
10. Babynes BB奶粉 0-3 months**
11. 開鈕睡衣
12. 沖涼毛巾
13. 出院衣物+帽
14. BB出院衣物 from carters & purerest nature
15. 護膚品
- Bifesta make up removing wipe
- On the body cleansing foam
- Guerlain super aqua lotion
- Chantecaille blue light protection hyaluronic serum*
- Darphin Inral redness relief soothing serum
- Darphin hydraskin light gel cream*
- Estée Lauder advanced night repair eye
- Ampleur luxury white W protect UV+
16. 化妝品
- Tangle Teezer
- Laura Mercier tinted moisturiser*
- IPSA creative EX concealer*
- Make Up Forever matte velvet skin compact*
- Make Up forever pro sculpting brow*
- Clarins Joli rouge lipstick (705 L soft Betty)
17. 有度數的眼鏡
⌲我的膚質/My skin type
Sensitive skin/ Combo skin in spring summer/ Combo dry in Fall Winter
⌲身高/Height 169cm
Canon M50/G7X MarkII
⌲編輯軟件/Editing software
Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017/After Effect
Disclaimer: This video is sponsored by Babynes.
Products with a (*) = Sent by PR for reviewing purpose but NOT PAID to mention
Products with a (**) = PAID to mention
All opinions are 100% honest

六甲村胸圍 在 2022年最新哺乳內衣推薦!購買時機是?PTT網友好評不踩雷 的推薦與評價
軟鋼圈無痕孕哺內衣, 六甲村. Mammy Village 零著感美背 無鋼圈孕哺內衣, 貝恩Baan 時尚性感胸罩哺乳內衣, 康貝Combi Cupro運動風 哺乳胸罩, Olivia ... <看更多>