アルカトラズE.R. 渋谷刑務所病院は、世界最凶の医療刑務所をテーマにした アミューズメントレストラン(居酒屋)です。
客室が レントゲン室、手術室などになり、鉄格子で仕切られた店内。メニューは気持ち悪い系からアダルト系のFoodとDrinkがありどれもユニークで楽しいです。
Alcatraz E.R. is definitely one of the many intesting places to visit in Tokyo, Japan. It is a combination of prison and hospital themed restaurant, a very well thought concept I must say.
We experienced some kind of drinking game where the guy gets slapped by the nurse, it was sooo funny.
Also enjoy a baby bottle filled with the greatest milky Kahlua you've ever had.
If you've been there long enough, the lights may suddenly turn off, and things get real.
Drinks and food are pricey, but that's to be expected for this kind of show. Have fun!
刑務所病院レストラン アルカトラズ
【閲覧注意】イナゴバーガー / Grasshopper Burger
【デンマーク語】PPAP Danish ver. / PAAP (Pen-Ananas-Æble-Pen)
Screaming at the top of Mt.Fuji / 【富士登山】最高の瞬間
Extra Spicy Challenge in Tokyo!!! 激辛グルメ祭り 2016
Ramen Challenge !!! / 【大食い】ラーメンチャレンジ